Are you looking to buy a new laptop? 8 tips to get the best laptop


Are you looking to buy a new laptop? 8 tips to get the best laptop

Are you looking to buy a new laptop? Here are 8 tips to get the best laptop

1 - What is the best operating system:

Although this question does not have fixed criteria to answer, it is possible by following the following paragraphs to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each system from Mac, Windows and Chrome.

Windows 10:

It is considered the most flexible system in terms of dealing with many users around the world and is considered the most used of other systems such as Mac or Chrome, and despite the instability of the material cost of obtaining a laptop with Windows, it can be said that prices start from $ 150 to thousands of dollars. Among the advantages of this system is the support for touch screens and dual graphics. Windows 10 is considered the latest system from Microsoft and is considered the modified and latest version of Windows 7 and 8. The system also supports answering questions for users using the Cortana feature. The system also supports the ability to search in email by searching with the laptop's pen.

Apple Mac High Sierra:
MacBook devices are supported by the latest operating system for their devices only, a system called Apple macOS. The operating system is similar and has most of the features of Windows 10, but with some differences, such as not relying on Cortana, but relying on the personal assistant Siri for answers and executing voice commands. Transactions can also be made with Apple Pay (payment feature) and support for the ability to synchronize the operation of phones and Apple watches via the laptop. The operating system does not support the touch screen feature in all its versions because there is no Mac screen that supports touch yet.

Chrome OS:

One of the advantages of Chromebooks is the low cost, such as getting a Samsung Chromebook 3. Chrome OS is considered one of the most secure and simple systems, but the operations it performs are more limited than the two previous types above. The system interface looks very similar to Windows, and the main browser for the system is Google Chrome, but it is noted that Chrome OS does not use web applications for users properly at present. Chrome OS can now run Android applications without any problems, and this system saves a lot of energy for the laptop. It is also preferred in terms of chatting and browsing social sites. It is the preferred type for parents and in schools.

2 - You have to decide if you want to get 2 × 1:

Many types of laptops are considered 2 in 1 hybrid devices that support the ability to switch between the normal desktop mode or the tablet mode. This category has two different styles: the first is to separate from the screen and turn it into a tablet that is removed from the keyboard, and the other type is flexible devices that can be bent 360 degrees to change the display style.

3 - Choosing the right size:

Before the user makes a purchase for the laptop and focuses on the specifications and prices in the market for devices, the focus should be on the size point of the laptop, as the laptop is often classified according to the size, for example:
11:12 inches is considered the thinnest and thinnest among all existing laptops and weighs from 1 kilogram to 1.5 kilograms.
13:14 inches is considered the ideal weight and allows greater freedom and control for the user in terms of ease. Especially if its weight reaches less than 2 kilograms.

15 inches is the most commonly used weight and these devices usually weigh 2.2 to 3 kilograms and this type is preferred for those looking for large screens.

17:18 inches This type is preferred for those who put their laptop on their desks on a daily basis and this type provides a powerful processor that enables the possibility of playing high-quality high-end games safely.

4 - Check the touchpad and keys:

This point is considered one of the most important points that users pay attention to when purchasing their laptop. If you want to do more than one task at a time, you should pay attention here to the keyboard that provides the best results through touch and focus on the keys descending when pressed at a distance that always ranges between 1:2 mm. You should also focus on the distance between the keys and each other. You should pay attention to buying a laptop on the touchpad in the device, which provides a continuous response to pressure or writing. It is preferable to use a touchpad that does not provide a fixed response to ensure getting the best use of it when moving the palm of the hand or forearm.

5- Do not neglect to focus on battery life:

Paying attention to getting a laptop with a strong and long-lasting battery life is one of the most important points that should be taken into account when trying to buy a laptop, as many people think about placing the device in a nearby area of ​​the house or office next to the electrical outlet to carry out the special charging process for the laptop, but getting a laptop that has the ability to work for 7 continuous hours with a high degree of endurance is a good thing, especially if you take the device with you outside, and a laptop with a battery life that lasts for a period longer than 8 continuous hours is ideal for determining battery life, and users are not advised to rely entirely on the word of the laptop manufacturer, and sufficient information about the type can be read from external sources.

