Preserving iPhone Battery Life | 10 Myths to Avoid

Preserving iPhone Battery Life | 10 Myths to Avoid

Preserving iPhone Battery Life | 10 Myths to Avoid

Many iPhone users are thinking about the best ways to preserve battery life. There are some common myths about charging the iPhone battery that you may have heard before, such as avoiding charging the phone beyond 80% and avoiding the battery reaching less than 20% or that fast charging harms the battery in the short term. All of these myths have no basis in truth, so in this article we will show you the best ways to preserve the battery life of iPhone  phones to preserve the battery life.

There are many myths that are widely spread among iPhone users, including those related to preserving the battery and increasing its lifespan. Unfortunately, these myths may be very harmful and may backfire and cause damage to the battery. Before learning about the most famous myths about preserving battery life, let us first clarify the difference between the battery’s operating time and its lifespan:

Battery run time

Battery life is the amount of time the battery lasts after each full 100% charge and depends on several factors such as the type of battery and how much you use the phone. If you charge the battery until it reaches only 60%, this is called a semi-charge cycle, which means that the battery has not completed the full charge cycle, which leads to a reduction in the battery's expected life. For example, if the battery's expected life is 5 years, it may be reduced to 3 or 4 years and you will have to change the phone or the battery itself.

Default battery life

The battery's lifespan is the period of time the battery will last before it needs to be replaced due to its complete consumption. One of the best ways to maintain the battery's lifespan is to commit to charging the battery every time with a full cycle, that is, until it reaches 100%. This will keep the battery with you for the longest possible period.

If you rely on increasing the battery operating time by charging incomplete cycles, this will reduce its lifespan, so you should choose according to your needs between operating time and lifespan.

Top 10 Myths About iPhone Battery Life

Below we will show you the 10 most common myths about charging and maintaining iPhone batteries.

1- Charging all night damages the battery.

This information is ingrained in a large number of people regarding preserving battery life, not only iPhone users but Android phones as well, as some people think that leaving the phone charging all night harms the battery and reduces its lifespan, but the reality is that smartphones have a feature to stop charging once the battery is fully charged 100% and if the phone is used after charging, it will automatically recharge until it reaches 100% again to compensate for the lost percentage.

There is also the enhanced charging feature, which is charging the phone until it reaches 80% and then the charging stops automatically, but it does not stop here as the charging is completed close to the time you wake up in the morning until the battery is fully charged and reaches 100%. This feature aims to preserve the phone to avoid overheating during charging.

2- It does not matter what type of cable is used for charging.

It is true that you can use any cable to charge the iPhone battery, but this does not mean that it does not have a significant impact on maintaining battery life. The price of the original cable may be high, so you may resort to other types. You must first avoid cables from unknown sources because they are very harmful to iPhones. The best thing you can do is to buy a cable from a reliable company with a good reputation and that has an MFI certificate. This word is an abbreviation for Made For iPhone, which is a certificate granted by Apple to companies that manufacture iPhone accessories.

To make sure that the cable has MFI certification, there are two ways:

  • Check the cable box and you will find the Made for iPhone logo, which means that the cable manufacturer is certified by Apple.
  • The link contains a list of MFI certified companies you can search for the cable manufacturer to check.

3- The battery must be completely discharged before recharging.

This assumption is completely wrong, especially when the goal is to preserve the battery life, as iPhone batteries are wonderfully designed to serve the needs of each person as they like. If you want to charge the phone to 100%, you will not find any problems, and if you want to charge the phone from 40% for 20 minutes because you want to go somewhere else, there is no problem, as long as you keep your phone away from high temperatures and use an approved charging cable, there is no need to worry, the iPhone battery will suit your needs.

4- Remove the iPhone cover while charging

This information may be somewhat true, but there are certain types of iPhone cases that do not cause the temperature to rise during charging. All you have to do is monitor the phone while charging to check the temperature. If you find a noticeable rise in temperature, remove the cover. Maintaining the temperature of the phone is one of the most important factors in preserving the battery life.

5- Charge the iPhone on airplane mode

In fact, charging the iPhone in airplane mode does not have a significant effect in terms of preserving battery life, but it does speed up the charging process significantly. This is because airplane mode cancels all wireless connections from the phone, such as Bluetooth and network connections.

If you want to do this for an emergency reason, it is preferable to disconnect the phone completely while charging, because there are many other features that work on the phone and drain the battery, such as the screen and programs that run in the background. This method is one of the best ways to preserve the battery life of iPhones. 

6- Activate the energy saving system continuously.

In fact, this myth is widespread among some people, but it is far from the truth and does not contribute to preserving the default battery life. The power saving system works to temporarily cancel some iPhone features in order to keep the battery longer. This feature reduces the screen brightness and reduces its frequency, as well as cancels the 5G feature and disables many other important features of the iPhone, so activating this mode permanently is not practical at all. 

When you use this mode constantly, it's like owning a Ferrari but driving it at 30 km/h! The power saving mode does not contribute to preserving the battery life of the iPhone, but it is designed to keep the battery longer until it needs to be recharged. Apple suggests that you use this mode when the battery reaches 20% to keep it longer before recharging, then the phone automatically cancels this feature when the charge percentage reaches 80%.

7- Fast charging is harmful to the battery

This talk is completely untrue, as all smartphone manufacturers are very interested in developing the fast charging feature continuously, and all iPhones in recent years are designed for fast charging while maintaining battery life. There are two types of charging provided by Apple for iPhones, the first type is fast charging and charges the iPhone battery until it reaches 80% and then automatically switches to slow charging mode until the battery reaches 100%.

Apple has made this feature available for use in case you want to charge the iPhone quickly, and the remaining 20% ​​is charged with slow charging to avoid the iPhone overheating significantly.

8- Close applications to reduce battery consumption.

This information is completely wrong and has no effect on preserving battery life. Some may think that if there are 15 programs in the background, this increases battery consumption. The truth is that the iPhone is designed to preserve the battery in the presence of programs in the background. Do not close applications unless there is a problem with an application and you want to restart it.

9- Do not use the iPhone while it is charging.

Previously, this information was correct in order to preserve the battery life of the iPhone. Whe iPhones were charged with fast chargers, the phone's temperature would increase significantly, and when the phone was used while charging, its temperature would also increase. However, in recent years, Apple has made updates that make the phone stop charging completely in the event of high temperatures in order to preserve the battery life. So, do not worry about using the iPhone while charging, the most that can happen is that charging will be a little slower. 

10- Do not charge the iPhone while it is under the pillow

This information is often necessary in order to preserve the battery life, as placing the iPhone under a pillow or anything else increases its temperature, which has a negative impact on the device’s performance and the default battery life. Many people do this because they are annoyed by the light coming from the screen while sleeping. To avoid this problem, you can place the iPhone upside down so that the screen is facing down and thus you will not see the light coming from it, or you can activate Sleep mode.

These ten myths are widely spread among phone users in general and iPhone users in particular. You should pay attention to them so that they do not cause the phone's battery life to decrease or harm its performance. In some cases, you will have to choose between increasing the battery's lifespan or choosing a higher operating time, as we explained previously.
