TikTok will start giving a warning about this type of content

TikTok will start giving a warning about this type of content

In picture: TikTok will start giving a warning about this type of content

TikTok will start giving a warning about this type of content

The Chinese TikTok platform is the most famous video social media platform in this field, where the follower finds all kinds of videos with different content makers and the issues they discuss, but not all videos are suitable for all types of followers, so the platform began to launch a unique type of warnings.

Among people who have a special sensitivity to a number of types of content posted on social media, there are especially those with epilepsy, to the point that some videos may cause them to have epileptic seizure symptoms, so the TikTok platform launched a new feature that will allow the users concerned to warn about that. .

Thus revealed TikTok by issuing notifications warning them not to watch and avoid the type of content that may trigger their epileptic symptoms through the "Photosensitive Warning", which means that the type of videos that carry this warning contain flashes and other strong and frequent light stimuli, Where TikTok said that it will start activating the new feature for all users of the platform within the next few weeks.

Users will be able to control this feature automatically through the settings of their accounts.
