What to Do If a Job Candidate Isn't Showing Up

What to Do If a Job Candidate Isn't Showing Up

You were impressed by the résumé of the job applicant. During the video interview, you were equally wowed by the candidate. They provided thoughtful responses to your queries and looked to have genuine interest in the company as well as enthusiasm for the position. "This individual might be the one for the job!" you thought at the end of the first interview.

You decide to schedule a second interview a few days later so that your potential hire can meet with other hiring decision makers at your company. The candidate, however, does not respond. You send a few more emails and phone messages, as well as a text message. Nothing. What went wrong?

You've been forgotten about.

What exactly is ghosting?
When a person unexpectedly breaks off all contact and appears to vanish from the face of the earth without explanation, the dating world invented the term "ghosting." And it appears that this trend is now catching on in the professional sector.

Ghosting by job hopefuls is more widespread now than it was two years ago, according to a Robert Half poll of hiring managers in the United States. It's happening across industries, but according to our data, those hiring for technical, administrative, and customer service positions are the most likely to say it's a rising issue.

Why is ghosting on the rise?

The key reason for the increase in ghosting is that today's workers have more options. Managers are struggling to fill vacancies in the present employment market, while talented individuals are frequently receiving numerous job offers. Some job seekers are unconcerned with burning a few bridges on their route to a position they truly desire.

A new Robert Half survey reveals some of the particular reasons why professionals have lately ghosted a potential employer:

The interview process was poor (33%)
They received another job offer (29%)
The job wasn’t what they expected (23%)
A mandatory return-to-office policy was implemented (16%)

Ghosting has become more common in the professional sector in recent years, in part due to a general loss of once-sacrosanct etiquette standards. Many job searchers today would rather avoid conflict and unpleasantness than have to convey bad news. 

(Ghosting can also be viewed as payback or karma, as recruiting supervisors have long been known to disappear following interviews.)

Hiring workers from afar? Check out these pointers for putting together a successful hiring procedure for these prospects.

How can you avoid ghosting?

So, does this indicate you should anticipate to get ghosted by job seekers at some point? Certainly not. Here are some things you may do to lessen your chances of being ghosted:

Streamline your hiring process.

Other employers are likely pursuing your ideal candidates, so be ready to act quickly. More than a third (35%) of businesses questioned by Robert Half who claimed they'd missed out on a potential hiring in the previous year blamed the failure on taking too long to make an offer.

As a result, make it a point to interview excellent applicants as soon as possible.

Play by the Golden Rule.

Ghosting is a two-way street. It doesn't sit well with you, and it doesn't sit well with job seekers. Communicate with all job hopefuls, not just those you want to recruit, as soon as possible. Your organization will establish a reputation for being considerate and professional if you treat job searchers with respect.

Make an offer they can’t refuse.

You can't afford to take a chance on lowballing salary in this extremely competitive job environment. About a quarter (24%) of companies who claimed they missed out on a possible employee in the previous year said it was because the wage they provided fell short of the candidate's expectations.

Extend above-average remuneration right away to avoid turning off your top candidates. A welcome bonus and in-demand perks such as flexible or remote work opportunities might help sweeten the deal. About 40% of businesses that recently missed out on a new recruit stated the candidate's request for more schedule flexibility was the stumbling block in the hiring process.

Craft messages that encourage a response.

Maintain applicant interest after the interview using pleasant, convincing, and specific follow-up correspondence.

Personalize messages by expressing what you love about the candidate's skill set and how they'd be a useful addition to your team, for example. End messages with details regarding next steps, such as "I'd want to schedule a follow-up meeting for later this week to discuss the job offer and a possible start date," or "I'd like to schedule a follow-up meeting for later this week to discuss the job offer and a possible start date."

In an employment market when qualified prospects have many paths and options to explore, ghosting is a danger for companies. The key to avoiding being ghosted is to treat all job seekers honestly and respectfully, and to meet them and provide appealing proposals to them as quickly as feasible.

"Hiring is more difficult than ever, and businesses must go above and beyond to meet candidates' expectations," says Paul McDonald, senior executive director at Robert Half. "Offering flexible work arrangements as well as attractive compensation and benefits can pique job searchers' attention, and moving fast to schedule interviews and extend offers can help seal the deal."
