This is the type of monitors you can buy for your computer that consume less electricity

This is the type of monitors you can buy for your computer that consume less electricity.

This is the type of monitors you can buy for your computer that consume less electricity

There are different types of monitors that you can buy for your computer. There are more modern ones, older ones, more efficient ones, higher costs... Making a good choice about which one to buy will be essential if what you are looking for is to save on your electricity bill. There can be noticeable differences, so we recommend spending some time carefully analyzing which one to buy. We will explain to you which type of monitor currently has the lowest consumption.

Especially if you are one of those users who sit in front of the computer for long hours a day, whether for work, study or entertainment, you may notice energy savings if you have a more efficient device. As with any device, you will find different alternatives to achieve this at the lowest possible cost.

- LED screens, the least energy consuming

In general, we can say that LED screens are the least energy efficient. They are more efficient than other types, such as LCD, OLED and older types. They achieve this by using diodes as light emitting diodes and thus lighting the screen. This requires less electricity than other options.

If we compare LED screens with LCD screens, which are the most common, we can say that the former has a lower consumption of 20-30%, for a similar type of screen. It is logical that the larger the screen, the more energy it will use. Therefore, you may have a very large LED screen that consumes more than a much smaller LCD screen.

However, there is a very important factor and that is the energy efficiency of each monitor. You will find a label with a letter. Depending on whether it consumes less or more energy, it will be different. The most efficient options are those marked A, B, C, etc. If you are going to buy a new monitor, check it carefully.

- Use it correctly

In addition to choosing a more efficient screen model, it is important to use it well. In many cases, you will find different ways. For example, the higher the brightness, the higher the consumption. It is logical. It is similar to what happens with your mobile phone screen, for example; you can lower the brightness when the battery runs out.

Power saving mode, or eco mode, is another option to help you spend less money. It reduces power consumption, although it may mean it looks a little worse. Depending on what you’re using it for, it may be interesting to note that what you’re looking for is to spend less on your electricity bill each month. Setting it up correctly may help you avoid having to turn it up to maximum.

Another factor to consider is the automatic shutdown configuration. It is important to note that when you are away from your computer, you should turn off the monitor to save money. But of course, you may forget about it or you may only go out for a few seconds, but you end up spending a lot of time outside. Setting it to shut down automatically after a reasonable amount of time is another solution.

In short, choosing the right screen to use will be essential. If you want to save as much as possible, getting an LED screen is the solution. Of course, take into account the factors we mentioned, such as the screen size, the energy efficiency label or the configuration you can give it.

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