Find out the ideal image size for each social network with SocialSizes

Find out the ideal image size for each social network with SocialSizes

When we have a brand or product that we want to put on social networks, the first thing we have to take into account is that the posts we upload on our brand networks are perfect in their preparation, therefore, it is always necessary to take into account the necessary dimensions for each platform. If you are starting out in this and need some information about it, you can get it through the site that we present below.

 This is SocialSizes, a website that has all the information you need to create posts with the correct dimensions for each site.

When we create images for social networks, to give attractiveness to profiles and promote their products, the first thing we need to know is the size that each platform requires. Each social network has an ideal resolution, so to know these dimensions this site has come to provide you with this service.

Using the SocialSizes site is completely free, so it is ideal for anyone starting out in the world of social media design. When you go to it, you can see all the services it supports, which are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn and even WhatsApp. 
By clicking on any service, you can see the links to download the template for Photoshop and other programs. In addition, by scrolling down, you will see in detail the ideal dimensions.

The same goes for all the social networks available on the internet. It will help you create images that will look great when posted.
Website link:  Socialsizes
