Best Practices for Adding Featured Posts in WordPress

Best Practices for Adding Featured Posts in WordPress

Best Practices for Adding Featured Posts in WordPress

Best Practices for WordPress Featured Posts Plugin
WordPress is a popular content management system ( CMS ) that allows users to create and manage a website or blog. One of the features of WordPress is the ability to add featured posts. Featured posts are a great way to highlight specific content on your site.

There are a few things to keep in mind when adding featured posts to your WordPress site. First, make sure the post you’re featuring is high-quality and relevant to your site. Second, make sure the featured post is well-designed and visually appealing. Finally, make sure you promote your featured post on social media and other channels.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your featured posts are effective and add value to your WordPress site.

Here are some tips for adding featured posts to your WordPress blog:

  1. Choose an attention-grabbing image for your featured post.

  2. Make sure the featured post is well-written and informative.

  3. Use keywords in your featured post title to help it rank higher in search engines.

  4. Promote your featured post on social media.

  5. Add an excerpt from your featured post to your blog's homepage.

  6. Include a link to your featured post in your blog's RSS feed.

  7. Monitor your featured post's page views and comments to gauge its success.

Here are some tips for adding featured posts to your WordPress blog:
Assuming you want tips on adding featured posts in general:

Here are some tips for adding featured posts to your WordPress blog:

1) Choose an eye-catching, featured image.
This is the first thing visitors see when they come across your post, so make sure it’s something that grabs their attention and makes them want to read more. A beautiful landscape photo, an interesting close-up, or an action shot are all good choices. Avoid using dull or generic images, as they won’t do anything to make your post stand out.

2) Keep your featured post short and sweet.
Readers likely have short attention spans, so don’t make them scroll through a long, drawn-out post. Get to the point quickly and leave out any unnecessary fluff.

3) Highlight the most important parts.
Use bold or italic text to draw attention to the main points of your featured post. This will help ensure that readers don’t miss anything important.

4) Featured posts that are timely and relevant.
Try to choose posts that are timely and relevant to what is happening in the world right now. This will help ensure that your post is seen by as many people as possible.

5) Use external links sparingly.
If you must use external links in your post, make sure to use them sparingly. Having too many links can lead to takedowns and make your post look spammy.

Following these tips will help you create great posts that are more likely to grab attention and get noticed. So take some time to experiment and see what works best for you and your blog.

  1. Choose an eye-catching image for your featured post.
    The first step to adding a featured post to your WordPress site is to choose an eye-catching image. This image will be the first thing visitors see when they come to your site, so it’s important to make sure it’s something that grabs their attention and makes them want to learn more about your featured post.

There are a few different ways you can choose an eye-catching image for your featured post. One option is to choose an image that is relevant to the topic of your post. For example, if you’re featuring a post about a new recipe you’ve been trying, you might choose a photo of the finished dish. Another option is to choose a visually appealing image, such as a close-up of a flower or a beautiful landscape. Whichever option you choose, make sure the image is high-quality and large enough for your site visitors to see easily.

Once you’ve chosen an image for your featured post, the next step is to add it to your WordPress site. To do this, open the post you want to feature and click the “Add Media” button. This will open the WordPress Media Library, where you can upload your featured image. Once the image is uploaded, you can add it to your post by clicking the “Insert to Post” button.

After you’ve added your featured image to your post, you can then add a title and a short description for the post. Make sure to include a link to the full post so visitors can read it if they’re interested. Once everything is added, you can then publish your post and start promoting it on your WordPress site.

  1. Make sure your featured post is well-written and informative.
    When it comes to adding a featured post to your WordPress site, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure it’s well-written and informative. After all, the purpose of featuring a post is to draw attention to it and encourage readers to check it out. With that in mind, here are some tips for writing a great featured post:

  2. Keep it focused.

When writing a feature post, it’s important to focus on one topic. Trying to cover too much ground will only make the post seem scattered and confusing. If you can, try to focus on one particular aspect of your topic and really flesh it out. This will make the reading more cohesive and interesting.

  1. Make it readable.

Just because a post appears on your WordPress site doesn’t mean it can get away with being poorly written. In fact, a featured post should be more well-written than your average blog post. Pay attention to things like sentence structure, grammar, and overall readability. Breaking up text with subheadings can also help make it more readable.

  1. Add value.

Your featured post should add value to your readers’ lives in some way. Whether it’s providing useful information, offering insightful perspective, or just entertaining, it should offer something that readers will find useful. If your post doesn’t offer anything of value, it’s unlikely to hold your readers’ attention for long.

  1. Promote it somewhere else.

In addition to displaying your post on your WordPress site, promoting it elsewhere can also help get attention. Share it on social media, include it in your newsletter, or reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to check it out. The more exposure your post gets, the more likely it is to be successful.

By following these tips, you can write a great featured post that grabs readers' attention and keeps them coming back for more.

