How to know the Wi-Fi range your mobile phone is connected to and why it is important to know

How to know the Wi-Fi range your mobile phone is connected to and why it is important to know

Connecting your mobile phone to the right WiFi band is important for the connection to work properly. We will explain why and also talk about how to know if you are connected to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. The process can be very simple, although it can sometimes become a bit complicated depending on the model you have. You will see that it will be essential to have good network speed and stability.

How to know the Wi-Fi range your mobile phone is connected to and why it is important to know

In general, the 2.4 GHz band is the best choice for connecting devices farther away from the router, although speed will be reduced. On the other hand, 5 GHz offers faster speeds, but is more sensitive to distance and potential obstacles. Naturally, current cell phones allow the use of both bands.

The easiest way to find out if your mobile is connected to 2.4 or 5 GHz is to use the phone settings. However, this is not available on all versions, so it will depend on your device.

To do this, as long as it is like this on your mobile, you have to go to Settings, enter Connections, go to Wi-Fi and click there on Settings, within the corresponding network, which will be the connected network. Data such as IP address, MAC address, etc. will appear. You can also see if it is connected to 2.4 or 5 GHz. If nothing appears, it is because you cannot check it this way on your mobile.

Don’t worry if you can’t see it, as you’ll be able to use the apps on any device. We’ve used WiFi Analyzer , although you can use many other similar tools, with the option to see which band the device is connected to as well. All you have to do is launch the app and you’ll see different options related to your Wi-Fi network. You have to tap on Network Details and everything will appear there.

- Why is it important?

But does it really matter whether you connect to one band or another? The truth is yes, because this will help you have a stable connection, good speed and get the most out of your devices. You should not always connect to the same band, as we will explain, but choose the band you need at each moment.

The 2.4 GHz frequency is best when communicating far from the router. It is less sensitive to distance and obstacles, although its speed is slower. Home automation devices typically use this band, as they do not require a lot of speed.

Wi-Fi 7 has been officially launched

As for the 5GHz frequency, it is ideal when you want to connect close to the router and want maximum speed. Keep in mind that it is more sensitive to distance and obstacles, so it will be difficult for you to connect from a further distance.

In short, checking whether you are connected to 2.4 or 5GHz with your mobile phone is simple. This is important because it will help you get the most out of your connection and avoid issues that may limit your wireless network speed or stability.
