3 Ways to Delete Temporary Files on Windows 11

3 Ways to Delete Temporary Files on Windows 11

3 Ways to Delete Temporary Files on Windows 11

Learn ways to delete temporary files on  Windows 11

3 Ways to Delete Temporary Files on Windows 11.. Deleting the cache is something we have known in  phone systems , as temporary files for individual applications, but what we are talking about here are the temporary files for Windows, specifically Windows 11. If this type of files increases, it will affect your system's performance, so what we will talk about are the best 3 ways to delete temporary files on Windows 11 to improve your system's performance. You will certainly want to deal with a smoother and faster system, and here are three ways to achieve this! Follow to learn more.

What will I get from deleting temporary files on Windows 11?

Besides improving and enhancing system performance, deleting temporary files is like relieving excess load, these are unnecessary files that can be renewed after deleting them, that is, if they are necessary, they will be renewed after you delete them but gradually, they will not be replaced so quickly, so what did we do then? But deleting temporary files will provide you with many good results!

  • Deleting temporary files will free up space for Windows to handle applications more freely, as some applications freeze automatically due to lack of space due to temporary files accumulating.
  • It will help improve the performance of programs and games that have slowed down over time and become weaker in performance, as temporary files inevitably cause this, so when you delete temporary files on Windows 11, you will get better performance in games.

Important note

  • Before you start deleting cache files, make sure that you have finished working on any application you are using, so that you do not lose its data while deleting cache files.

Ways to delete temporary files for Windows 11

Below we will learn about the methods of deleting temporary files for Windows 11:-

Restart the system

Restarting operating systems on computers or phones is like reconfiguring the entire system, and restarting the system is the first thing we will suggest in our article on deleting temporary files on Windows 11. When you restart the system, all applications are restarted; that is, they are basically all closed completely, and thus the temporary files left by the applications running in your background will be reconfigured, so restart your system to be able to delete the temporary files for Windows 11 successfully.

Through desktop shortcut

So what is the desktop shortcut? It is another and different way to be able to delete temporary files on Windows 11, and this is done in the following way: -

  • Create a new shortcut by:
    • Right click on the desktop and select new.
    • Then choose shortcut
    • Then in the box to specify where to create the shortcut, type the following command:
      • %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
  • Then name the file: Clear RAM cache
  • Then you will be able to delete temporary files on Windows 11 after you double-click on the shortcut file you just created.

Through RaMMap app

It is a tool provided by Microsoft to enable you to monitor and analyze your temporary memory (RAM), through which you can easily delete temporary files on Windows 11 without having to do any of the above. Below, we will learn how to use it: -

Download the application: from here

  • Unzip the download file.
  • Open the application after extracting it.
  • Go to the Empty box
  • Then click on Empty standby List

Then you will be able to easily delete temporary files on  Windows 11 without any effort.
