Best Vim plugins to streamline your process

Best Vim plugins to streamline your process

Best Vim plugins to streamline your process

Installing top-rated Vim plugins for Linux will increase your productivity and expand Vim's functionality.

Vim is a popular terminal editor for Linux, and also works on Unix, Windows, and macOS, like many other Linux programs.

Vim's high degree of customization and expansion across plugins are among many great qualities. Your productivity on Linux will increase dramatically after you find the right plugins for your workflow.

Here are the top 12 Vim plugins for Linux to improve your productivity.


A file exploration plugin called NERDTree enables you to see the structure of your project right inside the Vim editor. You can also use it to open files for editing and exploration through complex folder hierarchies. NERDTree can be installed manually or using your favorite Vim plugin management.

After installation, NERDTree can be accessed using the Vim command: NERDTree.

Download: NERDTree

Emmett Fem

The best plugins A powerful and adaptable plugin for completing code is Emmet-vim. It mainly targets web developers who use HTML and CSS. Emmet offers greater customization and flexibility than traditional code snippets.

For example, with emmet, you can quickly create three HTML links by typing li*3 and pressing Ctrl + Y, followed by (comma), and emmet will generate the code for you. Emmet can also be accessed by other code editors, including Atom, VS Code, and others.

Download: Emmet-vim


Best Plugins If you use the Git version control system in your workflow, vim-git gutter is a great tool. By viewing all the changes you've made in your remote repository, this plugin makes it easy for you to keep track of your code. For example, it draws attention to newly added, changed, or deleted files.

You can also use the vim-signify plugin if you work with other version control software like Bazaar, Mercurial, Subversion, Darcs, etc.

In addition, you can organize, preview, and undo code changes in your repository using Git operations. Additional capabilities offered by Vim-Git Gutter include partial clip grading, optional font highlighting, and more.

Download: vim-gitgutter

Comment. Vim

Extras: This great plugin makes it easy to comment and uncomment in Vim. Even for beginners, comment. vim is incredibly easy to use and only has a small number of commands.

The most important thing is GCC, which removes a single line of code from the code. When in visual mode, you can comment on a full selection using the GC command.

Download: commentary.vim

Vim Air

Vim-flight plugins display a great status bar at the bottom instead of the default Vim bar. You can find information such as file type, file format, current cursor position, and more in the many statusline sections. The characteristic colors of different parts serve as a useful signal.

You can easily modify and customize the functions, colors, and theme of the plugin. The small, tried and true, vim-flight plugin works fine with other plugins like Fugitive, Climb, Flog, etc.

Download: vim-flight


Plugins The fzf (Mysterious Finder) plugin is just a cover for a general-purpose command-line finder. It consists of some commands that everyone who uses Vim may get used to, regardless of skill level.

The plugin is very compact, lightning-fast and simple to set up. The official fzf GitHub page has excellent instructions on using the plugin.

Download: fzf

Fast evaporating

Extensions One of the most important Vim extensions for Git integration is Fugitive. The game's authors thought it was so cool that it must be against the law, hence the name Fugitive.

The Fugitive syntax is very similar to the Git format, and it works more like a Git command wrapper. Simply add a prefix: Git to your commands to perform any Git tasks. Use Git commit commands or Git diff in Vim, for example, to compare multiple commands or branches.

In addition, the plugin has some special commands for more complex tasks, such as Gedit, which allows you to inspect any commit, tree or tag in the repository, delete it, allowing you to execute the git rm command in the currently open mode file. You can use GMove, which is similar to the Git git mv command, to transfer a file.

to download: Fugitive

Asynchronous Lint Motor (ALE)

Plugins A code analysis and inspection tool known as an ALE plugin, or asynchronous Lint engine, displays warnings and errors as you make changes to your code.

Using the command: ALEFixSuggest, ALE makes quick recommendations for code repair as well as scanning. In addition, it has code autocompletion. Even better, you can use the command: ALEHover to hover over an icon to view more information about it.

The majority of ALE documentation can be accessed using the command: help. For example, you can type run: help ale-hover to get help with the scrolling feature.

ALE supports many programming and scripting languages, including C#, Bash, Ansible, Chef, SQL, JavaScript, YAML, TypeScript, C, LaTeX, etc.

Download: ALE


Plugins Microsoft has created the C# programming language, which can only be used with Windows. In modern times, Linux, Windows, and macOS support C#. And it doesn't end there. Vim also allows you to write C# code.

You can easily write C# code in Vim with the help of the OmniSharp-vim plugin. It provides IntelliSense software for code, code completion, and other capabilities required to make writing C# code in Vim as fun as possible. It also supports other great features like unit test runner, syntax highlighting, code formatting, and code refactoring.

Download: OmniSharp-vim

Takes. Vim

Ambient plugins. The vim plugin, as its name suggests, is all about attaching a block of text or code to another character, especially parentheses, parentheses, quotes, etc. The plugin uses very basic commands to achieve its goal.

to download: Surround. Himma

It's nice

Extensions Using the Tab key on your keyboard, Supertab helps you complete the insertion. Even better, you can easily customize it to meet your needs because it's easy to set up.

To get help with the plugin, execute the vim:help superb command. The plugin can be installed using any of your favorite plugin managers or Vim's built-in plugin support.

Download: Supertab


Plugins The primary objective of this plugin is to speed up the coding process by offering snippets similar to those offered by the TextMate text editor. For example, if you want to write a for loop in a C-based programming language, type "for" and press the Tab key. This will generate the following code for you:

With SnipMate, you can also quickly add your own unique custom snippets to your favorite programming language.

Download: SnipMate

Using extensions to modify Vim to your
preferences not only expand extensions and provides new features for Vim, but also greatly increases productivity and workflow. You get access to thousands of Vim plugins, and you can find and install components that fit your workflow at no cost.

If Vim's default UI doesn't excite you, you can use the . vimrc to modify the customization options included in the editor.