6 - Get the best laptop for your budget:

Currently, you can get a laptop when purchasing for only $ 200 or less, and if your financial capacity is greater, you will be able to get a better system in terms of operation and strong performance. We will show you the best laptops that can be obtained within your financial capacity:

$ 150: 200 (or its equivalent in your country's currency) is a Chromebook laptop that relies on the Google operating system, whose main purpose is browsing. Also, the somewhat weak Windows systems can be obtained at this price as they contain small storage units, and children can rely on these types to deal with them.
$ 350: 600 With this amount, a laptop can be purchased with a memory of 4 to 8 GB RAM and a hard disk with a capacity of 500 GB. The specifications of this type of laptop are considered somewhat good.

$600:900 If you have more than $600, you can focus on the better-looking designs that contain metal shapes in their composition, as well as high-resolution displays and SSD hard drives.
More than $900, the quality of these devices is better and stronger than previous models and always has a high-resolution screen and faster processors. You can get a laptop for less than $1000 if you do not want to buy a laptop that supports a touch screen, such as a Dell laptop. The price of the laptop may reach $1500 or $2000, even $3000 in the case of supporting high-end gaming systems.

7 - Focus on the laptop company:

Obtaining a laptop from a prestigious and well-known company in the field will be a natural result of the fame and reputation of this company. Also, the technical support of the developing company is considered one of the most important things that must be taken care of. Last year, Apple obtained the first place in terms of the best technical support service, followed by Acer and Lenovo, as support is considered the commercial guide for different companies in attracting the largest number of customers and users to their company.

8 - Ideal specifications for the user:

It is possible that things are mixed up for amateur laptop users, such as determining the best shape for the processor, hard disk, and random access memory for the device, so we provide you with more clarification:

Central Processing Unit (CPU):

We can call it the brain of the computer, as the processor has the greatest impact on the performance of your device, but this depends mainly on the work being done by the user, as the low-cost type may be sufficient enough to do the necessary work.

• Intel Core i5:

If the user aims to get a laptop with a balance in terms of price and performance, we can advise him of this type, as it is preferable to focus on processors that end with the letter U, which are widely known, unlike those that end with the letter Y, which have less power.
• Intel Core i7: It is higher than the previous type above, which ends with the letter K or HQ, uses the highest electrical rate, and helps in running games quickly without stopping problems, in addition to the graphics processor.
• Intel Core i3: The performance of this type is less than Core i5, so if there is an ability to get Core i5 instead of Core i3, we prefer it for the user.
• AMD Ryzen Mobile: It is a new group in the market that was produced to compete with Core i5 and Core i7 primarily.
• AMD A or FX or E Series: It is considered the most common in the least expensive laptop and the company that produces this type calls it APU instead of CPU, as this type is considered the best in terms of using Internet browsing and media.
• Intel Pentium / Celeron: It costs about $ 300 and this chip provides the slowest performance for the laptop, but it can also be relied upon if the goal is to browse the Internet, so we do not recommend getting this type if your goal is something other than browsing websites and simple use.
• Intel Xeon: It is considered expensive processors, but it is very powerful and effective, as it enables 3D video editing and engineering work with great accuracy, but the disadvantages of this type are not getting a laptop with a light size or long battery life.


Some laptops costing $250 have only 2GB of RAM, but the ideal size is 4GB of RAM. You can also use 8GB of RAM, and some may use 16GB of RAM, which is exaggerated for some people because they do not do the necessary work.

Hard disk:

It is the storage drive of the laptop, as it can be considered more important than the speed of your processor, and the dependence on the hard disk space depends on the personal use of users. You can rely on the SSD type instead of the traditional HHD hard disk, as this helps you get three times what your laptop does and also enjoy great speed.

Display method:

It should be known that the more pixels the screen has, the greater its display capacity, and this helps the image appear clearer and more accurate. Many laptops have screens with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, which is sad because these sizes are not ideal. We recommend focusing on a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels when buying your laptop. Although there are larger sizes, they are considered dangerous for battery life because they consume a lot of energy.

Touch screen:

There are now many types of laptops that support the ability to touch and operate with fingers, and although many prefer this feature in the laptop, it should be noted that this feature reduces battery life by approximately one to three hours.

Graphics Processor:

If the user is not a big fan of computer games and working on designing engineering graphics or other 3D type, he will not need to confirm the presence of a graphics processor in his laptop, but if he is doing one of these features, he should care about the type of discrete graphics processor from AMD or Nvidia.

• DVD/Blu-ray Drives:

There are many laptops that come with optical disc drives, and the reason for this is that programs and movies are currently all available for easy downloading, but if you need to use them, you can easily get an external one that is connected via USB at a cost of about $ 20.
