Activate this feature that Google added to Android to be alerted before an earthquake occurs in your area

Activate this feature that Google added to Android to be alerted before an earthquake occurs in your area

In the past few days, we all witnessed the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria, which led to the death of thousands of victims and the injury of tens of thousands. This prompted me to write this blog post so that we can work to protect ourselves from such violent earthquakes, and perhaps it will be a reason for saving our lives through a system that works to predict earthquakes before they occur for a period of time and warns you to take the necessary precautions on relatively modern Android phones.

Activate this feature that Google added to Android to be alerted before an earthquake occurs in your area

Earthquake Alerts is based on a system developed by Google called the Android Earthquake Alerts System, which monitors earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter scale or higher. If the earthquake is not strong, for example 4.5, the system will notify you that an earthquake is imminent by sending you a notification that appears in the notifications list, explaining its strength and the distance between you and the area where the vibrations appeared.

However, if the earthquake is stronger than that, it displays a full-screen notification with earthquake safety instructions, and if you click on it, it will open a page that includes all the details about the earthquake.

You can activate this feature in a very simple way even if you do not have a Google account. All you have to do is go to Settings, then go to the Safety and Emergency section, then click on Earthquake alerts. 

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But sometimes you may not find this section, in that case go to the “Location” section, then “Advanced Settings” then “Earthquake Alerts” and if you find this feature inactive, click on the activation switch in front of “Earthquake Alerts” and thus you have activated it. On the same page there is information about how this feature works and it also tells you that the feature is not very accurate and some errors may occur in it.

In addition, this feature is not supported in all countries, but the list of countries includes a fair number of Middle Eastern countries .
