3 ways to know if your Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit

3 ways to know if your Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit

3 ways to know if your Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit

Have you ever wondered what type of Windows is installed on your device, whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit? Do you know the difference between them? In fact, there are many differences between the two types, and this depends primarily on the type of processor on the computer, as there is a 32-bit processor core and another processor core that supports 64-bit. In this article, we will learn together about the difference between the two types and the importance of each, as well as ways to know the type of processor on your device.

What does 32-bit and 64-bit Windows mean?

The type of Windows you can install on your computer depends on the type of processor you have. There are two types of processors: 32-bit and 64-bit. A 64-bit processor can run both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, while a 32-bit processor can only run 32-bit Windows systems. A 32-bit processor can process 32 bits of information in a single cycle, while a 64-bit processor can process 64 bits in a single cycle, making it faster at completing tasks and processing data.

Difference between Windows 32 bit and Windows 64 bit

A 32-bit system can use up to 232 bytes of RAM, which is equivalent to 4 GB, while a 64-bit system can use about 264 bytes of RAM, which is equivalent to approximately 18 exabytes. As we mentioned earlier, you can install 32-bit Windows on a 64-bit processor; however, the system will not be able to use more than 4 GB of RAM, even if more than that is installed in the computer.

In recent years, 64-bit versions of Windows have become the dominant in the world of computers, and soon the 32-bit version will disappear, due to the big difference between them. There are many features and programs that only work on the 64-bit version of Windows, which has made many people switch to this type. Also, the huge speed difference between the two versions suggests using 64-bit, so many people are thinking about switching as there are many processors that support the 64-bit Windows type but have a 32-bit version installed on it, so in the following lines we will discuss the 3 best ways to identify the type of Windows for your device.

Top 3 Ways to Know Your Windows Type

1- Using the CMD command window

It is considered one of the best ways to know the type of Windows for your device. All you have to do is follow the following steps:

  • Type cmd in the search box next to the start menu.
  • Open cmd
  • Copy the command set pro into the window and press Enter key.
  • The type of Windows will appear in the window.

2- Use computer settings

If you don't prefer to use the command window method, this method is also great for knowing the type of Windows through the computer settings. Follow these steps:

  • Click on the Start menu.
  • Then click on the Settings option.
  • Then click on the first option System
  • Then click on the last option About
  • It will show you the type of Windows installed on your device.

3- By using the Checker 64 bit tool

This last option is for those who prefer to use tools to find out the type of Windows instead of doing the previous steps, and that is through the Checker 64 bit tool.

  • Download the tool
  • Then open the tool.
  • It will show you directly the type of version installed on your device.

Despite the simplicity of the matter, knowing the type of Windows version installed on the device is very important. If the computer processor supports 64-bit versions but you are working on a 32-bit version, do not hesitate to switch immediately. You will notice the huge difference in speed at all levels.