  1. Use keywords in your featured post title to help it rank higher in search engines.
    When you add a featured post to your WordPress site, you want to make sure it stands out and is easy for your readers to find. One way to do this is to use keywords in your featured post title. This will help your post rank higher in search engines, making it more likely that readers will find it.

Here are some tips for using keywords in your featured post title:

  1. Choose keywords that are relevant to your topic.

Your keywords should be relevant to the topic of your featured post. This will help ensure that your post is found by readers who are interested in what you have to say.

  1. Use popular keywords.

Choose keywords that people searching for information on your topic frequently use. This will help ensure that your post is found by as many people as possible.

  1. Use keywords in your title.

Don't use your keywords once in your title. Use them multiple times to make sure they get noticed by search engines.

  1. Keep your keywords focused.

Don’t try to stuff too many keywords into your title. This will make your post look spammy and will turn off readers. Pick a few keywords and use them in your title.

  1. Make your title readable.

While you want to use keywords in your title, you don’t want to sacrifice readability. Write a title that sounds natural and is easy to read. Avoid using too many keywords or making the title look awkward.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your featured post is found by readers interested in what you have to say.

  1. Promote your featured post on social media.
    When you’re putting up a post on WordPress, it’s also important to promote it on social media. This will help increase its reach and visibility. Here are some tips for promoting your featured post on social media:

  2. Share the post on your personal social media accounts.

When you post on your personal social media accounts, you are reaching out to your network of followers. This can help increase the visibility of your post and get more people to read it.

  1. Share the post on relevant social media groups.

There are likely social media groups that are relevant to the topic of your featured post. Share the post in these groups to expose it to a new audience.

  1. Use social media advertising.

Social media ads are a great way to reach a larger audience with your featured post. You can target your ads to people who are interested in the topic of your message.

  1. Use hashtags.

Hashtags are an easy way to get your post in front of more people. When you use relevant hashtags, people who search for the hashtag will see your post.

  1. Ask people to share your post.

Another way to increase the reach of your post is to ask people to share it. You can do this by tagging people in your post or sending a personal message to people you think would be interested in reading it.

By taking these steps, you can promote your featured post on social media and reach a wider audience.

  1. Add an excerpt from your featured post to your blog’s homepage.
    When you have a featured post on your WordPress blog, you may want to add an excerpt from the post to your homepage. This can be a great way to get more exposure for your featured post and give readers a glimpse into what the post is about. Here are some tips for adding excerpts from your featured post to your homepage:

  2. Determine where you want the snippet to appear on your homepage. You might want to place it in the main content area, in a sidebar, or in a section dedicated to featured content.

  3. Write a compelling excerpt that will entice readers to click through to read the full post. Make sure to include the post title in the excerpt so readers know what to click on.

  4. Include a link to the full post in the excerpt. This can be done by using the WordPress “More” tag or by adding a link manually.

  5. Consider adding an image to your excerpt. This can help make your excerpt more visually appealing and can help readers identify which post it's being featured in.

  6. If you are using the sidebar widget to display the snippet, make sure to configure the widget to only display the snippet on your home page. This will prevent the snippet from appearing on other pages of your blog.

  7. Include a link to your featured post in your blog’s RSS feed.
    If you want your featured post to be seen by as many people as possible, it’s important to include a link to it in your blog’s RSS feed. By doing this, you’re giving your featured post a boost in visibility, as anyone who subscribes to your RSS feed will see it.

There are several different ways you can go about adding a link to your featured post in your RSS feed. One way is to include the URL of your featured post in the RSS feed itself. If you’re using WordPress, you can do this by going to the “Settings” section of your dashboard, then selecting the “Posts” tab. From here, you’ll see an option to include a “Post URL” in your RSS feed. Simply check this box, then save your changes.

Another way to include a link to your featured post in your RSS feed is to use a plugin like Featured Images Fast Last. This plugin will automatically add a link to your featured post in your RSS feed, so you don’t have to do anything manually.

Whichever method you choose, just make sure to include a link to your featured post in your RSS feed. By doing so, you give it a much better chance of being seen by a wider audience.

WordPress is a great content management system for managing your website posts. When it comes to adding new content, there are some best practices to follow to ensure your content is formatted properly and appears as intended on your website.

When adding a new WordPress post, make sure to:

  • Create an engaging title that accurately reflects the content of your article.

  • Use correct grammar and spelling.

  • Include images or videos to break up text and add visual interest.

  • Use helpful formatting features, such as headings and lists, to organize your content.

  • Proofread your content before publishing it.

By following these simple best practices, you can ensure that your new WordPress posts will be displayed in the best possible light on your website.

Want to improve WordPress with featured posts? If your website has a lot of posts, you may have noticed that visitors have a hard time finding the most important information. This reduces the user experience and has a negative impact on traffic to certain pages.

The answer could be adding a featured posts section to your WordPress site. By placing it in a specific area or widget, this feature makes it easier for users to find the most important content. It can highlight important news stories, important blog posts, or any other information you specify.

