Google's Graveyard Grows: Four More Apps to Bite the Dust in 2024

Google's Graveyard Grows: Four More Apps to Bite the Dust in 2024

Google is notorious for putting numerous apps and tools to rest over the years, and four more are set to join the graveyard in 2024. Some are recent, while others are ancient, but they all share one thing in common: they're sentenced to oblivion.

1. Google Podcasts

Launched about six years ago as a platform for Android users to enjoy podcasts, Google Podcasts is now facing its demise. Google plans to shut it down and introduce a migration tool to move subscriptions to YouTube Music. 

The migration process is set to commence in the coming months, but Google has only revealed a vague timeline of "2024" for Podcasts' discontinuation.


Introduced in 2016 as a large physical collaboration tool, Jamboard is a massive 55-inch 4K touchscreen meant to serve as a digital whiteboard. However, Google has announced the discontinuation of the product, with updates ceasing on September 30, 2024.

3. Google Jamboard App

Similarly, the Jamboard app is also on the chopping block. Users will have some time to migrate their data from Jams to other apps like FigJam, Lucidspark, or Miro, according to Google. All mobile and web client applications will stop functioning correctly, leading to a loss of access to stored cloud content.

4.Google DropCam

DropCam, a series of Wi-Fi cameras launched around 15 years ago, was acquired by Google in 2014 as part of Nest Labs for a whopping $555 million. The services of DropCam are set to end on April 8, 2024, as part of a larger shift towards Google Home. 

This transition also marks the retirement of the old Nest Secure system. After April 8, users will no longer be able to access DropCam cameras through the Nest app. However, DropCam owners can obtain a free wired Nest Cam if they wish to subscribe to Nest Aware.

Google's pattern of discontinuing services raises questions about the company's long-term commitment to its products, leaving users to adapt to the changing digital landscape.
