What is Amazon Live Exclusive Service and How Can You Profit From It?

What is Amazon Live Exclusive Service and How Can You Profit From It?

Amazon Live is a live streaming service that allows sellers to promote their products by hosting live streams for customers on Amazon. By clicking on the service options, shoppers, i.e. the customer, are given options to watch videos or live streams of products with the option to purchase them directly. 

These live episodes also include questions and chats with viewers to inquire about the suggested product, in addition to the “Follow” option that Amazon has introduced to enable shoppers to stay up to date with influencers, brands and interests they care about on Amazon. They will also be able to receive notifications about your brand, and may be notified the next time you go live using the service’s app.

Who can use Amazon Live to promote products?  

Currently, Amazon Live only supports registered sellers and suppliers of their brand, located in the US market, noting that the option is not available in other Amazon markets, as well as the option to view products before purchasing them.  

Where can I find Amazon Live Streams?  

According to Amazon, shoppers in stores can discover live streams on multiple pages on amazon.com and the service’s app, and the live stream option can also appear in the product information box of the brand that is also being streamed live, as it does on various sites that Amazon shoppers browse. You can also configure your own live streams to display on your Amazon store, and all live streams that are being conducted can be found through the service’s official link and in the Amazon app’s Amazon Live section.

How to use Amazon Live?  

In order to be able to live stream your products that you market on Amazon.com, you will first need to download the official Amazon Live Creator app from Amazon. By the way, the app is only available for iOS for iPhones.  

Once you download and open the app, a main interface will appear with various options for how you want to log in to the service, whether as a merchant, seller, or marketer.

Next, Amazon will ask you to enter your seller account username and password so you can connect to your personal account and see exactly which products are associated with your brand. After that, you will end up in this interface, as Amazon includes a whole section on the best practices to follow to promote your products properly. When you think you are ready to do your first broadcast, just click on this option.

 On this page you will be asked to enter a custom title for your video, specify the product background and other information that will attract the customer.

When you click on the previous “Add Products” option, a list of all the products related to your brand will appear for you to choose from what you want to promote, then click on “Save” to find yourself on this new page.

Next, you will find two new options: Enhance your live broadcast and Interact with viewers. The first allows you to expand and expand your live broadcast to reach the largest possible segment, and the second gives you the opportunity to chat and communicate with viewers while providing a special link that can be shared with your email list or followers on social media so that they can follow your live episode. After you decide to choose the option that suits you, you will click Preview.

All you have to do now is click on the “Live Broadcast” option, and then you will be in a live episode promoting your product directly to the users who enjoy watching you.

How can I be financially excluded from the service?  

Naturally, the service is beneficial to both branded merchants and regular sellers who promote their products on Amazon, but it also applies to marketers because it’s a new way to earn commissions, according to Amazon. The live stream you do will appear on your Influencer storefront at Amazon.com/live, and your Amazon followers will be notified on the Amazon Shopping app when your live stream starts, which means you’ll be eligible to earn commissions on purchases made from your live streams on Amazon, in addition to the additional revenue you’ll earn for the visits you refer to your Influencer store.
