Apple looks forward to foldable iPhone after Vision Pro launch

Apple looks forward to foldable iPhone after Vision Pro launch

Apple's Exploration of Foldable iPhones

Apple is reportedly developing at least two prototypes of horizontally foldable iPhones, similar to Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip, according to a new report by The Information.

Development Journey

Previously, the company halted the development of a foldable iPhone and shifted the focus towards developing a foldable iPad due to durability concerns and permanent crease issues.

The latest report from The Information indicates that Apple has resumed the development of foldable iPhones.

Post-Vision Pro launch dynamics

This renewed focus follows last week's successful launch of Vision Pro, a discreet, lengthy and challenging development process.

Future Prospects

However, the likelihood of a foldable iPhone arriving anytime soon seems slim, as the report indicates that the device is not in the company's production plans for 2024 or 2025.

Design challenges and ambitions

Apple aims to create a foldable iPhone with screens on the outside of the device, though engineers have faced challenges due to the design's readily breakable susceptibility.

In addition, engineers aspire to develop a foldable phone as thin as current iPhone models, although battery sizes and screen components are challenging.

Collaborative efforts and continuous work

Apple has reportedly collaborated with at least one manufacturer in Asia regarding the purchase of parts for foldable iPhones of various sizes, according to The Information.

Moreover, work is still going on on the foldable iPad, which has been subject to rumors for a long time.

Aspirations for foldable iPads

Apple aims to develop a foldable tablet similar to the iPad mini, featuring an 8-inch screen.

Apple engineers working on the product seek to reduce the crease that appears in the middle of the screen, while also aiming to develop a hinge that allows the screen to lie flat when opened.

Launch of future timelines and indicators

It's still unclear when Apple might launch the foldable iPad, although a recent report from The Elec suggests the company is preparing for a device between 7 and 8 inches by 2026 or 2027.

Q&A Section:

Q1: What prompted Apple to stop developing the foldable iPhone at first?

A1: Durability concerns and issues with permanent curling led Apple to shift the focus towards developing a foldable iPad instead.

Q2: What is the successful launch of the last product mentioned in the article?

A2: The article refers to the successful launch of Apple's Vision Pro mixed reality glasses last week.

Q3: What are the aspirations for designing a foldable iPhone and iPad?

A3: Apple aims to create a foldable iPhone with screens on the outside of the device, while it also aspires to develop a foldable iPad with an 8-inch screen, which reduces creases and achieves a hinge that allows the screen to lie flat when opened.

Apple's exploration of foldable iPhones was discussed, detailing its renewed focus, challenges, collaborative efforts, and future prospects, including aspirations for foldable iPads.
