To extend the life of your phone's battery: Here are the 7 most important tips from Google to maximize the life of your phone's battery


To extend the life of your phone's battery: Here are the 7 most important tips from Google to maximize the life of your phone's battery

To extend the life of your phone's battery: Here are the 7 most important tips from Google to maximize the life of your phone's battery

The most distinctive feature of smartphones in our current era is the battery that comes in the phone in terms of its type, strength and longevity as well, as the battery life is considered the strongest challenge facing users at this time, as you find that many users face difficulties in obtaining a phone battery that works for long and continuous hours during the day without the need to charge the phone again during the day, and despite this, we find that many smartphone companies have progressed and developed significantly in manufacturing the best and most powerful batteries in terms of technology and also in terms of cost, as well as in manufacturing fast and more effective chargers.

But with all this rapid technological development in the world of smartphones, the use of smartphones has become inevitable and indispensable in this modern digital age, as smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives, whether on the entertainment level or on the practical level, and thus users have higher and more efficient phone operating requirements, and one of the most important of these requirements is the battery life of the smartphone; Therefore, we decided to talk today about the steps to extend the battery life of Android smartphones from Google, as Google, the company that runs the Android operating system, has presented a set of great tips on how to improve and extend the battery life for all users of smartphones that run the Android operating system. Here are these tips.

Steps to extend battery life in Android smartphones from Google.

First, make the screen off time as short as possible: 

Here, Google clearly and directly indicates the importance of allowing the phone screen to turn off in the shortest possible time by reducing the time it takes for the screen to enter sleep mode automatically when not in use or when the smartphone is not in use. Some may wonder about the importance of this step, and the answer to this question can be found in the fact that the amount of battery power consumed while the screen is off or locked is less than that which it consumes while it is on. This is done by adjusting the screen duration or timeout settings for shorter periods, thus ensuring that the user does not consume his smartphone's battery power excessively and unnecessarily when the phone is not in use, as the smartphone operates with the least possible effort when it is not active or in use. This step is considered one of the best steps to preserve the life of the smartphone's battery for the longest possible period and save energy and not drain it unnecessarily.

Second, reduce the brightness of the smartphone screen to the lowest possible level:

This step is considered one of the most important steps that users must take to preserve and save the phone's battery power, as reducing the screen brightness limits the battery life consumption unnecessarily, because if your screen brightness increases, the screen's consumption of battery power will increase, as the backlight requires a lot of energy to activate that lighting and make the screen brighter, and thus all of this drains the battery power of the smartphone significantly. This matter is due to the desire of each user, as there are some users who prefer to use the brighter phone screen in order to improve vision and clarity, but it is better for the user to achieve a balance between clear vision and preserving battery power. It is worth noting that reducing the screen brightness automatically leads to a significant extension of battery life, especially if you are using the smartphone in a non-bright place or in slightly dim lighting.

Third, adjust the screen brightness automatically:

In addition to the previous advice, you can also adjust the brightness of the smartphone screen automatically so that it changes automatically based on changes and conditions of the surrounding lighting or the lighting of the place you are in. It is worth noting that this feature was designed by adding a built-in ambient light sensor that adjusts the screen brightness to the best or appropriate level for the surrounding environmental conditions, as automatic brightness can help save battery power significantly and well in places where lighting changes fluctuatingly and frequently. On the other hand, this option may not be one of the best options or the most efficient option for saving energy in all cases, especially for users who use their smartphones mainly in places where there are stable lighting conditions. Here, manually adjusting the screen brightness to the lowest level is the best option.

Fourth: Turn off the keyboard sound and prevent it from vibrating:

Many may not know the importance of not activating or disabling keyboard sounds, especially to save a lot of battery power. Users may consider it normal and not pose any problems to the smartphone battery at all, but in the long run, this may cause a significant consumption of battery power. Disabling keyboard sounds and vibrations eliminates the annoyance caused by repeated notification sounds, which can cause a lot of distraction for the user. Thus, it improves the performance experience for users and also preserves the battery life of the smartphone and saves a large amount of energy. When a person types on the keyboard, sounds and vibrations are made with each press, which activates the touch mechanisms, which require energy to activate, and when turned off, it will save a fair amount of smartphone battery power.

Fifth, restrict applications that consume a lot of smartphone battery: 

It is better for the user to identify the applications that consume a large amount of the smartphone's battery power and are not used primarily and then restrict them because this works to save a very large amount of battery power, especially for users who own smartphones with modern versions of the Android operating system, including the Android 12 operating system. The user can also activate the feature of customizing battery modes for some applications by specifying the most beneficial power optimization mode for the phone, which deals with applications in a specific way as it works to prevent them from working in the background in an exaggerated manner in the event that they are not used. Thus, this feature works to save a large amount of smartphone battery power and reduce battery life consumption through unnecessary applications and preserve it for the longest possible period while reducing the consumption of the central processing unit as it works to increase the battery life to the maximum and extend its life significantly.

Sixth: Activate the adaptive battery feature:

It is worth noting that Android smartphones have been designed with a very wonderful feature, which is the adaptive battery feature, which works to improve the phone's power consumption more intelligently based on the user's usage method and pattern, as this feature analyzes the use of applications and restricts applications that run in the background of the device, especially in applications that are not used primarily or frequently. All of this helps reduce power consumption without benefit and save it and maintain the life of the smartphone's battery for the longest possible period, and thus the phone will work more efficiently and the battery will be stronger.

Seventh, delete unused accounts:

Many users have different accounts, including email accounts, social media accounts, and other accounts. It is preferable to delete unused accounts linked to the Android device, as these accounts are also synchronized with smartphones, and thus the smartphone data is automatically updated according to the synchronization of accounts, which loads the smartphone with a lot of data. This consumes and drains a large amount of battery power. It is best to remove these accounts to save the largest amount of battery life and preserve it for the longest possible period. You can remove these accounts through the following:

  • Go to settings.
  • Then go to Passwords & Accounts.
  • Then select the accounts you want to remove and which are not in use.
  • Then click on remove account.

 Through these steps, you can get rid of unused accounts that run in the background unnecessarily, which strain and exhaust the processor and battery in the smartphone.
