Find out the difference between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi and which one is the best between them

Find out the difference between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi and which one is the best between them

If you are connected to the Internet via a router, you certainly use Wi-Fi technologyit has become everywhere, we are always looking for it more than we are looking for money, it is possible to go to a specific place or a café that does not provide high services.

but it has free Wi-Fiand certainly this is enough because in this case you got a free router, but if you want to buy a router, you will find some routers that have a feature that allows you to broadcast Wi-Fi in a 5 GHz 5GHz space, but what does this mean? Is this better than the 2.4GHz that is found in most routers now, in this article we will explain all this to you.

Find out the difference between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi and which one is the best between them

Dear reader, have you noticed that all wireless devices that depend on radio waves in your home operate at a frequency of 2.4GHz? As this includes all Bluetooth devices in your home, whether it is Bluetooth headphones or wireless mouses, as well as everything that works with Wi-Fi or wireless technology, whether it is your computer or a phone connected to the router or through Wi-Fi or a wireless charger, almost everything that works wireless depends on 2.4 GHz.

These are the advantages and motivations for considering buying a tri-wave router

The reason behind this is the United States FCC, where it divided the frequency spectrum so that the frequency would have a license for a specific thing, but they left one frequency for industry, science and medicine for their own broadcasting, which is 2.4 GHz, and then this system was imitated and this frequency was used all over the world with the aim of unifying radios and their signals from exposure to annoying wireless interference

so you can imagine that you have to change your phone settings every time You do it in traveling to another country, but thanks to this standard system, we do not have to do this, as it divided the frequency spectrum so that radio signals from all devices do not enter your home at the same time, so that all services that depend on radio signals communicate with each other without any conflict.

What is the reason behind the release of the 5 GHz frequency?
In 2009, a new standard wireless system called IEEE 802.11n was released, which allows routers to use the 2.4 GHz frequency band or use the 5 GHz frequency band in order to send Wi-Fi signals, and the reason for this is to allow users to use routers or that you have a lot of wireless and Bluetooth devices in your home and they operate in the frequency range of 2.4-2.4835GHz only.

It is possible and under any circumstances that you have to live in a place that depends on a router with a space of 2.4 GHz, which is not comfortable at many times because the Internet connection will be very weak at certain times, and these times are when most wireless devices and Bluetooth work in your home and in this case the best solution for you will be to use a new frequency space, which is 5 GHz, in order to stay away from wireless interference that may occur It affects internet speed.

Who is the best among them?

The only advantage that is found in the 5 GHz connection is that you are away from the interference that may occur and you will get a stable and fast Internet, but you should know that the speed of your Internet connection will not increase and you will not get any additional speed when you use the frequency of 5 GHz and this is not true, you will not get less inconvenience and interference, and you should notice that high frequencies weaken with time quickly and this is according to the laws of physics.

Therefore, if you live in a large house, it is better to use a router that supports 2.4 GHz or use repeaters, but if you want to use the 5 GHz frequency, it is weak and needs few distances, it is possible that router manufacturers can make the router use higher electricity in order to be able to broadcast Wi-Fi signals to long distances, but this costs a lot and will not be economical for any average user.
