Exploration in the deep web | The other side of the internet

Exploration in the deep web | The other side of the internet

Exploration in the deep web | The other side of the internet

Deep web! Imagine with me that in the world we live in and with this development and technology there is a bright future, full of amazing ideas and creative inventions and the contributor or common factor in these things is the Internet and the information it gives us and other amazing things, what would happen if I told you that this ideal world that you surround yourself with is something completely opposite behind it? 

What would you say? 

Would you agree with me or would you feel strange? Well! What if I told you that there is a hidden part of the Internet that no one wants to approach because of the dangers in it? Do you understand this part or are you still confused? Don't worry, I will explain to you everything you want to know about the deep web and also the Dark Web, so follow me to learn more.

What is the Internet made of?

You may think that this question is easy to answer, so you will answer as follows: It consists of a complex and interconnected network of smaller networks, such as: home networks, companies, universities, and governments. These multiple networks are connected to each other via undersea cables, and contain optical fibers, wireless connections, and others.

But is this the answer to the question of how the Internet was created and not what the Internet consists of? The answer to this question is that the Internet is a vast and complex world, and much more than what we see when we browse traditional search engines. The Internet can be divided into three main parts:

Surface Web

  • What is it? It is the visible and publicly available part of the Internet, including social networking sites, search engines, news sites, online shopping stores, and many more.
  • How to get there? You can easily get there by typing the website address into your browser or by searching in search engines like Google and Bing.

Deep Web

  • What is it? It is the largest and deepest part of the Internet, which is not indexed by traditional search engines. It includes private databases, content that requires login, dynamic content that is generated based on user request, and more.
  • Why isn't it indexed? Because search engines can't access this content, either because it's password protected or requires special  software to access it.
  • Examples: protected academic content, medical records, electronic banking, etc.

 Dark Web

  • What is it? It is part of the deep web, but it requires special software and networks to access it. The dark web is usually accessed using the Tor browser, which hides the user's identity.
  • Why is it used? The dark web is used for illegal purposes. Examples of illegal use include: drug trafficking, arms sales, exchange of classified information, and other illegal activities.

This is a picture above that may simplify the information a little after the explanation above, but we will still explain everything in detail, so don't worry.

What is the Deep Web?

The Deep Web is a part of the Internet that you can't access through search engines like Google and Bing. It's also referred to as "unindexed" content, which is any content that's hidden behind some kind of access control like a password or code.

Have you ever wondered how big the Deep Web is? It contains 7,500 terabytes of information, compared to only 19 terabytes of information in the “surface” web. In other words, it makes up between 90% and 95% of the Internet. Can you imagine the size?

Examples of Deep Web

Want examples of this? Guess what? You use the Deep Web more than you think! For example, your Gmail inbox and Google Drive are part of the Deep Web because they don’t exist as publicly accessible domains. Other examples include your bank account page, your social media settings page, your blog’s admin page, and some academic journals. These websites are located in directories that Google (and other search engines) are forbidden from crawling, meaning they are confidential.

Other examples of Deep Web content:

Of course, the examples above are not enough. Here are more of the Deep Web that we use without even knowing that it is the Deep Web:

  • Private databases: Information held on company internal networks, academic databases, and government resources that are not publicly available.
  • Subscription services: Content behind paywalls such as news sites, streaming services, and online courses.
  • Personal Information: User-specific content such as emails, online banking accounts, and health records.
  • Unindexed websites: Pages that are not indexed by search engines for various reasons, such as being behind a login or having a non-indexed tag.
  • Corporate Confidential Data: Internal communications, confidential reports, and private data within the company's private network.

How can we access the Deep Web?

The Deep Web is a section of the Internet that cannot be indexed by search engines, meaning you cannot access it or enter it. It is not a website, as we explained. It is a large entity that falls under the name (Deep Web), and is used mainly for legitimate daily activities.

As we previously explained the meaning of the Deep Web, we must know what the Dark Web is, why is it considered the illegal part?

deep web

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is a small subset of the Deep Web. It's a hidden collection of websites that you can only access through a special browser. Since all activity on the Dark Web is anonymous by default, it's where the most mysterious online transactions take place. A study by researchers at King's College London, which examined the contents of more than 2,700 websites on the Dark Web, found that around 80% of them hosted illegal content.

We can say that it was created in the early nineties, the need for it at that time was to deliver information and communications in a safe and fast way via the Internet, but look at what we are heading towards now, from a safe place to deliver information to the most unjust place on the Internet, and the main factor for anything corrupt that harms society.

Sometimes when I think about it I wonder why it was invented in the first place? Was it really to keep communications safe or to be what it is now, I don't know but why couldn't anyone control it especially since it was invented by the US Navy labs, is it just a failed project that they couldn't control or was it invented specifically for this purpose, I don't know I'm just thinking out loud, don't you have such thoughts?

