Driver Reviver program to update old drivers


Driver Reviver program to update old drivers

Any desktop or laptop computer needs to update the drivers installed on it after a while, as hardware manufacturers do not stop issuing new updates for their drivers, due to many reasons, including solving problems facing users, improving the actual performance of the device's components, solving problems of stuttering and slow speed, improving energy consumption, etc. 

Instead of the trouble of searching for the latest versions of drivers on the Internet, you can use programs dedicated to bringing and updating drivers, and in general they are very many, and among them is certainly the Driver Reviver program that we have with us in this article, which works to improve the performance of the computer and its hardware by updating all installed drivers to the latest versions available. The program is produced and developed by Corel Corporation, which has many computer programs in the field of maintenance and performance improvement.

Driver Reviver program explanation:

The program, in short, scans your device completely to identify the definitions that need to be updated, or in other words, it searches for old definitions and finds newer versions from the Internet. After that, the program provides you with options to update and install on the device, as the program has a huge database of all computer parts definitions for all computer manufacturers and their available models. 

In general, after downloading and installing Driver Reviver on your device, run it, where its interface will appear as in the following image. As noted, the program will show you the basic computer specifications at the bottom, and you will find the Start Scan Now button, which we will click to start the scanning process directly.

You just have to wait until the program finishes scanning the components of the computer or laptop as shown in the following image.

After the scan is complete, the results will appear to you. In the example we have, we notice that the program was able to identify 14 drivers installed on your device that need to be updated.

You can now click on the word Update next to each definition to update each definition individually, or you can click on the Update All button at the bottom of the program to update all old definitions at once. You can then use the program every so often to scan your device to make sure that all definitions are up to date, as this is very necessary to improve the device's performance and solve most problems.
