Comparison iPhone 13 mini and iPhone SE

Comparison iPhone 13 mini and iPhone SE

The screen is clearly different from one device to another, not only because of the size but also because of the technology that each one of them have.

Something very important always in an iPhone are the cameras and the benefits that they provide to the user, a fundamental aspect in this comparison and where there is a big difference.

Design is something that affects a lot when it comes to acquiring or not a device, and although it is totally subjective, the reality is that there is a great difference between both devices.

The way to unlock the iPhone also changes. On an iPhone you will have to use your fingerprint while on the other, putting your face will be enough.

5G connectivity is differential, especially for those users who think in the long term, since, as we will tell you later, currently this type of connection is not fully usable.

Price is also a fundamental aspect when choosing between one and the other, and again, there is again a big difference between the two.

Design differences

In a device comparison, the first thing that stands out is aesthetics, that is, the design they have, and that is why it is the first point we want to talk about. In addition, you have to take into account that the design not only affects the aesthetics of the iPhone, but also other factors that we will talk about below.

How does the change affect?

When a design change is carried out, there are always users who like it and others who prefer the above, especially taking into account the aesthetic point of view. However, in the change that has been carried out in the iPhone, which has gone from a rounded design, like that of the iPhone SE, to a squarer device like the iPhone 13 mini, it is not only aesthetics that has been seen altered.

The feeling that users have when taking the device in hand is totally different on the iPhone SE than on the iPhone 13 mini, however, one cannot be classified better than the other, since it will be something totally personal to each user. . What is a reality is that he changes from one device to another if you will have that feeling of having something completely new in your hands.

But beware, the change in design is not only found in the shape of the iPhone, but also moves to the front of it. The iPhone SE has the traditional design that has accompanied the iPhone for so many years, with pronounced frames and Touch ID on the screen, making the front much less used. 

On the other hand, the iPhone 13 mini already has the design that the iPhone X introduced, a full screen that undoubtedly makes the most of the device's dimensions much better and gives users a considerably larger screen, something that comes in handy. 

for all consumption of multimedia content and even to have more information within any application.

Which is more resistant?

Accompanying the design change, the Cupertino company has also slightly changed the construction materials of the iPhone, making it more resistant to shocks that it may suffer. For its part, the iPhone SE has glass on both the front and back, accompanied by aerospace-quality aluminum. 

The iPhone 13 mini for its part also has aerospace-quality aluminum, but on the front, it has the Ceramic Shield material that, according to Apple, makes it much more resistant to shocks.

For practical purposes there are really few changes, since they are still, like the rest of smartphones, delicate devices with which you have to take special care that they do not suffer any fall or any blow, since both the front and the back are quite prone to damage. However, it is true that the Ceramic Shield makes the iPhone 13 mini more resistant to shocks, however, that does not affect the possible scratches that the screen may receive. 

Therefore, our recommendation with both the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13 mini is to provide it with a good screen protector and a good case, thus avoiding possible scares and, above all, having to pay a good amount of money to repair them.

As we mentioned before when we talked to you about the design, the screen is another of the great changes that exist between both devices, not to say that it is the great change. Not only are there differences in size, but also the technology that one and the other enjoy is completely different.

Screens size

Size matters, and especially if we are talking about the screen of a smartphone, since it is the element through which all the experience that a user can have with it arises. In the case of the iPhone SE, its screen is 4.7 inches, while in the iPhone 13 mini it is 5.4 inches.

If we compare the dimensions of both devices, you can see how they really are practically the same, however, this design change in which the iPhone 13 mini takes advantage of the entire front and the SE does not, makes a device in practically the same device size count on a considerably larger screen.

This increase in screen is positive in every case you can think of. To begin with, whenever you go to watch a series, a video or a movie through your iPhone, you will be able to see it and appreciate the details much better. 

In the same way, when viewing or editing your photos, the larger the screen, the more details you will be able to appreciate. Therefore, the experience when using one device and another is totally different to a great extent due to this change in screen size.

Different technologies

The size is not the only thing that significantly differentiates the screens of the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13 mini, since the technologies used are radically different. In the iPhone SE you have a screen that has an LCD panel, while in the iPhone 13 mini the panel is OLED.

This difference in the panel makes the colors, in the case of the 13 mini, much more vivid and faithful to reality. In addition, it is also a much more efficient screen, which affects the autonomy of the iPhone. This is due to the fact that the black pixels of the screen in an OLED panel are represented as a turned off pixel, and obviously this makes that part of the screen does not consume battery as it happens in the LCD screen of the iPhone SE, which is represented as a pixel-colored black.

Another difference is the type of screen, a Retina HD for the iPhone SE, and a Super Retina XDR for the 13 minis. The name says it all, but the reality is that the difference is enormous, since the screen that the iPhone 13 mini has is classified as a professional screen given the color correspondence it has with reality. 

This will make the experience when viewing videos or photos on your iPhone very good, but even more so for all users who want to edit their photos or videos from the iPhone itself.

