Minitool Partition Wizard application to modify your hard disk, change the format and re-partition

 Minitool Partition Wizard application to modify your hard disk, change the format and re-partition

Minitool Partition Wizard application to modify your hard disk, change the format and re-partition

 Minitool Partition Wizard is an application for modifying  the hard disk partition, repartitioning it, changing its format, and everything you want to modify your hard disk. There are many points where you can use  the program and it is the best application for this purpose on the Windows system. I have been using Minitool for a long time and it is the most indispensable application on  the computer. In this article, I want to show the application, its features, and what it is used for.

Download Minitool Partition Wizard

Minitool Partition Wizard application properties

  • Repartition the hard disk without formatting any partition
  • Convert hard disk between MBR and GPT without formatting
  • Check and verify hard drive performance
  • Format the hard disk completely without the ability to recover files
  • Copy entire disks, copy partitions, and transfer operating system from one hard drive to another.
  • Create and delete any partition without the need to format the entire hard disk

How do I use Minitool Partition Wizard?

Repartition the hard disk and remove and create a new partition

You just have to realize the importance of precaution in this part, because the error here will be in your hard drive, and this is a price we all know that paying it is not easy for us at all, so before anything else, make sure to make a backup copy of all your data, and make sure that you will not lose power during the process because any damage or any error may mean losing all your files, or you may lose the hard drive itself.

Repartition steps

  • Open the application and you will see the interface in front of you as in the picture

  • Now choose the hard drive you want to modify. I have an SSD and an HDD, so it appears that I have two storage disks on my device, but let's say that I will modify the HDD partition from the image.
  • Right click on the partition and choose move/resize.

  • Now you have to specify the size you want the partition to be after partitioning and write it in the Partition Size box. I will convert it to 500 GB, so I will write 500 in this box.

  • There is an important point to be aware of here, which is where you want the empty space to be, as you must pay attention to the arrangement of your partitions, whether the empty space is before or after your partition.
    • Here you must remember that it is preferable for the system partition to be the first partition on the hard disk.
  • Now press Ok to put the new space.

  • The empty space will appear like this. You can create a new partition on it by right-clicking on it and choosing Create.

  • Set the new partition information, including its name, letter, space, etc., then click Ok.

  • Now on the left of the screen, click Apply to save your changes.
  • Let the device finish modifying the spaces and take its time without disturbing you, as the mistake here is losing all your data.

Convert hard disk between MBR and GPT

This step is important in installing Windows and in using the device. The difference between the two systems is big, especially since GPT is the latest and best. You need this feature many times, as you can burn Windows to your flash drive with the MBR system and your hard drive with the GPT system and vice versa. You have two solutions: either re-burn to the GPT system or change the hard drive to MBR. “If you ask me, re-burning is better because GPT is newer.” So how do you do this? Follow the following steps:

Convert hard drive type using Minitool Partition Wizard

  • The application will open as a screen in front of you.
  • Select the hard drive you want to modify.

    • Note here that you will click on the hard disk itself, not its partition.
  • From the left, select the Convert between GPT and MBR button shown.
  • You will notice in  the hard disk information below that its type has changed from GPT to MBR and vice versa.

  • Click Apply to save and  the application will perform the conversion process.

Transfer operating system to SSD

This feature will be useful to you if you are using  an HDD and bought a new SSD and do not want to reinstall the system as everyone does. In fact, you are right, it is very tiring. This feature will be useful to you and will make the matter much easier for you. Just make sure that the SSD is empty when you do this. It is obvious that it is empty because it is a new SSD. How do you do this?


  • Make sure that you have connected the two hard drives to the device, whether one of them is inside the device and the other is via USB, or both are inside, or even if you connected both via USB to another device
  • Open the application in front of you

  • Select Migrate  OS to SSD/HD Wizard from the left.
    • If you are going to completely delete the old hard drive and will not use it or remove it from the device, choose option A.
    • If you are going to use the old hard drive and leave it inside the device, choose option B.

  • Now the application will ask you for the hard drive you will move it to.
  • Select it from the list in front of you and click Next
  • The app will copy everything you leave to finish by itself.

Hard Drive Check and Benchmark

Minitool Partition Wizard can check your hard drive's performance and test it through its performance testing tool. All you have to do is choose Disk Benchmark at the top and then you will be shown the choice of which partition you want to check and the check settings. Once you click on the start button, the application will start checking your hard drive.

Recover deleted files

Minitool Partition Wizard can scan your hard drive for any recoverable data, just like any other Data Recovery app and it is good in that respect, the free version is not the best thing for data recovery here you can consider buying the full version if you want but if your goal is to recover specific files, how so?


  • Click on the Data Recovery button above.

  • The application will open a screen for you to choose the partition you want to check.

  • Select the partition where the deleted files should be located and it will automatically start scanning the files to recover them.

Difference between Data Recovery and Partition Recovery

The application provides two options to recover files, the first option is the Data Recovery option to recover files normally and this option is open to the free version without any problems, the second option is Partition Recovery from the paid version, which recovers the entire partition with all its partitions, files and all its settings, this second option is really useful if you accidentally erased an entire partition instead of waiting a long time to recover your files, this option will be a quick solution to the matter.

Minitool Partition Wizard App

It is not a small application, it is one of the largest applications that you can use. Everything related to dividing the hard disk and adjusting its partitions is an integrated tool, whether we are talking about the free version or even if you bought the full version of it. I cannot explain the entire application in this article. I explained the important parts of it, but there is more about this application that you should learn if you are interested in it.
