Imagine winning it Microsoft is offering a million dollars as a gift if you use these applications

Microsoft just launched one of the craziest giveaways you’ll ever encounter. It’s the “Microsoft Rewards Ultimate Giveaway Sweepstakes,” a sweepstakes where the winner will win a $1 million prize just for using the company’s apps.
The giveaway is part of Microsoft Rewards , a points program that rewards us for performing certain activities, such as using the Bing browser, setting Microsoft Edge as the default browser, subscribing to Xbox Game Pass, playing mini web games or making purchases on the Microsoft Store, among many other simple tasks.
Now comes the bad part, if you live in an Arab country, for example, you will not be able to participate. Unfortunately, this contest will be limited to users from the United States, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Canada.
I understand that some of my readers come from the US or the countries mentioned above, so this huge giveaway might be of interest to you. To participate, simply register on the official Microsoft Rewards Ultimate Givaway Sweepstakes website . You can also find the rules of participation on this other Microsoft page .
Those interested can register for the raffle until December 31st as a deadline. The raffle conditions are very generous, and once registered we will get 5 participation tickets. The maximum is set at 200 tickets, which can be obtained relatively easily, with most everyday actions such as configuring a Windows 10 backup (0 tickets), or installing the Microsoft Rewards extension (5 tickets).
All you have to do is change your browsing habits, put Google search engine and other apps like Chrome, Firefox or Opera aside for a while and choose Microsoft Edge and Bing for a few months.
- Read also: Earn money just by using the Bing search engine for a few minutes every day.. Microsoft gives you dollars every month