How to profit from Google AdSense for novices

How to profit from Google AdSense for novices

Profit from Google Adsense for Beginners is an essay that focuses on the most popular blogging style, which is known for its simplicity and, of course, income.

But the problem is that profiting from Adsense is not as simple as some people believe; rather, it necessitates certain circumstances and knowledge, without which your profits will be a few cents in the end.

Follow this step-by-step instruction to learn how to make money using AdSense.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a simple advertising scheme run by the massive Google corporation that involves showing adverts (such as the two pictures above) to website owners under certain conditions, and the website owner, known as a publisher, get given a portion of the advertisers' revenues.

Explanation of profit from Google AdSense for beginners

For example, let's say I'm advertising that wants to promote my business, offer a product, or attract consumers to my website for a certain reason. Google has a platform for advertising called Google Ads that I may use.

Keywords - nations and countries - ages - gender - devices - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests - interests I reach out to them using a banner ad that shows on publishers' websites or blogs.

Returning to the two photos above, the first wide announcement of the firm thrive themes, which specializes in web page development, advertises the advantage of all its goods by subscribing to their membership system.

The second square ad is for Bluehost, a web hosting firm that provides a discount for signing up for one of its packages.

If a visitor clicks on the advertisements displayed on your page, you will receive a portion of the price-per-click (CPC) based on the advertiser's budget and advertising goals, as well as Google's own AdSense standards.

How to earn money from Google Adsense for beginners

For both novices and specialists, the options for earning money through Google Adsense are restricted to two well-known methods:

1 - Profit from Google Adsense for beginners by creating a blog

Profiting from blogging is a very interesting method, given the quality of the visitor coming from the Google search engine, then because blogs are a private home for the owner who controls them however he wants, and he can earn through visitors coming to him in more than one way.

2 - Profit from Google Adsense for beginners through YouTube - youtube

Google AdSense and YouTube are inextricably linked.

Because the YouTube platform allows you to make multiple free channels and you are not forced to buy hosting, a domain, or produce content, all you have to do is select an area with which people connect strongly in order to benefit from their views, this is the most popular and crowded way.

Although you can start a blog for free on Blogger, I prefer to construct my own website on my own hosting so that I may act on it whenever I choose, rather than waking up one day to find that my blog has been erased without notice!

The best way to earn from Google Adsense

If you ask me for my own view on whether I would want to put Google Adsense advertisements on a YouTube channel or on a blog, I would choose the blog!

Why blog?

1 - It was the start of the search engine Google. "Content is king," they've always said, and they still say it. As a result, the person who commissioned himself to conduct a Google search for a given issue is unquestionably intrigued. As a result, the advertiser receives excellent quality and value.

2 - A niche blog encourages visitors to stay longer on your site, especially if your content is well-written and interconnected. It will surely attract the most costly advertisers if you use Google Adsense advertisements on it.

Let's go back to the beginning and say you've started a blog dedicated to teaching people how to play the guitar.

3 - The YouTube platform is excellent, and I am not implying that it is not profitable; however, it is primarily an entertainment platform that people use to find entertainment or educational videos, and as a result, they may be irritated by the large number of ads that interrupt their viewing pleasure, leading many to resort to adblocking software.

4 - I've tried Google Adsense advertisements on videos before, and I've discovered that the income from ads on the blog is far higher.

5 - Keep in mind that this is a description of my own experience; I do not expect you to accept my words as gospel.

If you feel comfortable penning these lines, go ahead and do so.

Steps to earning from Google Adsense for beginners

We've decided that the best way to benefit from Google Adsense advertisements is to create a content site or blog, and we'll walk you through the process:

Before you begin creating y

our blog, you must first select a certain market or sector, and it is always best to specialize because Google favors specialists.

A blog dedicated to Taekwondo and everything linked to it is far superior to one dedicated to all martial arts (Karate, Boxing, Aikido, wrestling, etc.).

Choosing a blog topic necessitates taking the time to consider and research thoroughly, and it is preferred that you comprehend, or at least seek to learn, the subject in which you will write.

Where you may, for example, write in the field of "managing hazardous insects" even if you have no prior expertise, but by continuing your studies.

The following are some of the criteria for selecting a domain for your blog based on the Google Adsense style:

As we've already stated, to be an expert.

There is an interested audience (in sufficient numbers) seeking content connected to the topic of your blog.

