The world is shaking, the Institute of Astronomy reveals areas in Egypt prone to earthquakes.

The world is shaking, the Institute of Astronomy reveals areas in Egypt prone to earthquakes.

Dr. Gad El-Kady, Director of the National Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, identified areas of high activity and areas prone to earthquakes under the name "Egyptian Seismic Activity". The world is witnessing now.

This is linked to the recent earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Egypt, Tajikistan, Kurdistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, China, Indonesia and Iran. , Italy, United States, California, Alaska, Philippines, Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Pacific Northeast.

Al-Qadi said that the scientific symposium entitled "The earthquake of Turkey and Syria and comprehensive views on Egypt and the Middle East" was held by the Syndicate of Scientific Experts on Saturday at the syndicate's headquarters in Nasr City. These sites were east of Cairo or southwest of Cairo and were far from urban space.

He continued: "The media and social media circulated about the earthquake, especially since the situation is very encouraging, made everyone think that there are only earthquakes, stressing that there are many other problems besides earthquakes."

Al-Qadi stressed that there are guidelines on earthquake risks and urged all citizens to review them to send messages honestly and professionally in all societies to know the reality.

The director of the National Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics pointed out that the subsidence of the Alexandria Corniche and Salloum had nothing to do with the tsunami.

The judge stressed that seismic activity within the Egypt is within normal limits and that there has been no deviation from normal rates over the past few years, and there is no need to cause panic or disorder among the public.

He knows that Egypt is not far from the seismic zone and this does not mean underestimation or panic, but honesty in providing information makes everyone a responsible partner.

The judge said in a previous press statement via Zoom that there are other seismic zones in the Egypt. This includes the Gulf of Suez, Aqaba, the Red Sea and parts of the Mediterranean to the west. In addition to some of Egypt's internal activities, Turkey and South Italy, the most felt areas of many of its citizens in Greater Cairo and North Egypt.

The National Astronomical Institute announced yesterday morning that a station in the institute's national seismological network recorded an earthquake 27 kilometers north of Suez Governorate and no tremors or losses were reported.

The institute has issued safety guidelines that citizens must follow when an earthquake strikes:

- Stay away from loose objects such as cabinets, shelves, windows, and sit or hide under a table or a large sofa.

- At the moment of an earthquake, wherever you are, do not panic and act calmly and rationally.

- Extinguishing electricity and gas.

- If you drive when an earthquake strikes, you should stop immediately.

- Do not park your vehicle under bridges or high voltage lines.

The National Seismological Network observatories of the National Astronomical Institute recorded more than 50 tangible earthquakes last year, in addition to more than 1,000 tangible and imperceptible earthquakes within Egyptian territory.
