Goodbye to traditional methods | AI search engines offer a revolutionary search experience


Goodbye to traditional methods | AI search engines offer a revolutionary search experience

Are you ready to experience the search revolution? Discover AI search engines. We are used to getting a huge amount of links when searching for answers on the internet but no clear answer, so this is where AI comes to help!

In our current era, with our great progress in technology and the spread of artificial intelligence in our world, search engines have become more intelligent and capable of understanding users’ needs and answering them accurately. The task of searching the Internet is no longer just entering keywords and obtaining a list of links, but has become a smart experience that relies on advanced AI technologies to provide more appropriate and reliable results.

In this article, we will explore the most prominent AI search engines, and how these technologies are changing the way we search the internet. We will learn about new search engines that provide direct and concise answers using AI. We will also discuss the future of search engines and how the AI ​​revolution will affect the way we search and interact with information on the web. Will smart search engines replace traditional search? What are the challenges and opportunities facing these new technologies? We will discuss all of this in our article, follow us to learn more.

What are AI search engines?

An AI search engine is a search engine that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to provide more relevant results. This engine works much like a typical search engine, but it offers some improvements. Instead of focusing only on keywords and links, it goes deeper using artificial intelligence techniques.

Or we can say a more simplified definition that an AI search engine is an online tool that helps users by answering their questions using artificial intelligence. It is more useful than a general search engine of course. This tool can understand the user’s requirements even if the prompt is incomplete. It also produces answers based on the commands given to it.

AI search engines

Are AI search engines better than Google?

When defining search engines with artificial intelligence, this definition will bring a large wave of questions to your mind, the first of which is that these engines are considered much better than Google. Well, the answer to this question is a little confusing, but in many cases we can only say that it is much better, as there is a big difference between search engines with artificial intelligence and the Google search engine.

Where artificial intelligence search engines allow you to chat with it and provide answers in real time, again if you do not like it you can ask it to change its tone or add more information, i.e. in artificial intelligence search engines you can control everything of course except the answers to the questions you ask, and this type of personalized search is not possible at all with Google.

AI search engines

When you ask Google anything, be prepared for the huge amount of links that will appear to you, with lots and lots of searching, of course, in order to reach your answer, which you will reach after much trouble and spending a lot of time and effort. However, the complete opposite is the search engines with artificial intelligence, as just asking gives you the answer with the sources as well. So what do you think, reader, which is better for you?

The difference between AI search engines and traditional search engines

AI search engines differ significantly from traditional search engines in how they work and function. Below we will show you some of the main advantages that AI  search engines offer :

Understand the questions

While traditional search engines typically focus on matching the keywords in your query, AI search engines take into account the context and the way you ask your question.

Learn from the questions asked

Traditional search engines start from scratch with every query, while AI search engines learn from past interactions using machine learning algorithms.

Ability to handle complex inquiries

AI search engines can solve more complex and lengthy questions, while traditional search engines are limited to simple and shorter queries.

Answering various inquiries

AI search engines can engage in conversation and answer follow-up questions, whereas traditional search engines are limited to simply providing answers to queries.

AI search engines

Are AI search engines better than traditional ones?

AI search engines offer several advantages over regular search engines. They are designed to better understand natural language queries, which can lead to more relevant search results. As mentioned earlier, AI search engines can also learn from user behaviors and preferences to effectively personalize search results. Additionally, they can provide more accurate answers. While traditional search engines are still widely used and effective, AI search engines have the potential to offer more advanced and personalized search experiences to users.

How to make AI search engines?

AI search engines improve your search experience:

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the context of your query, and when you ask a question, an AI search engine uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to determine the context behind the words.

Indexing techniques

Searches the web using indexing techniques to quickly locate relevant pages. It then searches the internet using indexing techniques to quickly locate relevant pages and chooses the best result based on factors such as quality, freshness of data, and how well it meets your needs. Once it has a list of options, it chooses the best result based on factors such as quality, freshness of data, and how well it meets your needs.

Customize results

Personalize search results based on search history, location, device, and preferences (if the tool allows it). Then, if the tool you're using allows it, you can personalize search results based on your search history, location, device, and preferences.

AI search engines

Features of artificial intelligence search engines

AI-powered search engines offer many features that enhance the user experience and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of search results. The most important of these are:

Better understand the context of the research

Natural Language Understanding:

AI search engines can understand the meaning of user queries more deeply, including the context and intent behind them.

Search forecasting:

It can complete incomplete search queries and provide relevant suggestions based on the search context.

