Detect ways to collect data from Google from Chatbots

Detect ways to collect data from Google from Chatbots

In a recent support document, Google highlighted its methods of collecting data from users of AI-powered chatbot apps on the web, across Android and iOS devices. The tech giant admits that human reviewers routinely read, classify, and process conversations with Gemini to improve the service. However, these conversations are kept separate from Google Accounts.

Understand Google's data collection practices

It remains unclear whether these auditors are internal or external, a distinction that may be crucial for data security concerns. Google retains these conversations for up to three years, along with relevant data such as languages used and device locations. Users now have some control over the data related to the Gemini model.

Gemini Activity Management

Disabling Gemini app activity in Google Activity controls prevents future conversations with Gemini from being saved to your Google Account for review, making the three-year period unapplicable. Users can also delete individual claims and conversations with Gemini from the Gemini app activity screen.

Google Privacy Balancing Act

Google's policies on data collection and retention for AI models are closely aligned with those of its competitors. They aim to balance privacy and develop AI models that feed user data.

Question & Answer

Q1: How long does Google keep conversations with Gemini?

A1: Google retains conversations with Gemini for up to three years, along with associated data.

Q2: Can users control Gemini related data?

A2: Yes, users now have some control over the data related to the Gemini model through Google Activity controls.

Q3: What actions can users take to manage Gemini activity?

A3: Users can disable Gemini app activity in Google Activity controls to prevent future conversations from being saved, and can also delete prompts and individual conversations from the Gemini app activity screen.

Learn how Google collects data from AI-powered chatbot conversations and discovers ways users can manage their data privacy regarding the Gemini model.
