Know the specifications of your device through 3 ways

Know the specifications of your device through 3 ways

Know your device specifications

Many of us need to know the specifications of the device either at the time of purchase or even after purchase and use for a period of time for sale or knowledge of the specifications in order to improve the process of development, update and addition to the device

in addition to carrying out operations and calculations based on the instructions of the various software that works to integrate the equipment in The computer , personal device, or smartphone that you own and the different programs that you download. 

In this article, I know the specifications of your device and how to find out through many ways, whether for a computer or smartphones.

How to know the specifications of the device in Windows

The Windows system is one of the most important operating systems that are downloaded for computers, and this system began to be produced by the American company Microsoft in the year 1985 AD, and its versions increased during the following years. The system is one of the most important operating systems ever in the world due to its many capabilities in operating, available programs, etc. Of course, through it, you can know the specifications of your computer.

You can find out the specifications of the computer through the Windows system through the following stages:

Open the Run dialog box, or the dialog known as the Run option, then go to the main menu of Windows, then press the Win + R buttons together.

Then fill in the field by typing msinfo32 and then pressing the Enter button to bring up the System Information window, which is System Information
Find the basic information of the computer specifications and this section appears at the speed of the processor System Information in order to find the main information for the specifications of the computer and in this section appears the model and speed of the processor and random access memory and the knowledge of the operating system and the company that made the computer and the model and number and the model of motherboard or motherboard and review the components And details of the graphics processor and hard disks.

This is the important information and details that can appear after doing all these steps.

Know the specifications of your device through 3 ways

How to know your Mac computer

If you have a computer from Apple, it has a different operating system than the rest of the other computers, as it works with the Kac operating system, and therefore you can find out the specifications of the device through the Mac operating system through the following steps:

Click on the Apple menu on the Mac or on the desktop environment on the screen.

Select the following option: About This Mac in order to display the specific operating system version window and a summary of specifications for the computer. The tabs at the top of the window are used to switch between options that review the specifications of the device.

If you are using a Mac with OS X 10.9 or even earlier versions, you can access the More Information option or the More Info option.
Select Hardware Options to view detailed information you know about all hardware components.
Thus, you can learn about these easy and simple steps without much complication.

How to know the specifications of the smartphone

You can also very easily know all the specifications of the smartphone device , and these specifications and information are important to know the capabilities available in this smartphone, such as processor speed, random access memory, quality of the rear and front camera, battery capacity, and choosing the appropriate operating system for this phone according to these specifications, and other important information for the user When purchasing or before using to know the capabilities of the smartphone.

Therefore, there are many steps related to knowing the specifications of the smartphone, whether it is in the Android operating system and other operating systems, as we learn in the following points:

To know the specifications of the smartphone via Android is done through:

Open Play Store and then search for this application Android System Info
After downloading and installing this application on the phone, click on the System tab, which shows the details, specifications and information of this phone.
If the smartphone is running the iOS operating system, which is the Apple iPhone, which is one of the distinctive phones, of course, and has great capabilities to use, but it is necessary to know, all the information and specifications can be known through the following steps:

Go to Settings or Settings

Then on General, then choose the About or About option, so you will enter the specifications when you click on it.

It will show you all the specifications and information of the phone such as the serial number, version date, memory capacity, processor specifications and other important information related to the iPhone and important to know its capabilities when buying or using.

These were the most important ways by which we learn about the specifications of the computer as well as smart phones, and it is important to know this information and specifications when buying or using, and we have presented it in this article to learn more about the capabilities of the devices that we use, share the opinion. 

Have you tried the experiment to know the specifications of your device before that?