Dealing with complex questions:

It enables her to answer open-ended or complex questions in a comprehensive and informative manner.

Improve the accuracy of search results


AI search engines can personalize search results for each user based on their search history and personal preferences.

Verify information:

It enables it to distinguish reliable content from unreliable content, and display the most accurate information that is relevant to the user's needs.

Combating misinformation:

It can detect misleading or fake content and avoid displaying it in search results.

AI search engines

Provide an improved user experience

Multimedia results:

AI-powered search engines enable search results to be displayed in multimedia format, including images, videos, and audio.

Personal assistance:

It enables users to help complete tasks, such as booking flights or finding products.

Natural interaction:

It enables you to interact with users in a natural and easy-to-use way, such as using a chatbot.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Providing insights into user behavior:

AI- powered  search engines can collect and analyze data about user behavior, helping website owners improve their site content to make it more relevant to users' needs.

Predicting search trends:

It enables us to predict future search trends, helping website owners improve their site content to match these trends.

Examples of the most popular AI search engines

Here are the 14 best AI search engines:

AI search engines

Perplexity AI

AI search engines like Perplexity AI are revolutionizing the world of online information exploration. Perplexity AI not only provides answers to your complex queries, but also provides you with relevant references and resources. Isn’t that amazing?

How does Perplexity AI work?

Perplexity AI works by understanding natural language, allowing users to interact with it in a conversational way. Perplexity AI does the following:

  • Explore and organize web content based on importance.
  • Select the best relevant pages.
  • Provide a brief summary of the results.
  • Gives you the option of quick search and professional search (for more detailed answers to more complex inquiries).

Perplexity AI Features

Perplexity AI doesn’t just let you ask questions, it also offers many additional functions. With this AI search engine, you can:

  • Get topics related to your inquiries and ask follow-up questions.
  • Get cited sources for further exploration.
  • Search for images and videos.
  • Create images, icons and shorten articles.
  • Save your search history.
  • Define your research area.
  • Attach and interact with PDFs, images, and text.
  • Organize your library into “collections.”
  • Adjust preferences such as location, language, and privacy settings.
  • Turning your searches into web pages, Perplexity AI creates draft articles and reports that you can later customize by formatting the page and adding images.

AI search engines


Waldo is an AI-powered search engine that leverages the indexing of major search platforms like Google and Bing. Instead of just presenting a long list of URLs, Waldo gives you a slightly different interface that shows you concise, up-to-date information based on your query and various questions.

Why is Waldo different from other search engines?

Unlike traditional search engines designed for everyday use, Waldo focuses primarily on professional and research queries, providing you with powerful tools to help you collect and analyze information in an efficient way, making it one of the most powerful AI search engines.

How does Waldo work?

  • Smart Search: When you ask Waldo a question, it scans the web and pulls up information for you from trusted sources.
  • Display sources: Waldo makes sure to display the source of the information next to each result so you can evaluate its credibility.
  • Expandable Summaries: Waldo provides you with brief summaries of information that you can expand upon and get more detail by requesting additional sources.

Waldo Features

  • Ask questions or choose from automated research workflows.
  • Get suggestions for other questions to take your research deeper.
  • Ask follow-up questions about the information you found.
  • Create tables and upload them in the format you want.
  • Export search results to Google Docs, email, or Office apps.
  • Publish your research, including all citations and sources used.

AI search engines


Search engines are one of the most important tools we use to navigate the vast world of the internet, but what if a search engine could understand your questions in natural language and give you direct answers without having to sort through pages of search results? That’s ChatGPT, a large language model trained on massive amounts of text and code. It’s not exactly like an AI  search engine , but it does give you quick and simple answers to your questions and helps you create content and other various tasks that traditional search engines can’t do.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a prominent example of a language model powered by AI search engines. Who among us has not heard of it, of course? Here's how it works:

  • Analyzing massive amounts of data: ChatGPT starts by analyzing massive amounts of text data, including texts found on the web, books, articles, and more.
  • Using a Large Language Model (LLM): Next, ChatGPT uses a Large Language Model (LLM), which is a sophisticated AI technology capable of processing and understanding natural language incredibly well.
  • Understanding user queries: Using its knowledge of language gained from data analysis, ChatGPT can understand user queries asked in natural language.
  • Generate human-like answers: After understanding the question, ChatGPT uses LLM to generate human-like answers that serve as a summary of the relevant information it found in its analysis of the data.
  • Continuous learning and evolution: With every user interaction, ChatGPT learns and evolves. It takes into account the user’s feedback on its answers to improve its future responses.

