optimizing content for voice search

Optimize content for voice search

This term has been around for a long time, voice search! In one structure or another, we ran it over. In any case, do we really know what it is and what it can bring to our business?

How many of us have an important plan to take advantage of voice search? I don't know about much.

Voice search is evolving at a tremendous rate and will grow in volume. The same number of brands and businesses are joining the transient trend to take advantage of voice search, and it's time to finally realize that you can't ignore voice search anymore.

What is voice search

Voice search is mainly performed when a customer, rather than typing, requests an oral query on their mobile phones or any other related device. Therefore, the query is answered through a remote assistant or a web index.

More and more individuals are constantly using this item. Shockingly, more teens (55%) than adults (41%) use voice search consistently.

In fact, voice search has come out in a really amazing way so far. About 65% of smart speaker owners (Google Home/Amazon Echo) can't imagine going back to their primary speakers.

Why Voice Search

To answer why voice search, we'll really explain how voice search has changed the situation compared to traditional search. You simply can't invest your money in traditional SEO practices and hope to appear in voice search results. The potential is enormous and generally unexplored. Here are the reasons why voice search asks you for attention and how it changed the landscape for everyone –

1. Longer queries – Voice glances are longer than traditional queries. This has changed the whole game. How?

When you're looking for how to make pizza before, you're entering pizza plans and then visiting the top links you offer. For now, you can simply say to your inquiry "Hi Google, how to make a pizza at home?

You need to be bold enough to incorporate long logo expressions to achieve the "new customer plan."

2. Question phrases – This is a side effect of the key point. As the quest becomes more "conversational," it's best to note that you need to incorporate more search queries into your keywords in order to upgrade to voice search. If your material meets the "why", "what", "when" and "how" of your customers, you can undoubtedly rank voice searches. In fact, the top three keywords in voice search are "how," "what," and "best."

3. More intention – This is why the voice is supported by the will in general for the "distinctive language" more. The usual search by the customer about the "personal computer" will not give us any idea of where the customer needs to get one, repair one, or needs to replace it. A conversation query makes a big difference here and takes us away from the customer who relies on advertisers who can act.

4. Close Hero – Over the last two years, the appearance of "Close to Me ___" has increased by 150% due to the voice search style and adaptation it offers to the customer. In addition, remember that mobile-based searches rely on the neighborhood many times more than querying traditional content. This is a clear advantage for neighboring organizations, as an ever-increasing number of individuals will discover it through voice search on their mobile phones. The need to improve the appearance of the neighborhood is more evident now than ever.

Instructions for improving voice search

There are many variables that are considered in voice search when compared to traditional query. It is essential to understand and work on improvement to get the maximum results from this leading feature. Here are some unusual changes you can make to achieve the same –

1. FAQ pages

This is the hallmark of your content when it comes to voice search. Question keywords evolve rapidly, and Google's answer results are around 30 words, making FAQ pages ideal for voice search.

Voice query items return back 1.7 times from the FAQ page when compared to work area results.

2. Update my business page on Google – Google refers to my Google business listings frequently when it comes to throwing results at addresses, phone numbers, hours of operation, and much more. Having this cutting-edge technology when needed gives you a strong possibility to appear in audio results over your competitors who have moved away from this point of view. Developing your content for the "Close to me ___" theme along with the updated Google My Business page is like a great combo that's like a great combo theme.

3. Professional featured snippets – According to a study by Backlinko, about 40% of audio menu items were sourced from featured snippets. Honestly, there's nothing unexpected either. In the event that the voice assistant gives one audio result to the customer, it must be a featured snippet. Good news, isn't it!

4. Long tail keywords – When we search through the voice search stages, the catchy phrases we "mention" are usually longer than the keywords we "express" in the usual pursuit. Imagine how the client will ask the Internet researcher for his inquiry? You can generally refer to Answer The Public which is a great tool for discovering famous long-tailed phrases.

We urge you to combine long phrases as they perform better voice search.

5. Include "stuffing words" – Make sure to include lots of "stuffing words" in and around your long keywords for best voice search results. Why? In fact, according to Borna Vergi, this will essentially increase your odds of appearing in audio results if your famous phrase is enhanced with words like "I", "an" and "for".

6. Location speed – Yes, your site speed matters. It's important for Google to search for traditional results. It is much more important for audio-indexed lists. Voice search results are several times faster than on a regular site.

The future speaks

Every advertiser, business visionary, or business owner needs to give voice search a reasonable time and a clear activity plan. It's not a good time to think about voice search playing a crucial role in the future, it's really good, my friends. The future is now and he speaks remarkably.

As voice search evolves to become more accurate and intelligent, it is our responsibility how we stay aware of its movement or lag behind in the race.

Tell me what significant developments you will make after reading this post. If you're ready to finally distribute your content FAQ pages or you're bolder and more open with long keywords, just comment below to let us know.
