Explanation of adding the 'Section' box The planning of blogger

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Explanation of adding the 'Section' box The planning of blogger

templates has always carved the section box into the layout, as it is where we add tools, for example, we need the box to show Google Adsense ads, and we also need it to show the slide what for example before displaying topics, or we display the box displaying articles by label some new topics box, and of course the designer may not give you a box to add a tool, so I saw that the method of adding the box is very simple and must be explained.

first, focus with me, in each template we have many sections, we find Header, which is the top, Sidebar, which is the side penalty, and content, which is the large space in which the posts are located, and we have the footer, which is the last thing.

So you can add the new box on top of any one of these means as you wish, and I take the header as an example in this lesson.

If you want it under the header, follow the following code header/ and if you want it above it, you take the following code header

, I will go to the template and then look for the header tag /

then here if I want to put a box on top of the header, I will put the code that we will explain above it, and if I want it under it, we will put it under the header of course, and I as an example will put it under the header, and then put the following code directly under it:

<b:section id="New"></b:section>

Then in the place of New, put any name you want for the new box, and then click Save Template.

After this adjustment I will go to the layout, and I will find that a new box has been added, and congratulations to you.

Note: The box is not always placed under the header, only that was an example, you What you do is preview the layout

, right-click with the mouse, then inspect and see the name of the box, then search for it in the template and you must put it in the appropriate place in the html codes, then you save the appearance and the box will appear in the place you wanted from the layout

Note the explanation is transferred
