You Should Ask These 14 Exit Interview Questions

You Should Ask These 14 Exit Interview Questions

Exit interviews — and the exit interview questions to ask — are becoming increasingly important as people continue to depart jobs in historic numbers. Why? Hiring great talent is expensive, so taking the time to collect honest feedback can help your company better for existing and prospective employees while lowering attrition rates.

This meeting, which is part of the offboarding process, gives you the opportunity to hear from people who are most likely to be open about their experiences with your company. Current employees may be hesitant to provide information about departing employees.

Exit chats with those who resign voluntarily are, on average, the most beneficial. People you've had to fire may be the most honest of all, but they're also the most improbable.

Exit chats with persons who freely resign are, on average, the most beneficial. Even if the people you've had to fire are the frankest, they're unlikely to cooperate, and if they do, their comments may be tainted by anger or negativity, which won't fairly reflect your company's business.

How to conduct the best exit interviews

Strategy and planning will enable you to ask the finest exit interview questions of departing employees, allowing you to collect data and gain meaningful insights. Here are some pointers to think about:

If your organization is large enough, have someone from the human resources department conduct the interview. That may make it easier for the departing employee to be forthright and honest in their responses.

For someone who has given two weeks' notice, the optimal time to organize an exit interview is in the midst of that period, not shortly after the announcement or right before the last day.
Let the employee know why you're meeting with them, whether it's over the phone, on video, or in person. Make it obvious that they are not compelled to answer any questions that make them feel uncomfortable, and be ready to listen rather than speak.

Examples of exit interview questions to ask

Here are 14 questions to ask employees who are departing on good terms during an exit interview:

1. What made you decide to start looking for a new job?

The answer to this question will almost always contain details specific to the person conducting the exit interview, but asking it allows you to keep note of common themes. If numerous employees quit because they are frustrated by a lack of career progression chances, for example, you may want to reconsider your promotion techniques. If individuals are leaving for higher money elsewhere, consider boosting salary and implementing a bonus plan.

2. Under what circumstances, if any, would you consider returning to the company?

Employees who leave a job on good terms but later opt to return are known as boomerang employees. With today's talent shortage, more businesses are eager to keep top performers who are already familiar with their company's culture on board. 

That's why it's important to understand what circumstances can entice a highly talented expert to return. Even if they never apply again, asking this question at the departure interview might help you design better retention techniques. Follow up with hypothetical situations about income, perks, flexible scheduling, and increased duties to learn more.

3. Do you believe your contributions were sufficiently recognized by management? If not, what do you believe could be done to improve recognition?

Being acknowledged for a job well done is one of the factors that contribute to workplace happiness. The answer to this exit interview question will help you figure out which techniques of employee recognition are effective and which aren't. Inquire about particular instances in which employees felt valued, as well as instances in which they felt disregarded or taken for granted.

4. Were there any company policies you found difficult to understand? If so, how can the firm make them clearer?

Here's your chance to learn more details that could lead to more transparency in the future. Not only may the employee shed light on which policies are unclear, but also on the source of the ambiguity. A poorly written handbook, a chain of command disparity, or occurrences where violations of particular norms go unpunished are all examples.

5. Do you feel your job description changed since you were hired? If so, in what ways?

The demands of a work alter with time, yet the changes are often so little that supervisors are unaware of them. If departing employees bring out inconsistencies in the job description, fix it before re-staffing the position. This is to ensure that you're looking for applicants with the proper skill set for the job. The answer of the departing employee can also help you determine whether you sufficiently paid them for taking on extra responsibilities.

6. Did you feel you had the tools, resources and working conditions to be successful in your role? If not, which areas could be improved, and how?

This exit interview question will reveal flaws in the employment environment that you may have ignored. The solutions may include anything from an unpleasant hybrid workplace concept to stuffy office temps and outmoded equipment.

7. Do you feel you had the necessary training to be successful in your role? If not, how could it have been better?

If you answered yes to the first section of the exit interview question, inquire about any areas of the training that you found particularly beneficial. Then spread the word to your team about these tools. If they said no and cited examples of areas where they could improve, pay attention to what they say because current employees may have the same problems.

8. What was the best part of your job here?

You're more likely to hear certain similar themes emerge when you perform more exit interviews. People may appreciate the flexibility to work from home two days a week, which helps them maintain a healthy work-life balance. Maybe it'll be the supportive team environment that they'll miss the most. Pay attention to these recommendations: they're what make your organization a desirable place to work. Consider highlighting what you learn on your website and job postings, as well as emphasizing it during future job interviews.

9. What can the organization improve on?

This broad question can lead someone to offer an idea they hadn't thought of while working there. To get a clearer idea of how they felt about the chain of command, ask them about their experiences working with individual supervisors or managers. You might also ask about their happiness with the salary package, assigned projects, and the company's efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

10. Do you have any suggestions for improving employee morale?

Incorporating questions regarding team spirit into an exit interview template allows someone to express a potentially winning suggestion. Coworkers are far more likely than managers to talk morale among themselves, therefore the departing employee will be able to provide information about the present state of the entire team, not just themselves.

11. What are you most looking forward to in your new job?

If the employee is leaving your company for another employment, this question may give you insight into what they didn't like about it. Is it a greater pay and a better benefits package that excite them the most? More scheduling flexibility? A commute that isn't as long? Is there a chance for you to move to a position of leadership? Their responses may highlight difficulties with their previous position that they are hesitant to bring up on their own.

12. How would you describe the perfect candidate to replace you?

The departing employee's attention will naturally be on personal traits and technical abilities, and he or she may reveal crucial skills for the post that you hadn't considered before. 

A customer service mindset, a firm grasp on social media, design software expertise, and the ability to interact with stakeholders are all examples of these qualities. Because no one knows a job like the person who is leaving it, use their description of the ideal candidate to help you fine-tune your job posting and interview questions.

13. Would you recommend working at our company to a friend, and why or why not?

An honest response to this question can assist you in determining whether an employee's reasons for leaving are personal, work-related, or company-related. If they say no, ask them to explain what the business has to improve in order for them to advocate working there.

14. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Even with this detailed exit interview template, there may be some benefits or problems that have yet to be mentioned. This question provides individuals one more opportunity to express themselves.

Bringing the exit interview to a close

Review the important topics you learned at the end of the session and ask for any clarifications you may require. Thank the departing employee for their time and effort, and best wishes for their future pursuits.

With the information you've gathered, you'll be in a good position to go forward with finding a successor while also ensuring that your current team members have everything they need to succeed and be happy at work.

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