Mobility in the housing market in 2025: insights and considerations

Mobility in the housing market in 2025: insights and considerations

The housing market in 2025 presents a mix of challenges and opportunities for potential homebuyers. Despite the recent decline in mortgage rates, there are still various factors affecting the real estate landscape. In this article, we will dive into key aspects of the current market, examine mortgage rates, home inventory forecasts, and expert insights to help buyers make informed decisions.

Mortgage rates show improvement, but challenges remain:

Despite the recent decline in mortgage interest rates after eight consecutive weeks of decline, the 30-year average fixed interest rate remains at 6.66%. Although it is below the peak of 7.79% in 2023, high rates and historical declines in home inventory still affect affordability, especially for first-time buyers.

Housing Market Outlook for 2024

Industry experts suggest that 2025 may bring some relief to potential home buyers, with prices expected to ease in certain areas. Optimism is also fueled by the Fed's clear conclusion of its rate hike campaign, although affordability challenges due to pent-up demand and low inventories are expected to persist.

Conditions for the recovery of the housing market

To see the housing market recover, increasing inventories of homes for sale is crucial, relieving upward pressure on prices. Experts emphasize the need for a gradual cooling of interest rates rather than a rapid decline, as the latter can lead to an increase in demand, eliminating any potential gains in inventory.

Mortgage assets and home inventory projections

Although mortgage rates have fallen in recent weeks, mortgage applications remain tepid. However, the Mortgage Bankers Association's forecast predicts an increase in the total volume of mortgage construction in 2025, reaching $1.95 trillion. Housing stocks are expected to remain limited, especially in entry-level supply, despite positive signs in the outlook for home construction.

Existing home sales show slight recovery

November saw a slight rebound in existing home sales, breaking a five-month downturn. Industry experts attribute this to impatient homebuyers who adapt to higher rates. While sales activity remains weak, there are signs that 2025 could see a shift as prices fall attracting more buyers and sellers to the market.

Affordability challenges persist

Despite some positive trends, affordability challenges persist in the housing market. House prices rose, with Zillow reporting a 40% increase compared to February 2020. Concerns about affordability are particularly evident for first-time buyers, with various indicators highlighting low affordability conditions.

Market stability and potential for a crash

Experts argue that a housing market collapse in 2025 is unlikely, citing factors such as the positive homeownership rights of today's homeowners and the ongoing demand from millennials entering the years of buying major homes. Although rising prices may slow, no major collapse is expected, especially in markets with strong economic fundamentals.

Mortgage trends and forecasts

Foreclosures activity has increased nationally, but experts don't expect a wave of foreclosures in 2025. Economic strength, low unemployment, steady wage growth, and expanded financial relief offers from mortgage providers are cited as mitigating the impact of potential foreclosures.

Considerations for home buyers and sellers

Experts advise potential buyers not to wait for ideal market conditions, focusing on the personal nature of the home purchase decision. Pro tips include thinking about moving into low-priced markets, preparing ahead, and staying on top of prices and listings. Sellers are advised to work with real estate agents, enhance the appeal of their homes online, and integrate virtual tours to attract potential buyers.


The housing market in 2025 presents a delicate landscape, with challenges and opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Informed decision-making, proactive preparation, and understanding of market dynamics will be essential to overcome the complexities of the real estate market in the coming year.
