In 2024, we will adopt a console-focused gaming experience

In 2024, we will adopt a console-focused gaming experience

My journey to the world of computer games

In 2016, I got involved in PC games with Valve's Steam Machine, and enjoyed Steam's extensive library and superior performance. Moving to Dell's PC and eventually building my PC, I gave up my Xbox One and most of my PS4 games, preferring the PC for a better gaming experience. However, as 2024 approaches, I'm considering returning to PS5, Switch, and other consoles.

Rediscovering focus through music

As a musician, I embraced digital audio workstations but found myself distracted by the endless possibilities of the internet. By turning to physical tools, the value of focused and distraction-free experiments was discovered. This realization sparked a similar desire for convergence in gaming, prompting me to reconsider the benefits of console games on PC.

Freedom from performance mania

In the gaming world, the constant pursuit of "biggest, best, fastest now" has become the norm. Controllers have also succumbed to this trend. However, my experience with the PS5, which is like owning a car, made me appreciate the benefits of disconnecting from the distractions. By prioritizing games over endless performance optimization, I aim to bring the experience back to a straightforward and focused experience.

Trading keyboard for console

While I'm not giving up PC gaming altogether, my decision for 2024 involves switching to my PlayStation console first for gaming. The choice isn't just about chasing the perfect gaming platform, it's about embracing a separate device dedicated to a more immersive and focused gaming experience. Like the mixers I use, games deserve to be a distinct and deliberate goal.

Q&A Section

Q1: Do you completely abandon computer games?

No, I will continue to use my Windows 11 device for certain games and simulations, and as part of my job, staying connected to the world of PC games is essential.

Q2: What drove this shift to console games in 2024?

The inspiration came from my experience with music and my awareness of the value of focused and distraction-free engagement, which I aim to replicate in games.

Q3: How do you see the balance between console and PC games?

In 2024, I'll prioritize gaming consoles, and appreciate the unique and immersive experience they offer, but I'm not completely giving up on PC gaming.

Explore the shift from PC to console gaming in 2024, driven by the desire for a more focused and distraction-free gaming experience. Discover the reasons behind this shift and seek out deliberate gaming in the midst of the constant push of technology to achieve more.