Photo and video cameras

One of the most important aspects of the iPhone are its cameras and everything that can be done with them, well, the differences in performance at the level of photography and video between the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13 mini are quite large, so yes you were thinking of acquiring one of the two, pay close attention.

Number of lenses and specifications

Before talking about what you can really do with one device and another, you have to know what are the specifications that both the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13 mini have. They are two devices that at the camera level are really different, so this will affect what you can do and not do in both cases. Below you have the table with all the specifications of both at the camera level.

SpecificationsiPhone SE (2nd gen.) iPhone 13 Mini Photos front camera -Retina Flash (screen)
-hdr intelligent
-Mode portrait
-Control deep
-Illumination portraits -Retina Flash (screen)
-hdr smart 4
-Mode portrait
-Control deep
-Illumination portraits
-Mode night
-Deep Fusion
Front camera videos - Cinema quality stabilization at 1080p and 720p -
Recording at 1080p at 25, 30 or 60 frames per second -
QuickTake video -Cinema mode to record videos with shallow depth of field (1080p at 30
fps) -Recording video in 4K at 24, 25, 30 or 60 f / s-
Recording video in HDR with Dolby Vision up to 4K at 60 f / s
- 1080p HD video recording at 25, 30 or 60
fps - Cinema quality video stabilization (4K, 1080p and 720p) -
Slow motion video in 1080p at 120
fps - QuickTake video
Photos rear cameras -12 Mpx wide-angle camera with f / 1.8 aperture.
Optical image - stabilization
-Zoom approach x5 (digital)
-Flash True Tone with slow sync
-Mode Portrait
-Illumination portrait
-Control deep
-hdr next - generation intelligent -Dual 12MP wide-angle and ultra-wide-angle camera system.
-Wide angle with aperture f / 1.6
-Ultra wide angle with aperture f / 2.4
-Optical image stabilization by sensor shift
-Optical zoom zoom out x2 and Digital zoom up to x5
-Flash True Tone with slow synchro
-Mode bokeh effect portrait with advanced and depth Control
-Illumination portrait six effects
-Control deep
-hdr smart 4
-Estilos photographic
-Mode night
-Deep Fusion
Rear camera videos - 4K recording at 24, 25, 30 or 60 frames per second -
1080p recording at 25, 30 or 60 frames per second -
Expanded dynamic range up to 30 frames per second -
Zoom x3 (digital) -
QuickTake video
- Camera 1080p slow at 120 or 240 frames per second
-Time-Lapse with stabilization
-Stereo recording -Cinema mode to record videos with shallow depth of field (1080p at 30
fps) -Recording video in 4K at 24, 25, 30 or 60 f / s
-Recording video in 1080p HD at 25, 30 or 60 f / s
-HDR video recording with Dolby Vision up to 4K at 60
fps -Optical image stabilization for video by sensor
-Audio zoom
-QuickTake video -Slow motion video in 1080p at 120 or 240 fps
-Time-lapse with night mode
-Video in time-lapse with STABILIZER-ization
-Recording stereo

Photo modes

Once you have checked what the differences are at the hardware level, you have to know what are the differences that derive from these previous ones, that is, what you are going to be able to do with a device and what you are going to be able to do. with the other. Obviously, having different technologies and number of lenses, the possibilities are radically different from one to the other.


We begin by talking about the photographs that you can take with the front camera. Although they may initially look the same, the reality is that the photos you take with the iPhone 13 mini are radically better than those you can take with the iPhone SE. 

To begin with, the camera is not the same, in the case of the 13 mini you have a 12 Mpx True Depth camera, while the 7 Mpx FaceTime HD camera is present in the SE. Another aspect that comes into play and that makes the photographs better is the presence, in the iPhone 13 mini, of the HDR 4.

Night mode

A totally different aspect is the possibility that the iPhone 13 mini provides to take quality photographs in low light conditions thanks to the night mode. This is something that you will not be able to do with the iPhone SE and that without any doubt clearly makes a difference, since it provides a wide range of possibilities to all users who want to use their iPhone to take good night photographs. Obviously, the results are not professional, but they are good enough to be able to use them in the different social networks.

Ultra-wide angle lens

Undoubtedly, another of the great differences that exist between both devices is the presence of the ultra-wide-angle lens. With a focal length equivalent to 13 mm, users have at their disposal the possibility of taking very striking photographs, especially in good light conditions, providing a point of view that, with the iPhone SE, is not available. In addition, this lens not only stands out for what you can do at the photographic level, but also at the video level, which is just what we are going to talk about next.

Video modes

One of the strengths of the iPhone, and the one in which it is the best on the market, is video. Apple has provided all users with a practically professional video tool that you can put in your pocket without any problem, even more so we are talking about the iPhone 13 mini, and as you can foresee, if there were differences with the iPhone SE at the level of photography, there are also, and considerable, in terms of video.

Slow motion

Slow motion is surely one of the video modes that users use the least, and really, in this regard, Apple has not introduced new features in their devices for a long time. You can currently record in this video mode in 1080 at 120 or 240 fps, which will give you fantastic slow motion. However, for all those who want content in 4K, they will miss the possibility of recording in this way at that resolution.


