Use the 30cm rule and you will notice your internet speed increase in seconds

Use the 30cm rule and you will notice your internet speed increase in seconds.

The router is positioned as one of the most important components of the home, because without it you will have no internet connection and you will not be able to access Google, social networks or any streaming service like Netflix, Amazon, Prime Video or Spotify.

Use the 30cm rule and you will notice your internet speed increase in seconds.

It should also be noted that it is also necessary that this device is located in a strategic location so that it can work properly and distribute the signal evenly throughout the house.

The location of your router greatly affects the speed and quality of your connection. If it's placed in the wrong place, you may experience interference from other electronic devices, walls, or even furniture.

This can result in decreased connection speeds, service interruptions, or even complete loss of signal, so it can be a frustrating situation in the end.

There are a number of factors that you should consider when choosing the right space to place your router in. It should be centrally located, so that it can reach all rooms with a uniform signal.

Likewise, the router should be placed at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters to prevent the signal from being affected by the floor, furniture, or other objects.

Likewise, the router should be away from other devices that may interfere with the signal, such as cordless phones, microwaves, metal furniture, near thick walls, etc.

If you don’t position your router in the best way, you’ll likely experience issues with your internet speed, as well as frequent power outages and lost connections. If your home is very large, you might consider using a Wi-Fi repeater to extend your coverage.

- Increase your internet speed with 30cm rule

If, despite following all the above recommendations, your Wi-Fi connection still doesn't improve, you can try the 30cm rule for the router.

This method, which is very effective in most cases, is to maintain this distance between the router and other electronic devices, such as speakers, smart TV, etc.

By keeping your router at a suitable distance from other devices, you ensure that your internet speed is increased and evenly distributed throughout the house, avoiding interference that may lead to poor connection quality.

By following the tips above and applying the 30cm rule, you can experience a significant improvement in your Wi-Fi connection, especially in the stability of wireless connections, ensuring a more flexible experience.

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