ChatGPT Features

AI search engines like ChatGPT have several important advantages, including:

  • Understanding natural language queries: ChatGPT can understand questions asked in a natural way, making it easier for users to find the information they need.
  • Maintaining the context of the conversation: ChatGPT can track the context of the conversation, allowing it to provide more relevant and targeted answers.
  • Personalization based on interactions: ChatGPT learns from its interactions with users and uses this information to personalize its responses to match the user's style and preferences.
  • Continuous improvement: AI search engines like ChatGPT are constantly improving their responses based on feedback and interactions with users.

AI search engines


AI search engines are powerful tools that help users find the information they need quickly and efficiently. Similar to other search engines, Brave presents its summary results at the top of the page, but what really sets Brave apart is its special focus on developers, thanks to the CodeLLM feature that helps with query-related programming.

Why is Brave the best choice for developers?

There are many things that make Brave an attractive option for developers. Here are some of its most important features:

  • Unparalleled privacy: Brave runs on its own independent search indexes, doesn't track your activity like other search engines, and your data is completely safe as it's never collected, shared, or sold.
  • A hassle-free experience: Brave blocks trackers and annoying ads on websites, giving you a smoother, more focused browsing experience.
  • Informative search results: Brave doesn't just show you links, it also gives you summaries with additional information like websites, lists, direct answers, and featured recipes, saving you time and effort.
  • Filter search results based on your needs: Brave allows you to filter search results by images, news, icons, geographic area, and recently published results.
  • Integrate multiple sources: In addition to traditional search results, Brave provides you with additional information about the topic you are researching from trusted sites like Reddit, giving you a broader, more comprehensive view.
  • Completely Free: Brave Search is completely free to use, making it a great option for developers looking for powerful and useful tools without financial constraints.

AI search engines


Komo 's AI is designed to provide answers that are tailored to you (i.e., formulated answers).

How does Komo work?

  • Komo uses advanced AI models to collect and analyze information from many online sources.
  • When you ask a question, Komo carefully examines these resources to provide a comprehensive but concise answer.
  • The answer is structured in a clear and easy-to-understand manner with emphasis on the main ideas.

Komo Features

In addition to AI-powered search, Komo also offers you:

  • The ability to get answers to your inquiries in an informative way through the chatbot feature.
  • Explore a topic by scanning all social networks.

AI search engines


Like many other AI search engines , YEP uses AI to improve the quality of search results it provides to users, but unlike other search tools, YEP specializes in visual search and is also a revenue-sharing search engine.

How does YEP work?

YEP evaluates several factors to determine the highest-ranking search results, including site authority, keyword relevance, the strength of backlinks pointing to the page, and user experience data.

But what really sets YEP apart is its revenue sharing model. YEP is based on a 90/10 split model, where 90% of ad revenue goes directly to content creators. This means that high-quality content will get a bigger reward, which encourages the creation of useful and search-relevant content. This is very exciting and encouraging for content creators, of course.

YEP Features

With YEP, you can benefit from the following features:

  • Get answers to a wide range of topics in multiple languages.
  • Chat with an intelligent bot that can understand and generate texts.
  • Get text summaries plus relevant links.
  • Stay up to date with the latest news on any topic that interests you.

As you can see, YEP is not just about visual search, but also offers a variety of features that make it an attractive option for anyone looking for an information-rich search experience.

AI search engines

Exa AI

The power of Exa AI lies in its ability to understand the meaning of your search queries, not just focus on keywords, which means you'll get more accurate results that are more relevant to what you're actually looking for.

How does Exa AI work?

Exa AI uses an innovative approach to understanding your search queries. It relies on a transformer architecture to predict links based on text inputs. Furthermore, Exa is trained on how people discuss links and topics online, which helps it develop a model that gives you not only relevant links, but also high-quality, reliable links.

Exa AI Key Features

Exa AI not only provides accurate search results, but it also gives you a powerful set of features to enhance your search experience, the most important of which are:

  • Sort search results by time or location: You can customize your search results to show you new or old pages, or you can even specify a specific website to search within.
  • Improve your query with one click: Did you word your query in a unclear way? Don't worry, Exa provides you with suggestions to improve your query and get better results.
  • Search different types of files: Exa's search capabilities are not limited to web pages only, you can also search PDF files, documents, news, companies and more.
  • Use of API: Exa provides a programming interface for developers, allowing them to integrate Exa's advanced search functionality into their own applications using multiple programming languages.