Advertisers will pay for phrases that are connected to your blog's domain.

Be enthusiastic and enthusiastic about your blog so that you may continue with it.

Your blog field should be active at all times of the year, not only during certain months.

There are blogs that specialize in everything relating to the Coronavirus, for example, taking advantage of global conditions. However, there may be a significant standstill in research rates, and this might be problematic.

2 - Choose your domain name

After you've decided on a domain name for your site, you'll need to decide on a name for it. For example, my site's name was "The Art of Profit," and its domain was

3 - Buy premium hosting

After we've decided on the site's domain and name, we'll need a location to develop the site's foundation, which will include pages, content, sections, photographs, and videos... This is referred to as "hosting," and there are several organizations that specialize in hosting websites.

Of course, many of you will want to use the Blogger blog for free, but as I previously stated, I like to construct my sites on my own hosting and do anything I want with them, and if you ask why, I will explain:

1 - Having your own hosting means you may use whichever platform you choose to develop your website, and one of the most popular is WordPress, which has a lot of wonderful features, including:

Thousands of one-of-a-kind themes that offer your blog a distinct style and are mobile-friendly.

A variety of plugins to help you safeguard and speed up your site, as well as appear and rank higher in search engines.

Allows you to start an online store with a professional look.

Add-ons for showing Google Adsense advertising where you want them to be available.

This platform is used by a large number of content creators and leading advertisers.

2 - Create your website on a private server that you may move to at any moment.
"He really wants to move to WordPress, but he is afraid to lose the archive of his blog articles - and waste all his long toil and lose the large number of visitors who enter his blog every month," the well-known Moroccan blogger Amine Raghaib, who built his blog on the Blogger platform, said in a frank and clear response to the owner of The Professional Blog.

He also expressed regret for not starting using the WordPress platform from the beginning, and he advised anyone interested in starting their own blog to do it with WordPress. And the video may be seen on YouTube if you search for "Ragheb Amin WordPress."

4 - Building the content of the site

You will write themes and articles pertaining to your site's field at this stage, according to quality standards and a beautiful and elegant style.

And producing articles, whether in Arabic or in a foreign language, is based on study and detailed analysis, not on a random style or your gut as a writer.

5- Get visits to your blog

After we've established an integrated website with specialized and valuable content, the most crucial stage left is to drive people (visits) to our site; without them, you won't be able to earn anything, much as if you erected a supermarket in the midst of a desolate uninhabited desert.

When it comes to traffic sources for Google Adsense earnings, the most appropriate and profitable technique is to rely freely on Google search engine visits by generating articles that meet particular criteria in order to appear on the first pages of the search engine, which is known as SEO.

Wonderful art generates high-value, high-quality visits, and reduces the need to spend a lot of money on Facebook or Google advertisements to attract people.

On the other side, this strategy demands a lot of patience, a lot of follow-up and careful analysis of words and competition, and a lot of dependence on certain unique leadership methods. Finally, while you sleep at home, visitors and money will flow to your site.

Important note: This post does not include the viral, orbital, or viral content methods, which need us to generate enormous numbers of readers to our

articles using Facebook advertisements in order to win via their clicks on Google AdSense ads.

This strategy is known as the (hit and run) policy. Furthermore, it necessitates an investment in experimenting with winning content in adverts, and several sites' accounts have been suspended without notice.

It's still a very successful strategy, but as I previously stated, you'll need an adventurous attitude, good luck, and a substantial investment budget to make it work.

So, as I stated at the outset, the ideal method to profit from Google Adsense advertisements is to create a specialized site that relies on free search engine traffic.

Terms of Subscription and Registration in Google Adsense

There are numerous publications that discuss the terms of approving a blog in Google AdSense, and everyone sings nightly about his achievement in accepting his site.

On the other side, many people claim that their blogs are not recognized, despite the fact that they have met all of the requirements.

For the record, between you and me: If you want my personal perspective, I'll give you one sentence: You and your luck!

Those that have been accepted have blogs that, in my opinion, aren't even close to being blogs!

However, in order to maximize your chances of acceptance, you must be dedicated to submitting your site in accordance with particular requirements.

1 - Create a niche blog with a domain, a fast and attractive template, and useful material, ideally on private hosting with a premium domain.

2 - Important pages must be included in your blog (privacy policy page - terms of use page - contact us page - about us page).