Adding a featured posts area to your WordPress site could be the solution. By inserting it into a specific area or widget, this feature makes it easier for users to find the most important content. It can highlight important news stories, important blog posts, or any other information you specify.

With the help of the plugin, you can add featured posts to WordPress; alternatively, you can use menus to bring them to the sidebar, or you can add a menu widget to the sidebar.

In this article, we’ll explain what featured posts are and why you should include them on your website. Additionally, we’ll explain a number of ways to add featured posts in WordPress. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Why is it necessary to include featured posts?

Featured posts are typically the foundational content of your website. These posts give customers a feature as well as provide a brief overview of your website and how it will help users find the best answer.

You want readers of these posts to discover something new about you and your offerings. It makes sense that you want to attract more users to this specific topic.

This is the main reason why you need to have a featured content section for your WordPress site. This increases traffic to these specific pieces and makes the purpose of your website clear to visitors.

On the sidebars of their websites, users often list newsletter subscriptions, advertisements, and social media links. From a usability standpoint, this makes sense because people can explore these alternatives to their preferences.

Should I add a featured posts section to the sidebar?

As a result, dedicating a section in your sidebar to your featured posts is smart and effective. More people are likely to visit these important posts as a result. Additionally, it helps in automatic discovery of the greatest content by your users.

MyThemeShop blog page , which displays featured content in the sidebar, is an excellent illustration. On the website, this sidebar widget can be seen in every article.

To increase traffic and user engagement, let's examine how to add featured posts to WordPress.

What is the process of adding featured posts in WordPress?

The many ways you can add featured posts in WordPress are highlighted below.
So without further ado, let’s get started.

Without Plugin, Add Featured Posts to WordPress Sidebar
With this straightforward technique, you can add featured content to your website without installing any plugins.

To add a menu widget to your WordPress sidebar using drag and drop, go to Appearance > Widgets from your WordPress dashboard, as shown below.

This tool comes with a visual editor and some formatting controls. You can include the titles of the posts you want to highlight as a bulleted list.

Select the post title and click the link button to add a link to the blog post, as shown below, to include your featured posts as menu items.

To save your changes as you make them, click the Update button. You can now check your featured posts in action by going to your website.

Using Menus, Add Featured Posts to Your WordPress Sidebar

Although it will take more work, this strategy will give you more control over your content. We will create a navigation menu to add to the sidebar instead of producing a menu.

Using this method, you can reorganize the menu using the drag and drop interface and add new posts without changing the widget. Plus, you won’t have to create a new menu every time you want to use your website menu.

To do this, access your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Menus. Then select the tab called “Create New Menu”.

The next step is to give your menu a name so that you can quickly identify it anytime you want to add it to your website. After adding the name, select the Create Menu button as shown below.

You will now have a brand new blank list created by WordPress. Now select the posts you want to feature by clicking on the Posts tab. As shown below, select the “Add to List” button.

You can update your posts by clicking on each title when it appears in the right column. You can also drag them up or down to change their position. After making the necessary changes, select the Save List option.

This menu should now be added to your page. To do this, use your WordPress dashboard to go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag and drop the navigation menu widget by selecting the “+” sign.

You will have two fields after dragging the navigation menu widget to the sidebar: Title and Menu Selection.

The Select List box contains the Featured Posts list you created earlier. Enter the visitors' real address in the Address field. When you're done, use the Update button to save your changes.

You can visit our site to see the newly updated list of featured posts.

Add block-based featured posts

Maybe you don’t want your featured content to appear in the sidebar. If yes, you can also add the featured section directly to your posts and pages.

The built-in Gutenberg block editor in WordPress can be used to accomplish this.

Edit the post or page in WordPress where you want your featured content to appear. Add the menu block as shown below by clicking on the Add New Block (+) button at the top of the post edit screen.

You must add the title of each post to the list as an item if you want it to be highlighted. To create a link to the article, select the text first, then click the link button in the toolbar.

Save your changes when you're done, then edit or publish the post. Your featured post list is now complete and ready to use. Adding a featured post list to WordPress can be done using one of the easiest methods.

Quick Info

The ability to save a block as a reusable block and add it to any posts or pages you like is a great feature of the block editor.

All you have to do is select Add to Reusable Blocks by clicking the three-dot menu button. Give your block a name, then save it. You can use this block elsewhere on your WordPress site once it’s complete.

Using the plugin, add featured posts.

If you want a more aesthetically pleasing list of featured posts, you can install a WordPress plugin instead . The Display Posts plugin , which uses shortcodes to add featured posts to WordPress, is one of many plugins available.

Start by going to Plugins > Add New Section from your WordPress dashboard and install and activate the Display Posts plugin. Install and activate the plugin as shown below using the search box to search for it.

It is possible to edit a page, post, or text widget by following the instructions below. When you add the code, you will only see the code placeholder in the editor. However, once your page is published, you will see the shortcode results.

To add the shortcode block, select the “+” icon on the post edit page. Add the shortcode [ display-posts ] as shown below. Once done, publish or edit your post or page.

To view featured posts in action, go to your site.
