Goodbye to the famous Windows Control Panel: Microsoft decides to remove it

Goodbye to the famous Windows Control Panel: Microsoft decides to remove it

Microsoft has just announced that the Windows Control Panel is coming to an end. The news comes as no surprise to anyone, as Microsoft has been making a number of updates to the Windows 11 interface, and naturally, this is one of the most radical steps for the company.

Goodbye to the famous Windows Control Panel: Microsoft decides to remove it

The Control Panel has been integrated into Windows for 39 years. The usefulness of this configuration space has diminished over the years, becoming a virtually useless section except in rare cases. This situation seems to be the reason why Microsoft decided to bet on its demise.

The announcement made by Microsoft through a post on its official blog indicates that the Control Panel has been neglected because users have access to a more modern control system which is the Windows Settings menu.

Despite this announcement, Microsoft did not provide a specific date when the control panel will cease to exist. The company said that its plans will be known in the coming months.

Not all users may agree with this change, and the control panel has been with users for decades. In addition, some people are used to making settings from this section instead of accessing the settings.

Now we just have to wait and see how this change will develop over the next few months. Everything indicates that Microsoft will take its time when removing the Control Panel. Most likely, when making this change, they will wait to release a public update for Windows 11.
