Clearing CMD on Windows 11: Essential Information You Should Have

Clearing CMD on Windows 11: Essential Information You Should Have

Clearing CMD on Windows 11: Essential Information You Should Have

Achieving this is possible with just one command.

Have you ever looked at a messy Command Prompt window and wished for a quick way to tidy it up? Many share this sentiment. Let’s explore some simple techniques to refresh the CMD interface and enhance your command line usage.

What’s the process to clear CMD?

1. Utilize the CLS Command
Start by opening Command Prompt—press Windows + R, type cmd, and then press Enter.

Once in the Command Prompt, type cls and press Enter.

The screen will now clear.

2. Use AutoHotkey

Install AutoHotkey from the official website.
Create a new AutoHotkey script file (.ahk).
Add the following lines to the script

#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
^l::SendInput cls{Enter}

Execute the script. By pressing Ctrl + L, the cls command will be activated in the Command Prompt, effectively clearing the display. While Windows does not offer a built-in keyboard shortcut for directly clearing the Command Prompt screen, utilizing an AutoHotkey script can accomplish this task.

What are the methods for clearing command history in CMD?

The simplest method is to simply close the Command Prompt window. If that's not an option, you can press the Alt + F7 keyboard shortcut instead.

Removing CMD history in Windows is quite simple and can be done using a single command.

If you'd like to enhance your knowledge of the command line, we have a fantastic guide on opening folders in Command Prompt, as well as an article comparing Command Prompt with Windows Terminal.

Moreover, we also offer a guide on how to configure a different default terminal in Windows 11, which is definitely worth your attention.