How can we access the Dark Web?

To access the dark web, you will need special search engines such as Candle, Not Evil, and SearX. Don't try to search for them, dear reader, because they all require a specialized browser such as Tor to work. On the dark web, you should know very well that neither users nor web administrators reveal each other, including their identity or location. Therefore, it is very difficult to shut down dark web servers or place geographic restrictions on users. You can consider this a kind of warning to you, dear reader, that this part of the internet is not secure at all, so don't dare enter it and search, as the matter is not good at all.

Dark Web Examples

The Dark Web hosts all sorts of illegal activities, many of which include the buying and selling of weapons, drugs, counterfeit money, fake passports, stolen accounts, and things that don't even cross your mind, such as human trafficking and organ trafficking. Some terrorist organizations have even used it to conduct their communications secretly and away from the eyes of governments.

But the dark web isn’t just associated with illegal activity. Whistleblowers, journalists, and activists frequently visit the dark web in order to keep their research findings anonymous and away from their governments so they don’t get punished. WikiLeaks, for example, hosts a site on the dark web. Even Facebook, DuckDuckGo, and ExpressVPN have sites on the dark web.

Other examples of Dark Web content:

  • Anonymous communication: Platforms like Tor and I2P allow private communication channels, often used by journalists, activists, and whistleblowers.
  • Black markets: Sites for buying and selling illegal goods and services, such as drugs, weapons, and counterfeit items.
  • Hacking forums: Communities where hackers exchange information, tools, and services, often involving criminal activities.

The most famous examples of the Dark Web

One of the most famous sites that were created on the dark web is the Silk Road site, which was created in 2011. This site’s transactions reached a huge amount, as the volume of transactions through it reached 1.2 billion dollars when it was closed in 2013. The owner of this site, Ross Ulbricht, alone obtained 18 million US dollars from that site, but after suffering, thank God, he was arrested by the US federal government after great suffering.

deep web

Because he was using Bitcoin, it made the task of catching him almost impossible. This is like searching for a person who does not exist, but after a lot of trouble, he was finally caught and the site was closed permanently.

What are the risks of accessing the Deep Web?

The Deep Web, like the Dark Web, can be a dangerous place if you're not careful. There are many risks associated with accessing the Deep Web, including fraud, viruses, and illegal activities:

Malware and Viruses

Browsing the Deep Web increases the risk of malware. Viruses and other malicious  software can infiltrate your device, leading to data theft, loss, or damage.

Fraud and Phishing

Fraudsters frequently target Deep Web users using phishing tactics to steal personal information and financial data. These scams can result in significant financial losses and identity theft.

Cybersecurity Issues

Accessing the Deep Web without taking the necessary precautions can make you vulnerable to cyber attacks. Hackers may exploit weaknesses in your security system, leading to unauthorized access to your data and devices.

Exposure to harmful and illegal activities

The Deep Web contains a variety of illegal activities and harmful content. Unintentionally encountering or participating in this content may result in serious legal and ethical consequences, putting you at risk of legal action or psychological harm.

Conclusion: Although the Deep Web can be a source of information and services, it is necessary to exercise caution when using it. Ignoring the risks can lead to dire consequences. It is important to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from potential threats.

Can you believe that all this damage came only from the (Deep Web), can you believe the danger coming from the idea of ​​only entering the (Dark Web), things that the mind cannot imagine at all, just do not be reckless that we are presenting this topic only to clarify some things to you, not to arouse your curiosity.

Why don't governments shut down both the Deep Web and the Dark Web?

Having revealed the great dangers associated with this hidden world of the Internet, the puzzling question remains: Why do governments not shut down this part of the Internet and the sites on which it operates?

deep web

The answer is that it is not as simple as you imagine. Tracking and accessing the users of this network is theoretically impossible, and you cannot do this at all, as their use of encryption and concealment prevents governments from accessing them. In addition, the money and human expertise required for this task make it very difficult.

For example, when Ross Albright, the owner of Silk Road, was arrested, it took the federal government more than two years to catch him, and he was not even known to the public before he was arrested. His arrest was not the result of extensive investigation, quite the opposite. It was the result of a mistake Ross Albright made that led to him exiting incognito browsing, which made his site available to the government and ultimately led to his arrest.

What happens when you enter the Deep Web or Dark Web?

When you enter the Deep Web or Dark Web, you enter a part of the Internet whose activities are not subject to traditional monitoring, and are not indexed by regular search engines. This part of the Internet provides a high level of privacy, but this does not mean that it is a completely safe place.

In other words, I am giving you this advice, dear reader: Do not enter these sites at all, as you are exposed to endless calamities. This is a very strong piece of advice for you: Do not divert the search at all.