3 - Make sure your site's interface and parts are well-organized so that when a visitor or supervisor submits a request to accept your site, he understands exactly what he's talking about and isn't confused or irritated.

Important clarification!

To those who wonder, how many daily or monthly visits do I need to apply for Adsense in order to get accepted?

Let me ask you a question: What logic do you use to accept your site into Google Adsense when the amount of daily visits isn't in the hundreds?!

Rather, assume you've been accepted with this amount of visitors; you'll just make dirhams or a few cents, and it's understandable if you felt upset and decided to give up your site for good at that point!

As a result, I recommend concentrating your efforts in the first few months on generating and posting content as well as attracting engaging visitors to your articles, and then expanding your efforts after that.

Then you may apply to join Google Adsense, and if you are rejected, you can reapply as many times as you like, and you will almost certainly be accepted - God willing.

When it comes to registering for Google Adsense and submitting an application, these are topics that have been extensively covered, and all you have to do is type "Adsense registration method" into a Google or YouTube search engine, and you'll find hundreds of videos and explanations about this simple matter, so there's no need to waste your time or mine doing so.

I caution you to follow the Google Adsense program's regulations, which include illegal material, ad placement, and certain other issues.

Average Profit from Google Adsense

There is no such thing as an average profit from Google Adsense; instead, the situation fluctuates depending on a number of factors, including:

The adaptability of your site's domain to the needs of advertising.

Concentrate your efforts on a lucrative market.

The way your target visitor interacts with your content and the adverts that are shown on it. The factor that will increase the click-through rate and the return on a thousand impressions, and hence the cost of a click.

The look of your adverts is heavily influenced by the speed of your website.

Too much advertising on a single page might result in a significant drop in income.

Targeting countries with weak clicks may affect your profits, for example, the price of clicks in the Maghreb countries and Egypt is weak compared to the Gulf countries.

As for the click price of the countries of America - Australia - New Zealand - Germany, it is very high in foreign content.

 How to withdraw earnings from Google Adsense

When your earnings reach the minimum payment threshold, your payments will be issued on the 21st of each month, for example, if you make a total winning of $100 in January, you will receive it on February 21 or 22 if the payment method is Western Union, and the payment may be slightly delayed if you send it by Bank transfer, which is available in most countries, unlike Western Union.

Profit from Google Adsense for beginners: questions and answers

1 - What do I need to start earning money from Google Adsense in the way I explained?

Before applying for Google Adsense, you need a site that specializes in a specific field, then buy a domain and hosting to build your site on, and then put content targeting an a

audience and words that advertisers pay for by improving your blog articles for the purpose of appearing on the first pages of search engines.


2 - Is it necessary for me to buy hosting, as I do not have any capital and I want to start with a blogger?

You can start with a blogger and there is no problem with that at all, but if you think about the future of your site and its success - God willing - I advise you to invest in buying a hosting and a special template, as the field of work on the Internet is necessary to invest in it so that it gives you fruits.


3 - Is Google Adsense the only way I can profit from the Internet?

Profiting from the Internet is not limited to the AdSense method only, but there are many profitable areas that require special skills, such as commission marketing, building an online store and marketing your own products, or relying on a special skill that you master, and you will find in our blog explanations of the best methods that I have tried and succeeded with me.


Is Google Adsense a scam?

Most of those who ask this question undoubtedly had a bad experience with this company, whether in terms of low profits or closing the account.

I may agree with you that sometimes your account may be closed without an explanation, or that the click price in the Arab market is low due to a lack of advertisers compared to the foreign market, but it's a very profitable method, and its owners make large monthly sums.

 Will Adsense earnings make me a millionaire?

I intentionally asked this question in this ridiculous manner, because there are - unfortunately - many brothers who are novices or who are deceived by some sellers of delusions and false dreams who promise you to make a lot of money and achieve your dreams in exchange for subscribing to something trivial or implementing something trivial, which you undoubtedly know.

Making your dreams of becoming a millionaire come true is possible with patience, failure, and effort with continuous application, but if you think that working online, in general, is strewn with roses, I caution you: Beware, then beware, then beware!

 Profit from Google Adsense for beginners: a final word
While I am sure you have read many articles and seen videos about profiting from Google Adsense ads, I am confident that very few satiate your desire for knowledge, and help you start this method in a correct, scientific manner.
