virtual world metaverse

virtual world metaverse

The virtual world of Metaverse is one of the names that Mark has presented since a while as the new change for Facebook, Mark also announced the plans he intends to make, which some see as a breakthrough in the world of technology, but these talk frightened many people and wondered what their impact would be on Society.

Metaverse software

The virtual world metaverse is a technology that will be adopted in the world of Facebook that gives users a range of updates and different things, Mark Zuckerberg also announced the following:

With the new updates, Mark wanted to open a new door for content creators on social media.

Over time, the Facebook subsidiary will start producing products that help develop the virtual world and make it more enjoyable.

- Mark, CEO of Metaverse Corporation, indicated that the meaning of the name Meta refers to cyberspace or in the slang sense of the virtual world.

- The new company's name logo indicates the infinity of technical development that Mark promised us would bring a different kind of boom.

What is metaverse technology?

Metaverse technology comes with a set of technologies that make the experience of the Facebook social application completely different from before, here is information about this technology:

- Metaverse virtual world technology comes with an avatar that comes with a simulated user image design.
Through this avatar, one can experience a range of activities that have never been seen before.

- All the updates announced by Mark predict us a future full of discoveries and changes on a practical and recreational level.
- There are no limits to these developments offered, it is possible to experience the games by entering the virtual world.

- Now you can experience space travel and to different places through your avatar.

There is also a way to experience a lot of 3D activities such as seeing how archaeological objects are built and seeing ancient history by building an entire environment of digital programming.

- It is said that this technology separates the human senses from the real world in order to move to the virtual world.

The virtual world becomes an integrated environment of interaction between it and the user, whether sensory or visual interaction.

Facebook's most important updates

It does not stop only at the virtual world of Metaverse with modern technologies that will appear to us, but there is a set of updates that Mark wants to introduce in this world, including the following:

- Shopping through the cases in the programs, and this means that online shopping will take the form of entering the cases that people view and then buying the product.

The next update, which is really one of the most important updates especially for product viewers, is to try the products through the use of the camera.

- Trying the games before you buy is one of the updates it is also introducing in the new update.

- The update will come to the user with a set of capabilities that increase the interaction between him and the program better.
- Converting words into pictures or animated videos will be the new tool in this update.

- Optimizing advertising campaigns using a range of technical developments that Facebook provides you.

- We will note that the updates are directed primarily to those wishing to view and purchase products.

Define virtual reality

The virtual world of metaverse has become the talk of a lot now, so talk about the definition of virtual reality in a simple way as follows:

Virtual world is a technology that creates a three-dimensional environment that simulates reality.

- This world is accessed using a set of tools that transport the user to another environment separate from reality.

In other words, the virtual world is considered an environment of imagination in which interaction is created between it and the user, and with the nascent developments, this interaction has become tangible and visible.

Virtual reality has become in different forms, whether in 3D games or videos that convey a different experience for the user, such as walking in the forests and climbing from above heights.

Artificial intelligence techniques in general greatly affect the vital functions of humans if they are used excessively and incorrectly

Entering the virtual world

Entering the virtual world of metaverse requires, as we mentioned, a set of things and tools, including the following:

The technology of entering the virtual world usually comes with means that are installed on the user's head.

- Other techniques used are gloves and glasses that convey the event to you.

The gloves come with powerful sensors for all your actions and then transmit them directly to the virtual world.

These technologies are not only for luxury, but are also used in many fields such as the medical field, which is based on a technology called VR.

Of course, the virtual world needs a lot of programming steps and mechanisms that help engineers create a complete environment from this world.

- Among the things that Mark said that there will be technical updates that will include this virtual world, which gives us an opportunity to try different activities, for example, space travel.

- The devices or means used to enter the virtual world of Meta have not yet been identified, but we are looking forward to knowing all the details about other developments in the short term.

Disadvantages of the virtual world

Despite the use of the virtual world in many fields, including medicine, there are some negatives that frighten Facebook users, including the following:

- After announcing the existence of a plan to start the virtual world of Metaverse and the activities available to do it, fear increased about those negatives associated with it.

- Perhaps one of the first dangers that came to the minds of many when announcing updates for Facebook is the limitation of communication between humans.

Of course, that negativity is one of the first negatives that may be caused by advanced updates in your Facebook.

Loss of flexibility in the virtual world. No matter how advanced the development is, of course, it will not mimic reality 100%, so it reduces a person’s flexibility in dealing with events surrounding the natural image.

The use of the virtual world for long periods may affect the body and the emergence of some symptoms such as nausea, headache, poor concentration and regression of vision.

Pros of the virtual world and Facebook updates

As in all things, there are always positives and negatives, and determining this depends on the way those things are used by the person, and although there are negatives to the virtual world, there are positives, including the following:

- The virtual world of metaverse is not what some think it will make people addicted to it.
- There are even uses that may affect public life better, including facilitating services.
The virtual world provides entertainment, and it is one of the means that helps reduce psychological pressure. However, these matters are a double-edged sword. If the matter exceeds the normal limit, it turns into the opposite.
- The presence of more interactions in various fields, as the virtual world has become at the present time one of the basic fields of work away from entertainment.
- The updates that Mark presented will become the virtual world and applications of the most important and first means to open up to consumers.
- Services and products are displayed through this world, as it has now become the first means used to finalize real-world transactions as quickly as possible.