How to Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages Easily: A Step by Step Guide

How to Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages Easily: A Step by Step Guide

WhatsApp introduced the "delete for everyone" feature in 2017, allowing users to delete any message sent within two days. Although this feature proves useful in certain situations, it can also arouse curiosity and frustration when you find yourself on the receiving end of a deleted message.

Complexities of deleting WhatsApp messages

WhatsApp's "delete for everyone" feature is different from similar features found on other social media platforms, such as Instagram. On Instagram, the recipient is not notified of the deleted message, enabling the sender to avoid any embarrassing explanations. This feature is designed to help individuals hide errors and resend corrected messages without drawing attention to their mistakes.

Two ways to read deleted WhatsApp messages

Method one: Use backup

  1. Go to WhatsApp settings.
  2. Choose "Chats" and then "Chat Backup".
  3. Find a previous backup that contains the deleted messages.

Although effective, this method can be cumbersome, requiring the app to be deleted, reinstalled, and logged back in to activate the backup.

Method 2: Notification History (Android 11)

  1. Go to your device's Settings.
  2. Scroll and select "Apps & Notifications."
  3. Select "Notifications".
  4. Tap Notification History.
  5. Enable the "Use notification history" switch.
  6. Once activated, you can view WhatsApp notifications, and even deleted messages.

This method provides a more secure and hassle-free option for Android users running on Android 11.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I recover deleted messages without backup?

A: Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not offer a straightforward way to recover deleted messages without backup.

Q2: Does this work for group chats as well?

A: Yes, the methods mentioned apply to individual and group conversations.

Q3: Will the sender be notified if I view deleted messages?

A: No, the sender will not receive any notification when a deleted message is displayed.

Learn how to read deleted WhatsApp messages effortlessly with this comprehensive guide. Explore two methods, backup and notification history, and get answers to frequently asked questions about recovering deleted messages.

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