One of the most striking video recording modes that are present in the iPhone is Time-Lapse, which is a fast-motion recording. In this sense, there are differences between both devices, since, in addition to the usual recording, the iPhone 13 mini gives the possibility of making Time-Lapse with night mode, ideal to be able to record in nature and capture the sky in the best possible way. possible way. Obviously, it is not a professional device, however, despite this, the results that many users have been able to achieve are very striking and really attractive.

Cinema mode

When it comes to video recording, the star on the iPhone 13 mini is the cinema mode. It is a recording mode in which the famous portrait mode is incorporated. 

The iPhone 13 is the first generation in which Apple has decided to incorporate this new modality and, despite the fact that the results are not perfect, since when blurring the background

sometimes it does not do it quite well, they are very usable for many occasions. In addition, the cinema mode not only stands out for its results, but also for the possibility that Apple gives to be able to edit the focus point both during recording, and later on the iPhone, iPad or Mac, since it is also possible to modify it in programs like Final Cut Pro or iMovie.

Other differential aspects

We have already told you about the aspects in which you will be able to find more differences between the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13 mini. However, these are not the only points where both devices offer a different experience. We will talk about them below.

Overall performance

The performance of Apple devices is always a point that is difficult to compare between different devices, since despite the fact that every time the Cupertino company introduces more powerful chips, the performance of older devices is still really fantastic.

In this sense, both the iPhone SE and the 13 minis are two devices that offer a fantastic user experience. So, you will not have to worry about fluidity and speed, although it is true, that perhaps, the iPhone 13 mini can work somewhat faster, especially when performing heavier tasks such as photo or video editing.

5G connectivity

5G connectivity is something that all users who are going to change iPhone have to value, since the presence of this in their new terminal, perhaps now is not too important, but in a short time it will make a difference. 

5G is undoubtedly a great leap in terms of connection speed, and despite the fact that currently you can enjoy it, the reality is that the speeds that, for example, are had in Spain are more typical of a small evolution of 4G that of a 5G like the one that North American citizen enjoy.

However, this will change in a short space of time, and when this happens, having a device that has the ability to connect to a 5G network will make the user experience considerably more positive. Therefore, if you are thinking of acquiring either the iPhone SE or the iPhone 13 mini, you have to take this into account, especially if you intend to use that device for many years.

Unlocking method

Undoubtedly, one of the most notable differences that stand out as soon as you see the front of both iPhones is the presence of Touch ID on the iPhone SE, and this is another of the differences that you have to take into account, the way you unlock the device, something that certainly affects the way you use it.

In the case of the iPhone SE, as we have mentioned, you have to use your finger to unlock it, given the presence of Touch ID, while with the iPhone 13 mini, being a full screen and having Face ID, you will only have to put your face to be able to unlock the device. However, although Face ID may initially seem more comfortable, in certain situations Touch ID may be the best way to unlock the device.

Battery, autonomy and charge

Something that all users take into account when purchasing a device is its autonomy. In this case, despite the fact that both iPhones are small and that means that the battery cannot be too large, there is a difference in terms of the hours offered by the iPhone 13 mini and those offered by the iPhone SE, being far superior to the 13 mini in all measurements such as video playback and streaming, as well as audio playback.

The way you can load them is also different. Both have wireless charging and charge through the Lightning port, but in the iPhone 13 mini MagSafe technology is present, which allows you to charge the iPhone wirelessly but also magnetize it to the charger itself. 

This is very useful if you want to charge the iPhone wirelessly while you use it, but above all, it is very interesting given the wide variety of charging accessories with MagSafe technology that are on the market, and the different functionalities that they offer.


We come to the end of the comparison, and obviously, the price has to be present in it, since it is a fundamental and definitive point when it comes to acquiring one or the other. All the differences at the level of benefits that we have discussed previously, obviously have a final impact on how much you will have to pay if you want an iPhone SE or an iPhone 13 mini.

In the case of the iPhone SE, it is available from Apple from 489 euros, while the iPhone 13 mini, starts at 809 euros . Obviously, it is a great price difference, but it is fully justified given the great differences that exist between the two devices at the level of performance.


If you are a user who is thinking of acquiring one of the two devices, the main point that you have to take into account is how much money you are willing to spend and, above all, the use you want to make of the device, since depending on it It will be worth it to go for the iPhone 13 mini, or on the contrary, opt for the iPhone SE. Without a doubt, if you want to give an intensive use to the iPhone in terms of photography and video, as well as with other applications, the best purchase you can make is the 13 minis.

On the other hand, if you are thinking of changing your iPhone SE for the iPhone 13 mini , you have to assess what are the points for which it is really worth it to change one device for another. 

There are two iPhones with reduced sizes, but at the level of performance the iPhone 13 mini surpasses the SE in all facets, however, you have to assess whether you are really going to take advantage of what this device offers, and based on that, give the jump or not. 

And it is that the iPhone SE in the end is focused on a very undemanding public in all areas, so except in those situations, the recommendation will always be the '13 mini '.
