Do you know how Apple AirTags work and what not to track with them?

Do you know how Apple AirTags work and what not to track with them?

There are many technical products that appear on the scene every period that come with a new idea that makes life easier for us, but they have some side effects or bad uses. Among those products is the AirTags device that Apple launched during its conference last April. It is a ring the size of a coin that tracks things and its battery lasts for years.

Do you know how Apple AirTags work and what not to track with them?

How the device works

AirTags work seamlessly with iPhones, Macs, and iPads. They are not GPS-based devices, but rather Bluetooth-based devices that notify nearby Apple devices of their location and then publish their location and serial number online. However, the AirTag does not update its geographic location periodically, as it gives you an address for the last time it was near an Apple device. After three days without any interaction between the AirTag and Apple devices, the AirTag will make continuous sounds, believing that the item has been lost.

The thing that should not be watched

Apple designed AirTags to give people a way to track their belongings in order to avoid losing them, but that doesn't mean tracking people without their permission, as this is considered a crime in most countries of the world, and they are not accurate in tracking living objects that are constantly moving. 

Apple has also created Item Safety Alerts, which detects tracking cases for you. If you have an iPhone running iOS 14.5 or later, it will tell you if someone has placed an AirTag tracking piece that does not belong to you in your bags, for example. The device will make sounds to alert you to its location, which you can easily turn off. You can also communicate with it via any smartphone that supports NFC technology. 

In conclusion, we would like to say that any device is a double-edged sword depending on the purpose for which it is used.
