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Here are 9 sites to download clips for free without background

Here are 9 sites to download clipped images for free without png background for Photoshop

It is important for every designer in any field, whether he is in the field of Photoshop, or a specialist in animation programs, or even Adobe Premiere, Aftereffect, etc., to have blank images, to use in his designs. Of course, during this period we are in, we noticed that all the sites that used to provide the service of obtaining uploaded images for free are now paid, or they offer you a free method, such as creating an account on their site, downloading a certain number of images that are downloaded for free from this site daily, and then you cannot download any other images.

On the same day, until the next day comes, and for this we offer you, dear visitors to the "Mohammadi" website, 9 sites that provide you with the download of blank images complete without backgrounds and in PNG format, in addition to the fact that the images are of high quality for the current year 2024, and these sites are available completely free of charge and you can download them, that is, how many pictures do you want, dear follower? First, subscribe to our mailing list, receive our latest topics, prepare a glass of your favorite drink, and continue reading the full story.

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Which would have made everything easier for you in your life, and made you more professional in your field, because you followed yourself, did not resist it, and we get to the heart of the matter.
Free photo upload sites

If you are a person who is new to Photoshop, or any other field that requires you to have certain images, you will definitely want them blank, and we face many problems which is that we find a lot of images that we like on Google Images, but we may face a problem from both: either the image is not blank.

It may be difficult to decipher, or the image may be copyrighted.

We tackled the second problem in our previous topic which is how to use Google Photos without copyright. In this topic, we address with you the first problem, which is that you find the image unbroken and it can be difficult to decipher.

Sometimes it is disassembled, where you find that part of it has been cut, or you find that the quality has been tampered with, or even that some parts of this image have been corroded.

Therefore, in this article, we have presented to you 9 sites that provide the service of uploading completely empty images, that is, without backgrounds and in several formats, including png and in the highest quality only for free and without even the need to register or purchase for the current year 2024. As for the sites, they are as follows, and we list each site with a detailed explanation about it. HiClipArt.

Papua New Guinea Fly.
First Site | HiClipArt

HiClipArt, in English, "HiClipArt", this wonderful site, was launched in 2019, or rather between June and July, where the site was created by a group of India, where its main goal was India, but it spread quickly. In a strange way via the Internet, it came in India as the most receiving countries for visitors, followed by United States and reached a more than wonderful ranking in Alexa in a very short time and provides millions of libraries that contain completely blank images, in more than one format, and contain modern and classic images, in line with the times, and come with a very simple design interface, so that anyone from any country, regardless of his language, can deal with a site.


TrzCaCak is second only to HiClipArt. It was launched at the same time, and was aimed at India as well. As for the launch date of the site, it is in 2009, but it was not known until it witnessed a large and intensive turnout in 2019, and the fact that the site did not exist until a few months ago, reaching a high rank on Alexa, and receiving visitors from different countries of the world. India comes first, followed by United States, and then Brazil. The site currently contains more than half a million images in PNG format, without copyright. And ready to download for free however you want. The site comes with a contemporary design, but it's easy to use, unlike HiClipArt. The site is working to enlarge and provide millions of images over the coming months.

"FreePngs" website, this site is considered one of the largest sites specialized in this field, as it was established in 2008 and continued until 2009, after which it was closed. We will see it return again in 2017, and it receives an even more than impressive number of visitors from different countries. The world and of course the site has become paid but it provides thousands of images completely free. As for the most visited visitors from around the world, India comes in first place, followed by Egypt, followed by Indonesia. The site is characterized by the multiplicity of different images on it, as well as the simple download process.


This is the giant site "PngImg" in the field of free photos. This website was created on October 7, 2013 and therefore carries seniority. It is very popular in the field of uploading images without backgrounds, as it is designed with a very simple interface, and contains millions of free images. It receives many visitors monthly, and a number of great posts on various social networking sites. The countries that visit this site are India, followed by United States, and then Iran.


FreePngImg is completely free of all the images on it, with more than 50,000 blank images without backgrounds. It was launched in 2016, but was soon closed for not being able to compete in its field, but it returned in 2017, and gained great fame in its history in 2019, and it features a more than wonderful modern design interface. The countries that visit the site are India followed by United States followed by Egypt.

Papua New Guinea Fly

The "pngfly" site was launched recently at the beginning of 2019, and it has achieved great achievements compared to the rest of its competing sites in the same field, as it was able to get a huge amount of continuous visits to it, and it also comes with a modern but simple design, and the secret behind its spread is in a very strange way, it contains millions of downloaded images, knowing that they are completely free, in addition to that there is no specific number of downloads, since they are unlimited at all, which It means you can download photos from it at any time, as many times as you want.


This ancient site "StickPng" has been one of the oldest sites available in the field since 2016, when it was only the year of its inception.

The site witnessed great fame starting in 2017, and the site is still at the forefront, and it is the most famous of them, and comes after them.

As for the most countries that visit it, it is India number one, followed by United States and then Argentina and it comes with a very beautiful design that differs from the rest of the other sites and is smooth in dealing with them, but you will find them more professional.


PngMart got its start in 2014, but soon it was shut down, and it started launching again in 2016. He has noticed great popularity over the past years, and his greatest fame came in 2019, as it attracted the largest number of visitors at that time. Time, it was a famous location.

In this area, as for its design, it is very simple, and the most visited countries in the world are India, then United States, followed by Pakistan.

Clip ArtKey

As for this site, it is considered a modern site, as it was launched in late 2019, but it comes with a very distinctive design that is completely different from the rest of the colors and comes with very modern icons that differ almost from the rest of the colors of other sites. It contains hundreds of completely blank images, but it comes in the purest quality and the latest designs, and the site continues to witness a huge number of visitors since its inception.