AI search engines


Gemini , formerly known as Google Bard, is a bit of an easy-to-use AI  search engine designed to help you with writing, planning, and more. It’s a multi-tasking, language-understanding model at scale, but it’s not like the full-stack AI search engines mentioned above so far. Why? Because it’s a more intelligent tool that can be used to search for information, get things done, and create creative content, but some people rely on it for search instead of traditional search engines.

How does Gemini work?

Gemini generates results based on the instructions you provide. It provides more accurate statistical data compared to other AI  search engines . Moreover, it generates a detailed answer and adjusts it based on your tone of voice.

Gemini Key Features

  • It provides human-like text answers to users and simplifies and explains the answer in many ways.
  • He excels at providing the latest statistical data.
  • Allows users to give instructions in different types using images, audio and screenshots.
  • Its extensions allow connection to various Google services such as Google Flights, Google Maps, Google Hotels, Google Workspace, YouTube and more.
  • Understands high-quality programming languages ​​such as Python, Java, C++, and Go (programming languages).

AI search engines

You is an innovative AI-powered search platform that helps you plan, write and create unique content. is so smart that it can complete any search-related task in a short time. It also prioritizes user privacy and control. In addition to being a search engine, offers a separate AI writing tool called YouWrite.

You's main features

  • Detailed Answers with Trusted Sources: not only provides search results, but also comprehensive answers to your questions based on trusted sources. These sources are displayed at the bottom of the page so you can verify the credibility of the information yourself.
  • Diverse Search Results: is not limited to text search results only, but also allows you to search for information using images, videos, audio files, and other different search formats.
  • Custom search by region: allows you to select your preferred geographic region, and display search results based on your location.
  • User Control of Data: You can provide with some information about yourself, which helps it provide more personalized search results to you.
  • User Privacy: You AI Search Engine attaches great importance to user privacy and does not share your personal data with any third party.

AI search engines


Phind is an AI research tool designed specifically to help developers solve complex technical problems and improve their programming efficiency. It provides support to developers in dealing with complex programming projects in an efficient manner.

How does Phind work?

In our experience with Phind, we asked a general question at the beginning, and the answer provided by the search engine was based on scientific information closely related to the question asked. In addition, Phind suggested other questions related to the search topic. In the case of code, Phind is able to generate code in a matter of minutes, and it also provides a brief explanation of what these codes do, which is a very useful feature.

Key features that Phind offers to developers

  • Intelligent and Accurate Model Built for Developers: Phind has a massive and precisely designed model to meet the needs of developers, making it able to understand their complex technical queries and provide accurate answers.
  • Use of NVIDIA's TensorRT-LLM library for improved efficiency: Phind works with NVIDIA's TensorRT-LLM library, which helps improve the efficiency of generating snippets of code.
  • Search for code snippets within specific libraries: Phind allows developers to search for snippets within specific libraries, saving time and effort spent on searching.
  • Providing diverse educational resources: Phind provides developers with access to articles, tutorials, and other diverse educational resources on programming, which contributes to supporting them and enhancing their skills.
  • Suggest code improvements: Phind gives developers suggestions on how to improve their code in an easy-to-understand, conversational style.

AI search engines


Andi  is an AI  search engine that provides clear, conversational answers rather than just links. It leverages generative AI to deliver an ad-free, privacy-focused experience, making information retrieval seamless and intuitive.

How does Andi work?

Andy stands out from traditional search engines by integrating real-time data and semantic search technology, ensuring users get accurate and concise information from a wide range of sources.

The main features provided by Andi

There are several things that distinguish Andi from traditional search engines, including:

  • Use of Generative AI: Andi uses generative AI technology to understand your query and generate direct and clear answers, saving you the time and effort you would have spent browsing multiple links to find the information you need.
  • Semantic Search: Andi doesn’t just rely on keyword matching, it also uses semantic search to understand the context and meaning behind your query. This means you can ask natural questions and get accurate answers even if you don’t use the right keywords.
  • Real-time data: Andi integrates real-time data with your search results, ensuring you get accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Ad-Free Experience: Andi focuses on providing an ad-free experience, allowing you to focus on the information you need without any distractions.

AI search engines


Baggoodex , an advanced AI-powered search engine, transforms the online search experience by providing instant, high-quality results on a single page. It addresses the common problem of low-quality, irrelevant search results by using a unique algorithm to deliver accurate answers, enhanced by image and video recommendations, AI-powered weather forecasts, and many more features.

