Weak Wifi signal on your phone? Here are the best 7 tips to strengthen your Wifi signal to the maximum degree


Weak Wifi signal on your phone? Here are the best 7 tips to strengthen your Wifi signal to the maximum degree

Weak Wi-Fi signal on your phone? Here are the best 7 tips to strengthen your Wi-Fi signal to the maximum degree

In this day and age, the internet has become the lifeblood of our lives and it is difficult to imagine life without it. Over the past two years, we have become more dependent on it than ever before due to the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. However, even after we have recovered from the pandemic and life has returned to normal, the internet will remain the primary means we rely on for personal and professional uses. Fortunately, it has become easy to access the web regardless of the type of device used, and smartphones are a living example of this, and you may already be using them right now as you read these lines. 

These small screens have provided us with information and contributed to the development of our cognitive abilities and through them we have learned many things in various areas of life. Thanks to them, we can communicate, correspond and share data with others and through them we can shop, pay for purchases, transfer money and perform all kinds of banking services. They have helped us accomplish tasks and work, attend online conferences, communicate with colleagues, enhanced our productivity and enabled us to perform multiple tasks at the same time and are still considered the ideal companion for entertainment and enjoyment. In short, it is possible to live without a computer but it is impossible to be able to live without a smartphone. 

But without the Internet, these devices are just useless metal plates. Yes, we can still use them to make calls, but without the Internet, their importance is reduced. Frequent Internet outages on our phones are very frustrating and we try to avoid them as much as possible. So, if you face this problem a lot, allow us to provide you with a set of tips that will get you back on track and help you restore your Internet connection as soon as it is disconnected on your phone at any time.

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Top 7 Tips to Maximize Your Wi-Fi Signal

1. Restart the phone

Sometimes the easiest and simplest solution is the best possible solution. All technical devices that run software operating systems may sometimes encounter many errors and problems due to the multiplicity and density of data and operations that they keep in the cache memory. Operating systems record all the actions performed by the user, so once you open an application, close an application, install or remove an application, make any changes to the phone settings, customize any functions in the phone, play a game, record a video and all other actions, the operations and their results are stored in the cache memory. Over time, with frequent use, multiple types of operations and data accumulation, you may be exposed to conflict and conflict problems. 

But the solution is very simple, all you have to do is restart the device so that the operating system can free up the cache memory and get rid of the processes that the system no longer needs, and the device is able to restore its normal state perfectly. But before you restart the phone, you can try disabling the WiFi connection and then turning it back on again, perhaps you will be able to connect to the Internet without having to restart the phone. Instead of disabling the WiFi, you can also activate the airplane mode from the quick settings panel, wait a few seconds, then disable the airplane mode again and check your WiFi connection then.

2. Update the phone

New software updates always bring new features to improve the user experience but at the same time they may also contain a huge number of fixes for all the bugs and problems that the user faces. So it is essential to make sure that your phone is running the latest version of the operating system. However, if your phone is 4 to 5 years old, it may be difficult to get new updates, however, there is no harm in checking yourself if there are any updates waiting to be installed. Just head to the Settings app on your Android phone and then click on About phone then System and check there if there are any new updates waiting to be installed manually.

3. Reset the Internet network

If the previous attempts fail, you can go ahead and try to reset the Internet on your Android phone by resetting it. This will erase all your Internet data, which means that you will have to enter the Wi-Fi password again, reconnect your devices paired with the phone via Bluetooth, and even reset your VPN if you rely on it. To reset Wi-Fi, mobile network, and Bluetooth again, head to the Settings app, then Connections and sharing, then choose Reset WiFi, mobile networks, and Bluetooth, and click Reset settings. Note that the settings path may be different on your phone, but you will definitely reach it easily through the System Management or Network Management settings.

4. Perform a factory reset of the router.

Sometimes the problem of frequent Wi-Fi disconnection on Android may be due to a fault in the router itself. In this case, you can try either restarting the router by pressing the power button to disconnect the router for a few seconds and then turning it back on. Alternatively, you can perform a factory reset or reset the router by pressing the Reset button with any pointed pin for about 10 seconds until the router restarts itself automatically. Once the connection is restored, you can try connecting your phone to the network and check the result.

5. Replace the router

This point needs a long explanation, but we will try to shorten it for you as much as possible. If you are facing a weak signal problem, the reason may be that you are far away from the router. If you are connected to the router via the 5 GHz band, it may be better to switch to the 2.4 GHz frequency. Although the 5 GHz frequency is faster, the only downside is that its coverage range is very short compared to the 2.4 GHz frequency range. In addition, the 5 GHz band is known to have difficulty penetrating walls and solid walls. If you try to get closer to the router and the signal is still very weak on your phone, there may be a problem with the router and it is time to replace the router.

6. Update the router with the latest driver.

Manufacturers release new software updates for their routers not only to protect them from threats and malware but also to fix Wi-Fi connectivity issues and errors through them. So, open your router’s control panel and find the path where the update option is located and update your router.

7. Use a different DNS server

In fact, you do not have to change the DNS server because your Internet service provider provides you with the best DNS server suitable for your line, but in the end, there is no harm in trying a different DNS in the hope that you will be able to solve the problem of frequent Wi-Fi disconnection on your Android phone.
