How to sell ad space on your website

How to sell ad space on your website

Selling advertising space, represents one of the famous operations (method) allowing the monetization of its website. When you don't know it, it seems difficult and complicated. But it is not the case to realize it. In the beginning, it may seem difficult, but “once you are thrown into the water, swimming will become very easy”.

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of selling advertising space on your website through two parts; the first will be devoted to the basic notions in order to better understand what is “advertising space” as well as “advertising management and its role”? what does “the job of advertising salesperson, his role and his skills” consist of? And in the second part, we will present the foolproof methods to sell advertising space on your website. 

General: What is an advertising space?

An advertising space can be defined as a space devoted to advertising within a medium. It represents a place reserved for the diffusion of an advertisement. Its price varies according to the audience of the support and its location on this support. Advertising space can be sold directly by the medium or by an advertising agency.

An advertising agency and its role:

Definition: an advertising network represents a company that purchases advertising space for the benefit of a client. So, an advertising network is a company or a service of a company whose vocation is the marketing of spaces.

The role : the advertising network is the intermediary between the advertisers and the media whose supports it sells. So, we can say that it aims to decipher the client's brief and to propose a strategy to achieve its objective, namely a media plan.

What is the job of an advertising salesperson? His role ? And his qualities?

It consists of canvassing advertisers in order to sell them advertising space within a medium. Its role is the sale of advertising space, thus ensuring optimal visibility for its client.

Among the qualities and skills that characterize a seller of advertising space are:

Relational qualities;
The sense of negotiation and listening;
Writing skills;
Resistance to stress.
How to sell advertising space:
Who says selling advertising space, also says advertising agencies which are an excellent tool for "connecting advertisers and publishers", but you can also sell advertising space directly without using an agency. .

In this article, we invite our dear readers to discover the two main methods of selling advertising space.

But before proceeding to the presentation of these methods, it is important to cite the basics necessary to successfully sell advertising space on your website. So  what are the most crucial conditions or requirements to be ready to sell advertising space on your website  ?  The answer can be formulated as follows:

Website : you must have your own website.

Site Traffic: If there is not sufficient traffic (enough traffic) on your site daily , then no one will pay you to advertise products on your website.
“Quality” blog content : Providing interesting, quality content keeps visitors to your site from leaving immediately and coming back time after time. Businesses wanting to promote their products and services want to take advantage of the traffic that comes to their site every day.
Design and functionality: the simplicity and ease of navigation for your visitors on your website. This will increase the exposure they will have to the various ads you display on your website.

1 – Direct selling: 

Direct selling is the most flexible and profitable technique, therefore "  the most profitable " since you are in direct contact or relationship   with the advertiser, i.e. you do not have to pay commissions and the price of advertising space and therefore the negotiation is done by you and by the advertiser. It is also a good way to find advertisers who correspond to the themes of your site. There is a plan to be implemented for the realization of the sale of advertising space which can be presented as follows:

The creation of an “advertisers” or “advertising” page:  the description of your advertising offer is made on this page. It allows advertisers visiting your site to see what you offer and if they are convinced they will contact you.

Spying on your competitors:  that is to say, you have to go in search of advertisers, so visit the sites of the same theme as you, then see and check which advertisers they work with or that they chose them. Then you have the possibility to contact these advertisers because there is a big and strong opportunity that they broadcast their advertising on your site.

2 – Indirect sales: 

Do you want to avoid headaches by highlighting a direct sales method? The solution is there! you go through advertising agencies that differ on a number of points. Generally, they offer the following payment systems:

CPM (Cost Per Mille):  so the advertiser will pay you for each thousand impressions of his advertisement.
CPC (Cost Per Click):  that is to say each time a visitor clicks on the advertisement you will receive your remuneration.
CPL or  CPA : each time a visitor completes a defined action, you will be paid.
Commission : so you are paid on each sale made.
Hybrid:  as its name suggests, it is the combination of several remuneration techniques.
To conclude, it can be said that having a website is all you need to sell advertising space on your website to other businesses and that is through the simple filling of your web pages with random ads.
