Rufus - a powerful tool for creating bootable USB devices on Windows

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Rufus - a powerful tool for creating bootable USB devices on Windows

Rufus is a free and versatile software tool developed by Pete Batard to create bootable USB drives on Windows operating systems. Although it may not be as well-known as some other tools, Rufus offers a range of features that make it a valuable resource for both regular users and developers. In this article, we will dive into the main features, safety, limitations, and alternatives to Rufus.

Key features:

1. Create a bootable USB:

Rufus specializes in creating bootable USB drives, effectively converting them into installation CDs. This is especially useful since many modern computers no longer have DVD drives. Rufus can create bootable USB drives for different operating systems, including Windows, Ubuntu, Linux,and macOS.

2. ISO Creation:

The primary feature of Rufus is to create an ISO image on a USB drive. This ISO is an exact copy of what can normally be found on the physical disk. Rufus collects all the necessary files from a DVD or computer and puts them into a single ISO file. It supports the creation of Master Boot Record (MBR) and GUID Partition Table (GPT) files for UEFI and BIOS systems.

3. Easy to use:

Rufus provides a user-friendly interface with clear options, making it easy for users to create bootable USB drives. The program guides users through the process, from selecting the operating system to compressing the file and creating a bootable USB.


The use of Rufus is generally considered safe. However, it is recommended to back up any data on the USB drive before using Rufus to prevent data loss. Rufus does not have the ability to damage hard drives, and the worst-case scenario is to delete some data from the USB drive. The software performs multiple checks for bad blocking to reduce any risk of permanent damage.


1. Windows Exclusive:

Rufus is limited to Windows operating systems, both in terms of installation and use. This means that you cannot use Rufus to create bootable USB drives for Mac computers.

2. الدعم المحدود:

    توقف مطور Rufus Pete Batard عن دعم إصدارات Windows الأقدم، وقصر استخدامه على Windows 7 حتى 10. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن لـ Rufus تثبيت تسلسل ISO واحد فقط قابل للتمهيد على محرك أقراص USB، مما يحد من عدد ملفات ISO القابلة للتمهيد التي يمكنك تخزينها.

3. خيارات UEFI:

    بينما يقدم Rufus دعم UEFI، لا تزال بعض خيارات UEFI قيد التطوير، مما قد يحد من قدراته على أنظمة معينة.


تبرز Rufus باعتبارها أداة إنشاء USB موثوقة وسريعة التشغيل. عند مقارنتها ببدائل مثل Etcher وUnetbootin وYumi، يتفوق Rufus باستمرار من حيث السرعة والموثوقية.


Rufus is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating bootable USB drives on Windows systems. Whether you need to keep an installation file for future use, create a bootable USB to restore the system, or allocate bootable drives for specific purposes, Rufus offers a powerful solution. Although it has some limitations and is exclusive to Windows, its speed and security make it the best choice in the world of bootable USB builders.

Technical Data:

- Title: Rufus 3.20 for Windows

- Requirements: Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10

-English language

- License: Free

- Website: [Official Rufus website](

Please note that the information provided in this article is based on the knowledge available until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes to Rufus since that time.
