Numbers and letters that do amazing things when you watch videos on YouTube that you should know

There is no doubt that YouTube is the social network that has become a part of our lives in the last decade. In fact, it is the most used search engine by everyone after the giant Google search engine.
YouTube is full of secrets in addition to many other services it provides. There are many tricks that you can apply while watching any video without using the mouse every time, through keyboard shortcuts , and I am sure that you are aware of one or two of them, as we will get to know all of these shortcuts, which are useful and at the same time serve the same purpose.
1- The j key takes you back 10 seconds
2- The L key takes you forward 10 seconds
3- The K key to stop and play the video
4- The keys from 1 to 9 allow you to skip a few percentages in the video bar. Pressing 1 takes you 10%. Pressing 2 takes you 20%, etc.
5- The 0 key takes you to the beginning of the video.
You can use these shortcuts on Windows, Mac, Linux via Chrome, Firefox, Edge browsers, and they also work on YouTube videos on websites , as they are an integral part.