The creation of the European Union

The creation of the European Union

The European Union was established in 1950, and at that time it consisted of only six countries, and these countries are: Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy, and at that time it was called the European Coal and Steel Community.

After the signing of the Treaty of Rome 1957, it was called the European Economic Community, and later was called the European Commission, or the European Community.

Initially their political plans centered on removing all customs barriers between them, and an agricultural partnership concerning the member states of the European Union.

At the beginning of November 1993, the Maastricht Treaty came into force and the European Union dissolved instead of this group, and this treaty established the euro currency in the European Union, as this currency will be the official unified currency existing in all countries within the European Union, where it was introduced in 1999, except The United Kingdom and Denmark negotiated the terms of canceling their accession to the union, in order to allow them to keep their currencies.

Europe Union

The European Union is an international association of 27 European countries after the exit of the United Kingdom, and it represents a political and economic union. The union of six countries as a small economic project that formed the European Common Market, which was awarded the 2012 Peace Prize.

About 450 million citizens of the European Union live within the borders of the European Union, and the European Union has a capital with its headquarters in Brussels in Belgium. 19 countries have adopted the euro as their unified currency. It was established based on the Maastricht Treaty signed in 1991. The European Union is based on an area of 3,975,000 square kilometers. Square meters.

The following is a list of the member states of Europe:

  1. France.
  2. Germany.
  3. Austria.
  4. Holland.
  5. Italia.
  6. Finland.
  7. and Luxembourg.
  8. Cyprus.
  9. Czechs.
  10. Denmark.
  11. and Bulgaria.
  12. Greece.
  13. and Belgium.
  14. Estonia.
  15. Hungary.
  16. Poland.
  17. Slovenia.
  18. and Croatia.
  19. Ireland.
  20. Latvia.
  21. Lithuania.
  22. Malta.
  23. Portugal.
  24. Romania.
  25. Slovakia.
  26. Spain.
  27. Sweden.

Euro members of the European Union

The euro area is composed of 19 countries that use the official currency for them, the euro. All countries of the European Union, except for 8 countries, are:

  1. Czechs.
  2. Croatia.
  3. Bulgaria.
  4. Sweden.
  5. Denmark.
  6. Romania.
  7. Hungary.
  8. Poland.

European Union Economic Area

The economic zone is an area that includes all the countries of the Union and its number is 27 members, with an increase of 3 other countries, namely:
  1. Norway.
  2. Iceland.
  3. Liechtenstein.
So that all members are allowed to be part of the single market of the European Union, and we note that the state of Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, not even in the economic zone, but it forms an important part of the European single market, and this gives its citizens the same rights, including work and live in the Kingdom The United States are like the citizens of the countries of the economic zone.

The Schengen area within the European Union

This region is known for being the member states in Europe that have removed all internal borders between them, so that people can move and travel in this region freely and without restrictions under the partnership relations between them and for the great development of their countries, but with the application of the law and common rules among them as well. 

and related to the control of external borders, and the fight against crime as well, and all this is through police cooperation, and the strengthening of the establishment of a common judicial system, and the countries of the Schengen area include the countries of the European Union with the exception of five countries:
  1. Romania.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Ireland.
  4. and Cyprus.
  5. Croatia.
It is made up of twenty-six countries, where we find that it includes some of the other countries belonging to Europe, namely:
  1. Norway country.
  2. Switzerland.
  3. Iceland.
  4. Liechtenstein.

Waiting list in the European Union

The Council in the European Union is not limited to the membership of the aforementioned group of countries only, but also allows more and new countries to join to obtain membership. At this time, the European Commission will examine and evaluate the application based on the Copenhagen criteria, which are the accession criteria. European Union on it.

The developed country must abide by the laws of the Union and apply the rules of the European Union in a large and binding way, as it is one of the basic requirements for a country to become a member of the European Union, as it is not allowed to pick or choose a specific part of these rules, which are 35 chapters.

And the European Commission held a meeting in which it published its report on the official candidate countries for accession, namely:

  1. Turkey.
  2. Serbia.
  3. North Macedonia.

Montenegro (Montenegro).

It also submitted some reports to the candidate and potential countries in the Western Balkans, namely:
  1. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2. Kosovo.
  3. Albania.

European Union flag

The flag of the European Union is the emblem of identity and unity. The number of stars in the flag is not intended for the number of member states, but rather represents the harmony and cohesion of the Europeans. 

The number of stars is twelve, which is a traditional number symbolizing the diversity of perfection, unity and mastery. The final flag remained the same and did not change even after the expansions of the Union. European special.
