Business Services You Might Not Know

 Business Services You Might Not Know

8 Types of Business Services You Might Not Know

Business services are an important aspect of doing business, and yet many companies forget about them or don’t even know they exist. Your company can benefit from business services as much as any other, which means that if you want to do well in your industry, you need to be aware of the different business services out there and what they can do for you. Here are 8 types of business services you might not know about but should definitely be considering... and here’s why.

8 Business Services That Are Actually Pretty Cool

We’re not saying that small business services are bad; in fact, they’re some of our favorite types. But every once in a while, you find one that doesn’t make sense or is just plain strange. Here are eight that we think qualify as pretty cool

9 Business Services Everyone Should Use

Some business services are under-utilized by some people. If you’re looking to get more out of your day, or if you just want to make sure you’re using all your tools properly, these nine business services might come in handy. 1. Business Services Everyone Should Use: Slicing and Dicing Marketing Data 2. Business Services Everyone Should Use: Google Adwords 3.

11 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Business Service

There are a number of questions to ask yourself when purchasing business services for your company. To ensure you’re getting what you need, consider these 11 questions before making a purchase: Are you price shopping or service shopping? Before choosing which provider to buy from, determine whether price or service is more important to you. Do you have an operating budget? Decide how much your business can afford before looking for deals. When are deadlines?

5 Reasons to Check Out Groupon First for Business Services

Groupon is a fantastic way to get more business. It’s not only a great way to find new customers; it’s also an awesome tool for finding new vendors and partners. Of course, any time you’re working with a partner you need to do your due diligence on them, but Groupon has partnered with some of the biggest names in small business services—meaning you can check that off your list before getting started!

5 Tips for Using Groupon Coupons on Business Services

Groupon is becoming an increasingly popular coupon site for individuals, but did you know that Groupon Coupons can be used on Business Services? In fact, Groupon has developed a few special features to help business owners save even more money. Here are some tips to help you make your next Groupon purchase a smart one.

3 Ways to Decide Which Business Service Is Right for You

Business services can be broken down into three broad categories: business advisory, consulting and implementation. The best way to determine which type is right for you is to consider your expertise. Do you have domain knowledge in a specific area that can help your clients? You might be able to provide consulting services if you’re a construction contractor or tax professional. 

Perhaps you know how to run an efficient team or improve organizational processes. If so, maybe business advisory or implementation services would work better for you.

4 Steps Before Hiring A Temporary Worker

Before you hire a temporary worker, there are some key steps you should follow. Firstly, it’s important to know what your company needs. Do you need additional labor for just a few days or for an extended period? Are you looking for contract employees or an employee to fill in as needed? Do you have certain tasks that need to be completed? Make sure you have clear answers to these questions before approaching recruiters with your requests.

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of a Pro Bono Lawyer

A pro bono lawyer is a private individual or attorney who agrees to provide legal assistance to clients on a pro bono basis (Latin for for good). Pro bono services are generally offered in non-criminal cases, such as family law and personal injury cases. To get the most out of your pro bono lawyer, here are 5 tips to remember
