Examine your browser and installed extensions up to date so you are not affected by security vulnerabilities


Examine your browser and installed extensions up to date so you are not affected by security vulnerabilities

Qualys BrowserCheck is a cloud service that allows you to check if your browser and installed extensions are up to date so as not to be affected by security vulnerabilities in legacy browser technology.

🔍 Facts:

- Qualys BrowserCheck is a service that allows you to scan your browser and installed extensions to verify that they are up to date.

- This extension is used with the native Windows or macOS app that allows you to scan extensions and browsers to check if everything is up to date.

- BrowserCheck on modern operating systems can also check if your Windows or macOS device has the latest security updates installed to make sure your operating system is not vulnerable.

- When using Qualys BrowserCheck, you can perform one of three types of checks:

- Basic check: checks that the browser and installed extensions are using the latest version.

- Intermediate scan: scans browser and operating system settings.

- Advanced Scan: Scans browsers and operating system settings, and checks if the latest Windows updates are installed.

- In BleepingComputer tests, the advanced scan showed the largest amount of information with a short waiting time, so it is preferable to use this setting when performing tests.

