Amazon Business owners Sales-Boosting Tips

Amazon Business owners Sales-Boosting Tips

Have a Strong Foundation – Optimize your Listings for SEO
Multi-Channel Marketing – For New Opportunities and Insights
Get Reviews and Increase Your Sales on Amazon
Maximize Your Advertising Avenues
Amazon Customer Metrics
Effective Inventory Management 
Abide by Amazon’s Rules and Policies
Stay Ahead of the Curve and Win Buy Box

Amazon has grown over the last 25 years, earning a large and devoted consumer base. It has now grown to become one of the leading online merchants. 

Clearly, there are no plans to slow down. As Amazon's popularity grows, more vendors are expanding their operations there. As the year 2022 approaches, now is the time to start increasing your Amazon sales. And now we're here to provide you some advice on how to increase your Amazon product sales.

1. Have a Strong Foundation – Optimize Your Listings For SEO

You must follow the Amazon SEO algorithm and use your product listings to persuade buyers. Make sure your listings are keyword-relevant. Make sure the brand name, product attributes, material, color, and size details are all properly specified. 

When it comes to convincing a buyer, images are crucial. Professional photography entices your target audience and encourages them to acquire your product. 

Using your photograph, emphasize the benefits of your product. 

Aim for at least 2-3 high-quality photographs that show the product from various angles. Allow no room for your customers to visualize the product.

Google should not be overlooked. Google can index anything you do with your product listings. As a result, optimize them for both Amazon and Google. This can have a significant impact.

2. Multi-Channel Marketing – For New Opportunities and Insights

It's fantastic if you're already doing it! If not, start selling your stuff through numerous platforms.

Promote and sell your items anywhere your consumers may purchase them. It's critical to identify the proper client touchpoints, such as a mobile app, a social media platform, or a website. You don't have to limit yourself to Amazon. Investing in the correct channel is the cornerstone of multi-channel marketing. You are free to contact these platforms on your own.

In 2022, the following are some of the most prominent marketing platforms:

Your eCommerce store.
Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Affiliate Marketing or guest posts on various blogs.

Amazon, on the other hand, is enforcing stricter seller-buyer contact than ever before. So, with your e-commerce site, social media profiles, or blogs, make sure you build your own devoted customer base. During the Christmas season or on specific occasions, attaching a coupon, flashing a bargain, and offering free delivery would all be sure to interest your clients.

Analyze customer preferences and buying trends to develop a multi-channel strategy. Find out who your target market is and use data to help you expand your business.

3. Get Reviews and Increase Your Sales on Amazon

Customers regard customer evaluations on the internet as personal recommendations. Trustworthiness is improved by verified reviews. Buyers seldom give evaluations for items they have purchased online. You may increase your online sales by using review programs like the Amazon vine program or the Early reviewer program.

Seller feedback and product reviews improve your product rankings and impact your BSR to some extent. Constructive comments can help you enhance the performance of your product. As a result, make an effort to automate your review requests. To automate your Amazon reviews, use the SellerApp review request chrome extension.

4. Maximize Your Advertising Avenues

Sponsored Ads are the way to go if you truly want to boost your Amazon sales. Amazon Advertising is the year 2022. Consider going beyond keyword optimization and developing a solid strategy for increasing your Amazon presence. 

Using various PPC methods, a successful seller strikes a great balance between automatic and manual marketing. When implemented correctly, Amazon advertising may assist you in converting at various points across the sales funnel.

5. Amazon Customer Metrics – 

Customer satisfaction is an important indicator that adds value to your company. Amazon places a high value on customer communication and satisfaction metrics in order to provide excellent customer experiences. The Account health area of your Amazon seller central account will provide you a quick summary of the customer satisfaction indicators that require your attention.

Order Defect Rate (ODR)  – 

The order defect rate (ODR) divides the number of defective orders (by Amazon) by the total number of orders received over the specified time period. It's based on the amount of individuals who have had bad encounters with your goods, to be precise.

A guarantee claim, chargebacks, or bad remarks are all deemed defects by Amazon.

A high ODR might have a detrimental influence on the health of your Amazon account.

Pre-fulfillment Cancellation Rate –

The seller initiates the pre-fulfillment cancellation rate before to shipping confirmation. This is calculated by dividing the number of canceled orders by the total number of orders in a certain time period. This frequently occurs when a merchant runs out of goods after a buyer puts an order. To prevent the pre-fulfillment cancellation rate, Amazon urges you to stock up on inventory.

To satisfy Amazon's pre-fulfillment cancellation rate objective, strive for a cancellation rate of 2.5 percent.

Policy Violations –

If you break Amazon policies on the seller central account page, you will receive a notification regarding your performance. This might be due to the manner you listed your item or the type of the item. The unread performance notifications will be detailed in the policy violation metric.

There are no unread performance notifications, as shown by a green tick.
You have unread performance notifications, as shown by the yellow exclamation mark.
The red cross indicates that you should read the performance notifications since your account's health is in jeopardy.

Late Shipment Rate –

This indicator will tell you what proportion of orders were delivered late. If an order is three days or more late, it is called late. Set a 5-percentage-point goal, according to Amazon.

Buyer-Seller Contact Response Time (CRT)

This is a simple task. Within 24 hours, the CRT will inform you of the amount of customer messages you have responded to.

“Amazon suggests that a seller should respond to the buyer within 24 hours. Failure to do so will negatively impact CRT, thereby Account health.”

6. Effective Inventory Management – To Increase Your Business Value

This is something we frequently discuss. Stocking up on inventory will help you rank higher in Amazon's organic search results. For the past few years, warehouse and inventory management has grown in importance and value. 

The number of warehouses in the United States has expanded by 6.8% in the last five years (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). Manually doing these processes is time-consuming and prone to mistakes. 

As a result, you'll need to use inventory management software to automate your operations. With the right inventory management software, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your operations and inventories.

7. Abide By Amazon’s Rules and Terms of Service

Account suspension is one of the most common problems that Amazon sellers face. Maintaining excellent account health and avoiding suspensions requires staying current with Amazon's terms of service and rules.

8. Stay Ahead of the Curve and Win Buy Box

If you want to improve Amazon product sales, you need to look at your competitors' techniques and exploit their flaws. It's becoming increasingly difficult to keep ahead of the competition on Amazon. Despite the fact that Amazon never discloses the specific variables that impact Buy Box eligibility, it takes into account:

Seller feedback and product reviews
An efficient and quick delivery system
Refunds and return rates
Inventory volume
And most importantly, competitive pricing

Furthermore, for an Amazon seller, sales history plays a role in determining the likelihood of receiving a Buy Box.


Overall, concentrating on these areas can help you not only raise your Amazon sales but also improve customer happiness. Small and medium enterprises will gain the most momentum if they use technology to expand their operations. Because the e-commerce market is growing at such a quick speed, this is crucial for Amazon merchants.