Do you want to learn sign language? A free website to translate any phrase into sign language

Do you want to learn sign language? A free website to translate any phrase into sign language

Sign language is a non-verbal means of expression. It is not only used by the hearing impaired as you might expect, but it is also used in other areas such as communication between divers underwater and communication between soldiers during raids, etc. It depends on different hand movements that both parties understand. You may think it is complicated, but by using the right services and tools, we can learn it in an easier way. Therefore, in this post, we will learn about a free service that will greatly help you learn this language and communicate in it.

Do you want to learn sign language? A free website to translate any phrase into sign language

Deaf Alphabet is completely free and will make communication easier for people with hearing impairments by allowing us to translate words into sign language with real-time illustrations. Just log in and start translating any text into sign language in seconds.

Enter the word or phrase you want in the text field in the middle of the screen to be converted into sign language from right to left after a few moments as shown in the picture

This is a picture of all the English letters and how they are translated into sign language, starting from the left.

The site allows you to download the generated signs as a high quality image for printing from the Download message option. The tool is a new and wonderful experience that will enable you to communicate in sign language and help and assist the hearing impaired easily.

Addition: SignSchool app has a SignBuilder feature that displays random signs to practice understanding sign language vocabulary.

Deaf Alphabe t service

SignSchool App
