Review The Pikata Air Omni Lite

Review The Pikata Air Omni Lite

Review The Pikata Air Omni Lite


  • Compatible with Apple's Magic Keyboard and Smart Keyboard Folio
  • Tough aramid fiber protects from scratches and dents


  • Minimal corner protection
  • Exposed edge leaves iPad open to damage
  • No shock-absorbtion
  • No bevel around the screen
For the people who need to keep their contraptions charged and got in a rush, Pitaka carried two straightforward associates to the table — the Air Omni Lite charging station and the EZmag Case for the iPad Air and iPad Pro. 

Both of the contraptions being investigated today campaign in aramid — a very designed material used in everything from military body covering to open-air supplies like hockey sticks. By far most think about in any occasion one sort of aramid — Kevlar — which is known for being on different occasions more grounded than steel when used at tantamount burdens. 

Air Omni Lite design

The Air Omni Lite is a 6-in-1 charger proposed to be an ideal work zone or bedside stand enhancement. While not a touch of charging station utilizing all methods, its modestly clear arrangement doesn't administer wherever you put it, in light of everything. 

We got the aramid covered charging station, yet it's open in a faint material or walnut exterior too. 

There's a sharp little bureau associated with the charging station's side, which Pitaka advances as a secured strategy to cover things. We don't know whether we agree, as the front of the bureau has "PUSH" made on it. 

Regardless, we find this to be a splendid extension, as it makes a remarkable spot to store extra SD cards, free pieces of decorations you needn't bother with shaking around in your work zone, or other easily overlooked details that probably won't have a "home" yet. 

Review The Pikata Air Omni Lite

The smalls cabinet can hold minuscule things back from getting lost 

While it's an extra expense, Pitaka offers a movement case for the Air Omni Lite too, which is energetically recommendable. It's a froth shell case that keeps your Air Omni Lite and its force link together conveniently and gives extra stockpiling to extra charging links or other arranged pieces you may require. 

It is the ideal size to slip into your carry-on or stow in your gear when voyaging, while additionally keeping trash from getting into the gadget when thrown in a tech pack or rucksack. 

The discretionary travel case keeps your charging station ensured while in a hurry 

The discretionary travel case keeps your charging station ensured while in a hurry 

Charging your devices

Maybe the best thing about the Air Omni Lite is that you can charge both USB-C and Lightning gadgets with insignificant exertion. At the rear of the charging station is a catch for exchanging between a USB-C or Lightning charging connector. 

This makes it incredible for charging a wide range of gadgets, including your iPad, iPhone, Apple TV far off, Nintendo Switch, and the sky is the limit from there. It is evaluated for 18W quick charging, which is appropriate for those occasions when you need to top up your gadgets rapidly. 

That danger implies we can't suggest that this gadget be utilized in high-traffic zones where pets or little youngsters might be inclined to knocking it. Our greatest concern with respect to the Air Omni Lite is that clients could unintentionally harm their gadgets' charging ports, particularly huge gadgets like an iPad. The client manual clarifies that you should join and eliminate the gadget with a specific goal in mind to maintain a strategic distance from "human harm." 

The Air Omni Lite permits a client to use their Apple Watch accusing puck of less string mess 

The Air Omni Lite permits a client to use their Apple Watch accusing puck of less string mess 

The Air Omni Lite can charge your Apple Watch, as well, however, this accompanies a proviso — you'll need to give your own charging puck. 

Stringing the charging puck through the gadget wasn't especially fun, and it took us a tad to get the rope firmly wound. In any case, we actually appreciate that it gives your Apple Watch a helpful spot to live while not on your wrist and that it eliminates string mess. 

The charging puck can be utilized in both upstanding and level positions, and the puck can be raised by utilizing the red catch on the correct side of the charging station. 

There's a Qi-viable charging cushion at the front that permits you to keep your iPhone close by without expecting to stress over associating or separating any links. It highlights three charging curls, which gives it a huge "sweet spot," forestalling those irritating occasions when you thought your telephone was charging, just to discover it wasn't adjusted appropriately. 

There's a second Qi-viable charging spot to one side of the Apple Watch charging region. This spot can be utilized to charge AirPods, Powerbeats Pro, Galaxy Buds, or some other Qi-viable headphones. 

In the event that that wasn't sufficient, there are likewise two charging ports on the gadget — one standard 18W USB-A port and one standard 18W USB-C port, permitting you to charge an extra two gadgets all at once. 

A side perspective on the charging station, demonstrating the smalls cabinet and extra charging ports 

A side perspective on the charging station, demonstrating the smalls cabinet and extra charging ports 

All the charging highlights worked precisely as we had trusted, however, we actually have doubts about utilizing it with equipment like the iPad, as it holds tablets and other comparable gadgets upstanding by the USB-C port. We recommend that any imminent purchasers utilize their best judgment with regards to whether they can forestall harming their gadget charging ports utilizing this technique prior to buying it. 

Where to purchase: Those keen on getting the Air Omni Lite can go to Pitaka's site and obstacle one for $129, or $139 on the off chance that you decide to get the discretionary travel case. 

Rating: 4 out of 5 


Can charge different gadgets immediately 

Committed Apple Watch charging region 

Smalls stockpiling cabinet a decent touch 

Chops down string mess essentially 


Vertical docking could make harm gadgets ports 

Enormous size may not fit well into each individual arrangement 

MagEZ Case 

We likewise investigated Pitaka's MagEZ Case for the 2020 iPad Air. It's an amazingly lightweight defensive case that is intended to be utilized related to Apple's Magic Keyboard yet can be utilized all alone also. 

This case is principally intended to shield the rear of your iPad from scratches and dings, while as yet permitting you to utilize Apple's Magic Keyboard or Keyboard Folio. In this sense, it really functions admirably. 

The rear of the MagEZ case leaves a generous segment of your iPad uncovered 

The rear of the MagEZ case leaves a considerable part of your iPad uncovered 

It's not as viable in case you're anticipating utilizing your iPad independently, as not exclusively does the case come up short on any stun engrossing materials, but on the other hand, there's an enormous bit of your iPad that is totally uncovered, and corner fortifications are insignificant. There is additionally no raised lip around the screen, which means a face-down drop could be destroying the iPad's presentation. 

التحميل: اكتمل تحميل 854682 من 854682 بايت.

We would have gotten a kick out of the chance to see more corner fortification working on it 

We would have gotten a kick out of the chance to see more corner fortification looking into it 

Therefore, we don't propose anybody seek this case for genuine drop assurance. Nonetheless, in case you're searching for a Magic Keyboard-viable case to keep your iPad taking a gander at its best, this one may possess all the necessary qualities. 

Where to purchase: Should you be on the lookout for a MagEZ Case for your 2020 iPad Air or your iPad Pro, you can get one from Pitaka's site for $69.99
