Is your laptop slow? Here are the top 12 ways to speed up your laptop to run better

Is your laptop slow? Here are the top 12 ways to speed up your laptop to run better

Is your laptop slow? Here are the top 12 ways to speed up your laptop to run better

Your laptop may be slow and you may lose patience with it, so you may think about buying another new device. However, the slowness may be due to the presence of malicious programs on the device, or many files, or not updating the programs continuously, or not updating the device’s drivers. Therefore, before you go to buy a new laptop, try one of the 12 methods to make your device faster, so follow us.

- The 12 best ways to speed up your laptop: -

1 – Add an SSD hard drive:

The best change you can make is to replace the traditional hard drive with a dynamic SSD hard drive, as the latter is four times faster than the former. By adding it to your device, you will notice that opening and closing the device, opening programs, and other things are done in the blink of an eye. Most new laptops come with an SSD hard drive, but not all of them. So if your device has a traditional hard drive, you can replace it with an SSD hard drive with a capacity of 256 GB, which is a reasonable capacity for most users, and this is at a reasonable price of about $75.

2 – Upgrade RAM:

You should have at least 8 GB of RAM. These days, many companies install RAM on the motherboard, so you cannot remove it and upgrade it. However, there are devices that allow you to remove it. If you have 4 GB of RAM, you can upgrade it to 8 GB, which is inexpensive. It costs about $25. Few people need 16 GB of RAM, at least for now.

3 – Update your startup programs:

Anything running in the background can slow down your computer’s boot time and allocate resources to programs you may not even use. Fortunately, it’s easy to turn them off.

In Windows 10: Go to Task Manager > Startup to view the list of programs that launch when you turn on your computer.
In MacBook: Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login to modify the programs that launch when you turn on your computer.

4 – Uninstall unused programs:

Unused programs take up a significant amount of storage space on your hard drive and can consume resources from your computer’s processor and RAM, so delete unnecessary programs to free up space and speed up your computer’s performance. Be sure to check your library files for any junk that might stick to them.

5 – Scan your programs:

It is possible that you have unintentionally installed malware when installing certain programs, so you can run a regular virus and malware scan to prevent anything malicious from slowing down your laptop - or worse. It is preferable to be cautious when you see threat alerts from antivirus programs that drain resources or eliminate them or fill your laptop with unwanted files.

6 – Turn off animations:

- Having animations as a background is a beautiful and wonderful thing and brings joy, but in return, it consumes device resources and makes your device slower, so you can turn them off to avoid that, and here is how to turn them off:

In Windows:
1 - Search for "View advanced system settings".
2 - Select "Settings under Performance".
3 - Select "Adjust for best performance", which will turn off a bunch of special effects and animations.
In OS X:
1 - Go to System Preferences > Dock.
2 - Check the boxes to turn off zoom and turn off animations when opening apps.

7 – Speed ​​up your device shutdown:

When you go to shut down your device, you often have to wait a long time while the device tries to close open programs that won’t close gracefully on their own. If you want to close those programs automatically, you can force the shutdown process to close open programs immediately. So make sure you always save your work when doing this, as it will close open programs without bias.

8 – Disable web search results:

In Windows 10, when you ask for a search, Cortana searches for files on your device or the web directly. This takes time to load and the search process can take a toll on your system. So if you primarily use Cortana to find files and applications on your hard drive, Windows 10 makes it easy to turn off web results.

9 – Speed ​​up your Downloads folder:

The File Explorer, the most used folder on Windows, can take a long time if it’s full of your downloads. If you see a loading bar every time you open the folder, you need to optimize it.

10 – Keep your computer clean:

Don’t leave your computer full of dust, or you may risk overheating because when that happens, your processor and graphics card have to work extra hard to perform well. So keep cleaning the vents to give your processor and graphics card a break.

11 – Change your browser:

Some browsers are faster than others. If you’re a heavy user, Chrome can eventually hog your RAM, especially with a whole bunch of tabs open. Microsoft’s Edge isn’t quite as impressive, but it has the advantage of being lighter and faster. On a Mac, you can try Safari.

12 - Update the device's drivers:

Some new drivers can solve many device problems, so make sure to update them constantly if you find any. You can go to the website of the company that manufactures your device and follow the updates that are uploaded to its website.