Baggoodex Key Features

Of course, there are many features that distinguish the Baggoodex AI engine from traditional engines. Here are some of the features:

  • High-quality results: Delivers instant, accurate, and relevant search results on one page.
  • Enhanced Search: Features photo or video recommendations, AI weather forecasts, and detailed location descriptions with maps.
  • User Access: Free access without registration, available in multiple languages, ad-free.
  • Privacy Protection: Ensures complete protection of user data and search history.

AI search engines


DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused, non-tracking internet search engine that is a popular alternative to other search engines like Google. It sets itself apart with unique features that make it an ideal choice for users who care about protecting their personal data and who love artificial intelligence, of course, as it is one of the most famous artificial intelligence search engines.

A simple idea about DuckDuckGo

It is completely different from traditional search engines as DuckDuckGo does not track your search history or online behavior, which means that your personal data is safe. Also, DuckDuckGo displays the same search results to all users, regardless of their location or search history, meaning that it does not differentiate between users as happens in some search engines.

DuckDuckGo Key Features

  • Privacy: DuckDuckGo's main feature is its focus on protecting users' privacy.
  • Accuracy: DuckDuckGo provides accurate and reliable search results from a wide range of sources.
  • Speed: DuckDuckGo provides a fast and efficient search experience.
  • Ease of Use: DuckDuckGo has a simple and easy to use interface.
  • Additional Features: DuckDuckGo offers a range of useful add-ons to enhance your search experience.

AI search engines

Globe Explorer

Globe Explorer is an AI-powered search engine and knowledge exploration platform that uses advanced language models to deliver comprehensive, visually engaging results on any given topic.

A simple idea about Globe Explorer

Globe Explorer goes beyond traditional  search engines by using  artificial intelligence to deeply understand queries and present information in an organized and interactive way – much like a dedicated Wikipedia page, the platform allows users to discover, organize and share knowledge in an efficient and engaging way, making it useful for research, learning and professional applications.

Globe Explorer Key Features

  • Use large language models (LLMs): to deeply understand search queries and deliver comprehensive, visually rich results.
  • Present information in an organized and interactive way: with mind maps, articles, videos and other multimedia.
  • Designed to enhance understanding and exploration of complex topics: by breaking them down in an easy-to-digest way.
  • Supports collaboration and sharing: Users can contribute their own content and comments.
  • It is seen as an alternative to traditional search engines: as well as platforms like Wikipedia and Perplexity AI.
  • Useful for students, researchers, professionals: and anyone looking to understand a topic in depth.

AI search engines

Are there other search engines that work with artificial intelligence?

There are of course AI search engines, which use natural language processing, machine learning and other AI techniques to provide more accurate and relevant search results, but they are not exactly like the AI ​​search engines we talked about above and do not give you an accurate answer or a simplified concept, but rather rely on giving you links that help you in the search, and these engines include:


When talking about these engines, Microsoft's Bing search engine comes in , which is not limited to searching for textual information, but also provides an AI-powered chat feature for more interactions, but it is not a full-fledged AI search engine, as we explained before.


Google has developed several AI-powered search engines, including Google Assistant and Google Lens, which use machine learning algorithms to provide more accurate and relevant search results.


Amazon has developed several AI search engines, including Amazon Alexa and Amazon SageMaker, which use machine learning algorithms to provide more accurate and relevant search results.


Baidu is a Chinese search engine that uses AI-powered algorithms to provide more accurate and relevant search results.


Yandex is a Russian search engine that uses AI-powered algorithms to provide more accurate and relevant search results for the topics you are looking for, but as I mentioned earlier, these engines are not exactly the same as AI search engines. There is a big difference between them.

AI search engines

How do I choose the best AI search engines?

I have tested every AI search engine and from here I can say that it differs from one user to another, because there are some factors that you should take into consideration including:

  • Price, you may be surprised but most of the AI ​​search engines mentioned above are free but there are upgrades to premium subscription if you want to take full advantage.
  • Quality insights powered by AI.
  • User Interface: There are some engines that have a difficult interface for some users, and this depends on your usage.

In the end, we have explained to you the best 14 artificial intelligence search engines, and we have explained a simple overview of each engine. Now it all depends on you, will you use these engines or will you type in traditional engines? If you use one of the artificial intelligence search engines, tell us your opinion. Is it worth the hype? Did it really help you in performing your tasks or did it not have enough impact for you?

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